Pig lord and skelly king|||C18


A barrage of Black flames decimated another demon, Blanc was at this for hours, Moss her trusted subordinate would use his unique skill [Collector] to create tiny clones and look out for other demons while she teleported to the tiny clones and killed the demon nearby.

That process repeated over and over and now, after three hours of mindless work, all the demons that once made packs with Ray and his scientists died.

Under those dozens of demons, there were ten from Blanc lineage, who bowed in front of her and joined her and ultimately Ray.











///_With Ray_\\\

"So do you want to negotiate?" Ray asked the colossal pig overlord, who just a second ago was on high alert by Ray's sudden appearance, but quickly regained his composure, after realizing that looking scared on the outside could be detrimental when dealing with an Envoy.

"What is there to negotiate, you were the ones who set the demons free, how can we ever trust you?"

"And? Our empire grew with every demon we set free, many of my subordinates died performing those summonings, still, I advanced, in the end out results spoke for themselves."

"So you were the one who ordered the summonings?!"

Ray scoffed at the feeble attempt of the orc lord to intimidate him, he experienced the bloodlust of beings like Guy first hand, if he would be scared by something as weak as the being in front of him he should've just stopped trying to become more powerful.

"Please stop, it's just annoying. The only reason why I didn't attack you yet is because I see you as more as an unintelligent beast, I believe making love instead of war should be prioritized, sometimes." Ray silently whispered the last part, so nobody could understand it.

'And your brethren wouldn't follow my orders if I killed you here, without you being the one to attack first.'

"Then show me, human, show me why I should trust you and your empire, prove to me that it would be best for me and my race to hear you out, instead of killing you here."

"That's why" Ray snapped his fingers.


The atmosphere turned eerily quiet, once hundreds of pig soldiers mumbling with each other or preparing themselves, now only blank stares on their faces.

The orc lord and his army had no such thing as [Thought Communication] between them, but as most monsters, they were able to communicate their feelings through magicule output and body language.

And what the Orc lord got from analyzing those was alarmingly bad, his subordinates' bodies were plump like they could fall over at any second and their magicules were broken, empty even.


"What you wanted, I showed you why it's better to become a cog in the clockwork of the empire voluntarily, instead of being forced into it."

Ray used his evolved unique skill [Puppeteer of Time] it allows the fibers and strings woven by the unique skill to control the minds of those it touches partly.

There is one limitation though, Ray is only able to control beings who have muscles, so no slimes are pure spiritual lifeforms, ti also means that he is only able to use that beings physical strength, after all, skills and magic are dependent on the souls and astral body or whatever.

To actively control somebody Ray's strings need to make physical contact with more than a third of the beings' nerves.

Overall that may seem like an unimportant power boost, but this ability shines in situations like this, with hundreds of physical fighters in Ray's range of actions.

The skill's evolution also amplified Ray's ability to control the fibers, he can now create very complex weapons or clothing, it also shows in other ways, he can for example silently spread a shitload of strings underground and then pierce every orc in a radius of a few square kilometers with his strings.

"I'm not a fan of slavery, I think that is one of the biggest sins one can commit, and I murdered my kin, so I either release them by cutting my connection with them or I release them by showing mercy... do you still think that you can win if you face the empire, or do you bow down before me and accept peaceful negotiations."

Ray released a bit of his bloodlust for dramatic effects and raised the Pig soldiers' weapons a bit to show aggression.

"I-" The Orc lord looks at his brothers, every single one of them brave enough to sacrifice their lives for him, now all of them controlled by a dog of the empire "I accept, you can even kill me, just let them go."

"Good choice, don't want genocide of an entire race on my hands and Blanc should be finished soon too so the negotiations can commence then."

Ray looked at the dome of black flames, slowly drifting downwards, diminishing.

Without missing a beat, Blanc and Moss teleported to Ray's side, a few other demons behind them.

"You brought company?"

"Yes, they vowed to serve you for the rest of their immortal existence."

"Good job, you take over from here."

"Sure," Blanc said facing the broken down Orc Lord.

"Oh, I almost forgot, silly me."


