Powers and deal between old friends |||C7

///_POV RAY_\\\

I was currently treading through a dimension without color, the only thing here was the ground, I, and infinite bleakness



The, to me already familiar, ticking sound of a clock resounds here, echoing into the gray, black, and white toned world.

The creepy smile from gaining multiple unique skills and a Demonlord seed still adorning my face.



Just now I'm contemplating how I even evolved, after all the thing I absorbed was only a small part of Milim's stardust magic, to be specific a spell called Drago nova that utilizes a large number of stardust magicules.

But it also makes sense, my magicule reserves were already pretty big with all the demons I absorbed and Stardust magic is like normal magic only way, way stronger. Even Milim isn't able to handle it without losing control so, in the end, it makes sense how I evolved by absorbing only one spell.



I stand still, taking in the abstract beauty of this dimension created by the unique skill [Timeline manipulation].

It does what its name implies, manipulating Timelines, one of the strongest skills I ever got, at least in the survival and movement category.

It allows me to enter different Timelines and exit them at the corresponding point to my timeline. Let's take this timeline I'm currently in for example, here Time never began to flow and the only thing remaining is this barren planet. When I leave this timeline no time went by, but I exit at a different location from where I previously was, basically instantaneous travel with extra steps.



I can also bring people and objects from different timelines into mine, but I can only connect two other timelines with mine, and the more objects I bring over the more expensive summoning even more gets.

Overall [Timeline Manipulation] got me an easy fast travel/teleportation method that can be used to irritate enemies and a way to clone myself two times or steal things that shouldn't exist from other timelines.



This unique skill does only have two weaknesses, the first one being the high cost to enter and exit other timelines, plus the high cost of summoning things from other timelines, the second weakness is encountering possible dangers when summoning things from other Timelines, like being catfished by another version of myself.



The second skill I got from my evolution, which is called [Greater Temporal Magic] has following effects:

First of all, everything the timeclock does, I can do now too. So I can stop the worlds time, the time of magicule poor objects and living beings if I touch them BUT now I can even stop the time of living beings and magicule rich objects as long as I supply enough magicules myself, if for example, a monster with ten units of magic engages in combat with me I can spend ten magic units from myself to stop its time.



Overall though my race change buffed all of my previously acquired time related skills too.

[Temporal Awareness] got a huge cost reduction and if I concentrate really hard I'm able to see a full minute into the future.

[Weaver of time] got more flexible, meaning I can use the strings more freely to create complicated objects and was made compatible with [Timeline manipulation], so now it can create strings with the ability to drag objects into other timelines.



There were also some changes due to my new race, 'Blind Ape of truth'. For one all of the demonic features disappeared as well as the demonic magicules I absorbed, a bummer but overall very good for me because all influences the demonic magicules had on my mind disappeared too.

The next changes brought by my new race are a few strands of white hair appearing in my hair and my face getting more beautiful. The most important change though is the one in my eyes.

My eyesight got bad, horrendous even, it's so weak that I need to use the unique skill [Temporal Awareness] or [Magic Sense] to see anything.

My black pupils also took on the form of black and white clock-like structures just like that one anime girl in the black and red gothic dress with a similar pupil in one of her eyes.

I also got biological immortality because I transformed into a spiritual lifeform based on energy, instead of weak flesh.



I finally arrived at the place where Yuji and Cynus should be situated.

I use [Timeline Manipulation] and try to exit the dimension I'm in but something stops me in my tracks.

A hand reaches me from behind, alarming me instantly, but somehow I can't use any of my skills, neither [Timeline manipulation], nor [Weaver of time]. Now that I think about it, isn't my stature smaller?

I glance at the one who touched me and finally everything clicks, I'm in the body of a child, and the one that caused it was... me.

Well another version of myself, that has access to skills I don't know anything about.

"What do you want?!" I hiss with anger, my childish voice counteracting the way I spoke.

"My My, an angry one aren't we? I'm here to help you, you see it's really common for our folk to wander these parts without thinking about what could potentially happen to them. You should try to use [Timeline Manipulation] way more carefully, and only walk through collapsing dimensions, so no other Ray and you cross paths on accidents, I've already lost many friends because they weren't careful in the parallel timelines they used to travel."

I look at my future version dumbfounded, "What do you mean with 'collapsing dimensions?"

He had no reason to lie and could've killed me multiple times already so better to get info out of him instead of antagonizing him.

"Simple, a timeline that allows only one Ray to open it at a time, you can open a rift there by using [Timeline Manipulation] and then concentrating on a Timeline that's only a few years from well collapsing. I can't tell you the specifics of why it works but basically only you will be able to open a rift to that timeline, and people like me won't be able to encounter you."

"Well then, thanks for the advice I'll be going then. Can you make me like before please.." I said while conveying the message that I don't want to be here anymore to myself.

"Wait for just a second, I have a question for you. Do you want to become a demon lord?"