
"_I _Am _An _Angel _Created _By _A _Most _Benevolent _God _It _Is _My _Duty _To _Help _His _Kin"

The angel stretches one of its mechanical hands out, white veins pulsating inside of it, pointing at Ray.

"To_ Be_ Specific_ I_ Am_ The_ Angel_ ^%$hr¥●_

And_ My_ Master_ Is_ The_ God_ Of_ Time."

The 'angel' said as four hands each plucked a feather from a respective wing and presented all four different feathers to Ray.

"My_ Lord_ Will_ Gift_ You_ With_ His_ Power_ As_ De_ Did_ Many_ Times_ Before.

So_ Choose_ wisley_"

Ray could already guess what the 'angel' meant, his powers stem from the so-called god of time and now he gets another power boost from said Lord of Time.

'I'm nobody to complain, but I should be careful from now on and definitely try to strengthen other abilities not based off of my time ones.'

Ray looks at the four feathers suspended above four mechanical arms, each one representing one of his unique skills, [Temporal Awarness], [Greater Temporal Magic], [Puppeteer of Time], and [Timeline Manipulation].

"Could you tell me what this gift entails Mr angel?" ray asked avoiding looking at the 'angel' directly but still being as polite as possible.

"Choose_ One_ Of_ The_ Feathers_ And_ Obtain_ My_ Lords_ Might.

You'll_ See_ The_ Results_ When_ You_ Get_ Back_ To_ Your_ Own_Realm.

You_ Can_ Of_ Course_ Decline_ too_ But_ Then_ You_ Should_ be_ Prepared_ To_ Face_ The_ Wrath_ Of_ Me_ And_ The_ Other_ Angels_ That_ Serve_ The_ God_ Of_ Time."

"There are other Angels"

"Yes_ You_ Must_ Meet_ Another_ Arch_ Angel_ To_ Get_ Here_ In_ The_ First_ Place_ "

'So that thing in the Ramiris' Labyrinth was an archangel? And did Ray2 actually summon that thing when fighting Guy, so many questions and so few answers *sigh*. '

"But_ Enough_ Chit_ Chat_ Make_ Your_ Choice_ Now."

Ray observed all the feathers once more, 'Let's think this through, what will be upgrading each skill do?

[Temporal Awareness] would probably go into the future prediction route, so mostly useless as long as I don't mess with the story too much so this skill won't be chosen especially with so little intel.

[Greater Temporal Magic] will most likely get a cost reduction but let's think bigger, nobody would drag me here and make me choose if that's all, so perhaps no cost at all or way more time manipulation.

So perhaps something in the direction of 'stillness of an object's time' from Re: Zero in any case: a big maybe for now.

[Timeline Manipulation] has so many ways to evolve that it's crazy, perhaps controlling everything you bring over to your own Timeline or fusing two Timelines permanently, or letting others inside other timelines without any Timeline rejection, too little intel and too many possibilities so a big no no.

And now [Puppeteer of Time], the only unique skill that evolved and his only effective damage skill, compare that to the only contestant [Greater Temporal Magic] a skill that may give more combat strength and it's clear which of the both Ray will choose.

"This one" Ray pointed at the feather made out of thin black and white fibers collectively forming a single masterfully crafted piece of art.

"Good_ Choice_ You_ Resemble_ Somebody_ That_ Got_ Here_ Before_ You_"

The 'angel' stretched his hand out, the feathers slowly fell onto Ray and as it touched his skin he Vanished emptying another Clocktower in this liminal dimension.
















No Time passed whatsoever and Ray found himself once again at the point where he lost consciousness.

Chloe and Luminous looked worried, as worried as one can be for a stranger at least, and Cynus was supporting Ray from behind to help him stand tall.

A moment passed and Ray's vision changed, Cynus used his unique skill [Timeswitch] to teleport into Ray's office inside the city tower.

"I'm better Cynus... Not in my best state... But I have a few minutes till... I need to sleep.

Go collect the important people as fast as possible... And return here with them."

