
[A/N: First off, if you don't know how to pronounce R'lyeh (Don't worry nobody knows how to) then just say it as 'Relay' they're pretty close after all.

Secondly, all the changes because of the rewrite:

1. Instead of gaining an ultimate skill, Mc simply got all of his unique skills, and the ones he already had before the evolution got powered up because of his race change.

2. It wasn't his plan to become a demon lord but Ray#2 forced Ray#1 with the promise that it would benefit Ray#1 later on.

3. Instead of getting a demon lord seed he got a seed of an anomaly which will be explained at a later date but it's basically a demon lord seed.

4. Mc kept his time watch, but other versions of the Mc still trade with them just that he didn't spend it on something useless.

Btw If you're asking yourselves how op Ray's former civilization was then just imagine WH40K Imperium without the warp and Wah powers and without genetic emperor advancements, and as a Republic instead of an Empire.

That was all, and as always enjoy the chapter and help me by commenting on my failures, so I can correct them]

"So can you regenerate on your own or do you need help?" Yuji asked as he jumped down from the beam.

"I can heal from this, but help would be welcome" the torn and half destroyed body of Blanc answered, she would need an hour to completely heal her new fleshy body without a healing potion.

"Here you go. Boss do you need healing too."

"Nah, I'm okay"

Ray said coming out from another rift holding a set of papers in his hands.

"What's that, I sense the energy of my kin coming from those papers," Blanc said, just now remembering that Yuji released the same energy.

"Well, you'll see soon enough," Ray said throwing the sheets in front of the regenerating Blanc.

She quickly glanced at all the papers, reading them with her superhuman brain in mere moments.

"A contract?"

"Well there aren't any other good ways to ensure some form of loyally, conditioning doesn't work because your too old, and maybe naming you would make you more loyal, but that would be total suicide.

So I decided to show my strength and then make you sign those contracts made with demonic magic."

"But you know that even though magic is inscribed on those papers, they couldn't harm me even in the slightest if I broke them."

"Yeah they're just there in case you are of lawful evil alignment and as a warning mechanism, you see they'll turn into Ash if somebody that signed with their name on this paper breaks the contract."

"Okay now my last question, on the contract, 'your city', so Ray's city if that is your name, gets mentioned frequently, I want to know its name and number of inhabitants before signing the contract."

"For your first question, I simply never found the need to name the city, but you're right it should get one soon enough. Your second question will be answered by Yuji."

"The Dukes city has a population of circa 100.000, about 20.000 scientists, the rest adventurers, mercenaries, normal workers, farmers, etc."

"Now then do we have a deal."

"Good, but I want one additional clause added to the contract, I want the right to challenge you once a month and if I win you'll become my servant instead."

"Make it once a year."


"I accept your deal"











Three months passed after Blanc was made part of Ray's little group. She didn't challenge Ray even once during this time, making Ray pretty alert, he already reached a bottleneck a year or so ago, and the only way to become stronger at this point was by using special weapons or armor, or the permanent solution, evolving or awakening his anomaly seed.

And he is to fight a primordial demon, that only started to adjust to her new body, add to that her excellent military experience that is still far away from Ray's but she's many times better than any other commander currently alive, so she could become a big threat in the future.

The emperor also made his move, claiming all of the territories of the nobles, including the territory of the rebelling vassal state. He of course didn't take it as his own, no that could risk a rebellion of the Nobles that lived through the purge, he gave all the land of multiple nobles to a certain blue haired lady.

Yes, you guessed right, the emperor gave the position of a Duke to Velgrynd, though considering her personality she won't waste her time with other nobles or attend any nobility meetings.

It's funny isn't it, the empire for the first time in existence has two dukes, and both couldn't care less to show themselves to others.

Anyways putting that aside, for now, today is the day Ray's city will be named and he wanted to show up personally.