And like that the orcs fell to the ground, most heavily gasping for air, others vomiting, some laughing with hints of insanity, its not common to be imprisoned in your own flesh, Ray can speak from experience.

"Now moving on to you all, Moss would you explain their stati to me?"

"Yessir, all of them are greater demons, four low ranking ones, and five mid-ranking ones, most of them are around two hundred years old, though one of them is nearly a thousand years old."

When Moss spoke about age he didn't mean their actual age, he implied the time they stayed alive after getting killed.

There's a general rule for every demon, the longer they stay alive without tasting defeat, the stronger they're are, that's also the reason primordial demons are the strongest of their kind, they were born first and had a cheat from the start, Guy could gender-bend, Diablo wasn't affected by the whole you lose you become weaker thing, Carrera has more magicules than any other demon.

"Good, you will be their Commander and now that we're at it let's establish a new military branch called the white corps, you can only take orders from me or Blanc, understood?"


"I'm talking to all of you!" Ray said looking at the new recruits.


"Good then touch my hand you'll first take a small test before officially joining."

Ray stretched out his hand, once all demons had physical contact with him he activated [Timeline Manipulation] and blinked into another Timeline, one where everything is the same but no sentient lifeforms were brought over by Veldanava.

"Ok here's a map, if you survive the journey to the place marked with the X you'll officially join." With that Ray disappeared, to yet another timeline, this one has no time whatsoever, enabling instantaneous travel from an outside perspective.

The demons wondered for a few seconds where the hardships lay in this test but all of those thoughts disappeared as soon as their orfices started to bleed profusely.

They looked at each other and the map for a last time, subsequently storming off to their goal while their bodies took more and more damage with every second.

One fell, but his actual body didn't return to the spirit realm to rejuvenate, it simply deformed, bits and pieces slowly being ripped out of the demon's very soul.

Another one died in just the same way and an ominous ticking sound began to echo in this untouched world.



The dread spread throughout the demon troop and all of them struggled to keep accelerating beyond their former limits.



The strongest demon made it to their goal and after spotting Ray he used spatial movement to appear next to him.

"Please sa-" The demon was brought to his original world before ending his sentence and he collapsed on the spot, not noticing Moss standing behind him, in a room akin to an office.

The other demons made it too but only after two more of them died, only six of them remained in total.

Ray looked at them from his office, "You are responsible for them, their behavior, and their combat abilities."

"Yessir!" Ray left after hearing Moss' response, he used [Timeline Manipulation] one last time to watch Blanc and the Orc lord negotiate with each other.

You may ask yourself why these different Timelines only damage others but not Ray and the answer to that question is following:

All worlds reject foreign objects, and the only exception to that is of course an anomaly, and there's only one person with exactly that, a seed of an anomaly. So everything entering those timelines without a seed of an anomaly is as good as dead, it's possible to escape but you'd need to be at least demon lord seed level (probably higher) to escape.

This rejection effect only applies to differing Timelines, so beings who come from another world aren't being rejected.

Anyways Ray exited the timeline again and creates a net of strings from [Puppeteer of Time] in the air above Blanc and the orc lord, sitting there and enjoying the battle of words.

"How about this, I will send you a fifth of my brothers from the get-go and afterward a shipment of new workers every month, in return for food and resources until we can sustain ourselves." Orc lord.

"I am sorry to inform you that we, the current leadership of R'lyeh are unable to accept such a deal. We would be reassured if you send half of your men directly with us, in return for food lasting two generations, and after the initial migration 1% of your brethren will be sent over to R'lyeh every year."

The Orc lord seems to internally debate his options but in truth he already knew what to say, showing such a level of concern could be favorable when dealing with normal humans, sadly the one before him wasn't even human.

"Impossible, due to our recent war effort we can't manage to supply such an amount of workers, how about this..."











///_60 years later_\\\

Ray was born almost 100 hundred years ago and he's still kicking the bucket like there's no tomorrow.

Just recently both Luminous and Dino joined the demon lord council, but the more shocking news is that they weren't the only ones who joined the demon lord council.