Doziness took Ray over once again but he felt like he could stay awake a minute or so more. Cynus gave Ray the puppy eyes he didn't want to leave his master's side but he was given an order, amidst his inner turmoil he saw Ray smiling at him, his masters face full of concern for him, Cynus, something that never happened once before and just like that, Cynus resolve was firmed and he teleported out of there to follow his master's wishes.

Ray did feel concern for his loyal companion, Cynus stayed with him since the start and Ray won't be able to protect his oldest friend, in this world, when he falls unconscious, especially with the stunt he's about to do, it was truly weird Ray considered himself a cold person that could kill a man with no remorse in both of his lives, but as time passes he got attached to Liz and Maurice just as he got attached to Cynus and the rest of the subordinates.

"Heh, what am I thinking about I should prepare for what is to come and not reminisce about the past."

Ten seconds passed and Cynus returned with Blanc, Moss, and Yuji, all three staring at him with some sort of curiosity.

"Haha, what's wrong with you, shouldn't you worry about me instead of looking at me that way.

"As if you'd die like a dog in an abandoned ally, if you go out I'd bet my right hand that it'll be with a bang, leaving an everlasting effect on all future generations." Blanc blurted out like she knew of Ray's past life, but what would you expect of somebody you lived half a century with.

"I must agree with Blanc," Yuji said.

"Ok ok, I got it, important part is that I have about..."

Ray peers at his wrist to the only object that carried itself from his previous life to this.

"30 seconds remaining to do this."

Ray took a deep breath, this will be his little stunt.





Ray blurted out a mesh of words, he named them all, the primordial demon as well as the wolf monster, sucking up all of his magicules in less than an instant as he blacked out.
















One eye and then another opened, senses started flooding Ray's mind once again as he watched his surroundings.

He saw Yuji, Blanc Moss, and Cynus lying in front of him all unconscious, due to their new names and evolution.

After Ray saw them lying on the floor Ray took out a few chairs and sat them on them, he looked out the window afterward to check the time he spent unconscious.

"About two weeks~" he muttered as he touched to dust forming on his desk and the position of the moon outside shining above.

He looked at Blanc, he didn't give her a new name because she should be able to select one for herself and it would be pretty awkward if somebody like [Great Sage] finds a connection between Rimurus naming pattern and the name Testarossa.

But if she wants a completely new name Ray will be fine with that too. Moss' name was fine though, it was a standalone name not like all the primordial demon's names, that correlate to sports cars.

Cynus was given another name Cynus R'yleh but there were no problems with that either after all it was shown to be possible to name monsters multiple times up to nine times even though with each successive name the strength increase lowers.

Yuji's naming process was rather simple too, the human became a majin a long time ago.

Ray sipped on his coffee but a barrage of memories entered his mind as he was about to enjoy the drink.

{[Seed of an Anomaly has begun to bloom, and as such enormous temporal energies will be set free into individual Ray.

Temporal Energy will be set free in








{[Attention, Title: Timelord was bestowed onto Individual Ray]}

{[Attention, due to Title: Timelord skill [Demon lord haki] was aquired]}

{[Attention, Crest of the God of Time was bestowed upon individual Ray]}

{[Attention, skill [Puppeteer of Time] evolved due to high energy levels, into Ultimate Skill [Ouroboros, Lord of Fate] ]}

{[Attempt to evolve [Ouroboros, Lord of Fate]



{[Individual Ray/race: Blind Ape of Truth reached the necessary threshold to evolve.


Result:Success Ray/race: Blind ape of truth evolved into Ray/race: Saint.]}

{[Individual Ray/race:Saint magicules got corrupted by massive amounts of temporal magicules.


Result:Success Ray/race: Saint evolved into Ray/race: Ancient Apostle]}

{[Due to Individual Ray/Race:Ancient Apostle having compound knowledge of most spells and high energy remaining in Individual Ray's body unique skill [Library] was acquired.]}

{[Attempt to evolve unique skill [Library]


Result: Failure, evolution set on hold till new advancements in the firld of magic are made or more energy gets supplied.]}