After Ray finished cleaning himself in one of his mansions, he got when he became archduke, he used [Timeline Manipulation] to teleported into the city hall, a large clocktower, with steampunk and magitech elements built into it. It towers above all other buildings in the city with a for this age massive three hundred and sixty meters.

The tower is built erratically and defies most physics of Ray's previous world, only due to the magic tech used to build the clocktower, does it stand.


Ray appears inside his office and looks at the person sitting in his chair.

"What do you want here?"

"I want permission for something," Blanc said, her feet on Ray's office desk while sitting on his comfy leather chair.

"Permission? For what?"

"To summon my kin," Blanc said, her contract stated that she wasn't allowed to summon any form of demon unless she asks for permission first or it's an emergency, something like Cynus being cornered by demon lords.

"You can summon Moss but any more than that will be killed on the spot."

Blanc raises an eyebrow "Who?"

Ray facepalmed 'How could I forget that he was only named after he got a body from Rimuru, goddamnit, the small errors are the worst kind.'

"He's 8.000 years old, a demon duke if I've understood you demons correctly, and takes on the form of a youth or Shota with gray hair."

"And may I ask how you know him or why you called him Moss just now."

"I have my ways, anyways summon him and refer to him as Moss if you talk about him, but don't name him."

"Of course"

"Ah yes, now that you're here wear this and come down with me, the city gets its name today and you as my political advisor shouldn't miss"

Ray takes a military uniform from one of his many cabinets and throws it at blanc, who's his political advisor because she's definitely better than him at handling nobles and the like.

It was stated in Tensura that she's as good as political Business as military business and she's damn good at leading an army compared to others so it was an easy pick.

She slumps the heavy uniform on her shoulders, like a yakuza boss from a movie, and begins walking down the hallway, with the magical elevator.


Jumping out of the elevator when Ray reached the first floor he opens the big doors leading outside the city hall.


"It's the Duuuukee"

"Look at that Lady she's really ho-" like Ray likes to say, bloodlust is a fun thing!

Especially if it comes from a demon that lived 18.000 years in literal hell fighting other demons.

Ray glances at all the people surrounding the small podium he stood on, important people present were, Yuji, Ina with Cynus in her arms, the other Demonoid Thrall standing beside her with a smiling face, the other two Demonoid were also there.

There were also the two representatives of the biggest scientist factions, the Traditional Magitech society or TMS and the Brotherhood of Real Research or BRR.

The TMS researched magic tech and the like, while the BRR studied the physical world and was responsible for most of the steampunk stuff in the city.

Under normal circumstances splitting people into two antagonizing groups is a bad idea, but in the end, Ray doesn't care as long as they don't start to murder and assassinate each other, as long as their competition is one of the mind he's ok with two big scientist groups emerging, hell he even supports this development if it causes a rivalry, inspiring them to research more.

"Hello, my dear citizens."

The crowd calms down a bit.

"Today our amazing city will receive a new name signaling a new age for science.

And before revealing what name this city shall receive I want to award two people."

Ray steps out of the spotlight, letting Blanc step before the crowd.

"Hello, I'm the current leader of the political decision making force, that works for the Duke.

And as my duty, I will award thee, who have achieved what some may dream of.

Please person x of the TMS and person y of the BRR come here." The representatives of both factions get up on the podium while staring at each other with the fire of rivalry in their eyes.

"I award thee the title of Baron of the empire, and give you the land to the east of Sir Ray's territory."

Blanc said that like she learned weeks for this moment even though she learned her text only a few minutes ago during the elevator lift.

"You can give these titles to whomever you wish, but the dukes encourages you to give them only to the leaders of your factions after you pass on to the afterlife. Now then, I'll take my leave."

The flame of rivalry ignites once more with fresh passion in their eyes and they step down from the podium.

*Whooohooohooo* The crowds applaud both faction leaders. While Eay steps into the spotlight once again.

"With that done, I'll reveal this city's new name, short info on that, I'll be taking this city's name as my last name too, or the other way around whatever you prefer. This City will be caaaaallllweeeeed...

R' lyeh"