Two other demon lord seed level monsters joined as well shocking Ray the moment they appeared in the meeting place.

They were pretty weak though and would most definitely die during the first great Tenma war, but still, it's a unique experience to see things that were never mentioned in the Novel.

"Heyo!" Ray entered the subspace where the next meeting would be held.

Guy nodded, greeting Ray back, his two primordial maids standing beside him.

Ramiris and Milim ignored him, they were in their own world but they at least gave a short 'hi'.

Ray placed his butt on his high-cost chair next to Guy's at the discussion table, you know the round one where Rimuru's first Walpurgis was held.

Ray looked to his right and spotted a wolf-sized Cynus sitting on the floor beside him, petting the big ball of fluff before concentrating on the meeting at hand.

Dagruel entered the subspace soon after and sat on his chair made only for him next to Ramiris.


Dino walks out from behind Dagruel, he was crashing in Dagruel's kingdom, the poor angel was too lazy to get his own house, so he lived off his dear friend like a parasite, but he didn't cause any problems either in Dagruel's kingdom so he has at least some decency.

The fallen angel began sleeping as soon as he sat down.

Then the last three demon lords entered the place, one of them being Luminous, camouflaged as a maid. The reason for that was actually pretty funny, she and a few of her followers planned to eliminate Dagruel the king of the kingdom that shared borders with her own Kingdom 'night rose' that was destroyed a week ago, by Veldoras hands, claws?

Anyways, she followed Dagruel but as she and her subordinates were about to strike he disappeared to attend a demon lord meeting, in a rush, she dressed up as a maid and gave one of her followers the order to act as her boss so that she may strike during a moment of confusion on Dagruel's side.

Point is, she accidentally stormed into this dimension and was too prideful to admit that she played a maid, in the end, Guy let her join knowing 100% of the truth.

[A/N: If there's a canon version of how she joined please tell, I'll be rewriting this part then.]

Next up are the two fated to die, One crazy snake-like monster, she's entirely evil with no redemption but Milim seems to find her cute so she joined, Ray didn't observe her much but he has some intel about her, first off she has a purely physical unique skill and her body count lies in the thousands.

The other monster is way more interesting, by all means, because he will die here today. He is a lich with skills that are based around strengthening his subordinates, undead skeletons in his case.

And as such he takes about a hundred skellies to every meeting and as Ray remembered, the rule of only two subordinates was only implemented after Luminous' country was destroyed by Veldora and in a fit of rage, she killed the demon lord who brought dozens of subordinates, afterward the rule of two was declared.

"Get outta my way you vampire hag."

'hahaha' Ray couldn't stop his laughing he even used a poorly executed illusion spell to conceal it, but Milim, Guy, Dagruel, and Dino saw through it instantly, bringing even more attention to the interaction between the vampire maid and the skelly boss, oh yes Dini was awake the whole time, probably too tired to sleep, haha that was a bad joke.

Luminous' subordinate that acts as the demon lord flares up at the statement. He was about to attack but Luminous stopped him and whispered.

"Let me blow off some steam."

She cast an illusionary wall, that was seen through by everyone in the room except Ramiris and Cynus, but hey if she thinks the wall helps let her be.


She took out her sword behind the illusionary wall and smashed it against the skelly lord's skull, she also used paralyze on his skelly subordinates, an skill intrinsic to vampires.

With his biggest weapon, his subordinates, frozen in place the skelly lord gains a worried look on his undead face.

"Shouldn't we help?" Milim innocently asked.

"If you can't win against the subordinate of another demon lord you're not worthy enough to be part of us," Guy said with a big smirk on his face, at this point everybody knew Luminous' secret but nobody cared enough to reveal it to Ramiris.



Luminous strikes the skelly king a few more times and continues even after his death, reviving him fully with her blood.

His human form gets destroyed afterward though, she truly needed to blow off steam.

She returns to her position as a maid and dispels the illusion barrier.

The false Vampire demon lord steps in front the council to announce the reason for this Walpurgis.

"Thank you for heeding my call, I am here to discuss one of our biggest problems in recent history, true dragons."