First Battle 2

Pokemon theme song and everything, let's duel.

I start with a Sand Attack, or so I tried, but that glare from Ekans, for some reason, makes me can't move. Ekans opened its mouth and a group of purple needles shot out. Believing it to be Poison Sting, I began to run for my life. As I dodge Poison Sting, I turn my head to Ekans and used screech.

This although made Ekans stop, it became agitated, screech agro effect is too much. I used Sand Attack and began to run towards Ekans. Ekans surprisingly dodged Sand Attack by using Coil. Arriving by Ekans I used Scratch but was paralyzed, Ekans body moved like a spring and used Bite.

Once Ekans bite into my shoulder I used Counter, slapping her off me, and pushing Ekans a few meters away. As I rushed forward at Ekans, Ekans got back up and used Leer, momentarily blinding me. My body instinctively dodge the Poison Stings thrown at me, and when I finally opened back my eyes, the distance between us widen.

The battle wasn't looking good, Ekans has around 60℅ of his health, while I have 80% conditioned, paralyzed. One might say I have the advantage, but distance says otherwise. Ekans won't allow me to get close again.

Rushing forward, regretting not being born with Quick Attack, I dodge most hits of Poison Sting, and those that hit luckily didn't poison me. The distance between us didn't increase nor shrink... f*cking kite. So annoying, if not for being paralyzed I would've caught up a long time ago.

Ekans has a sh*tting grin on her face, my health dropped 60%, f*ck. If I don't try now, I won't get a chance later, so I tried betting on plot armor. I began to try and put the Normal type energy I got into my muscles. To learn a move you must be able to sense and manipulate energy.

However, energy is a b*tch, moving it is harder than pushing a car. That is usually the case, but right now, although difficult like carrying a generator, it's not impossible.

[Host has successfully learned Quick Attack]


Using Quick Attack is no longer difficult, just as simple as my other moves. Rushing forward at speeds I am currently barely able to react to, I dodged Poison Stings and... was paralyzed. Poison Stings hit and lost some more health, I got some really crappy plot armor.

Using Quick Attack once more, I dodge Poison Stings like a maChamp and arrived besides Ekans. I used Sand Attack, successfully blinding Ekans followed by Fury Swipes. Ekans tanked it with Coil, before surprise attacking me with Acid.

Acid landing right in my face, my body instinctively dodges a Bite and I swipe away his face with Tail Whip. I now have 15% of my health and has 20%, one more acid or bite would finish me, while one quick attack can finish him.

We are only a Tail Whip distance away from each other, that's enough distance for Acid to hit me before Quick Attack can hit him. I can use Last Resort, even if it's slower than Quick Attack, it can block off Ekans attacks, but would Sera tell Risa?

Seeing Ekans about to spit Acid on me, I decided to just go for it. Using Last Resort, Acid slipped right off my yellow aura and my body slammed into Ekans. Ekans spit out saliva as he shoots forward, slamming into Sera's stomach?

How did she reach here? Should a Raticate be able to move at such speeds? Watching Ekans body slowly slide down Sera's stomach, I smiled. I won my first battle.

[Host has leveled up]

Since you're here, let me start my ranting. System, why didn't my Guts activate.

[Host needs to activate it himself]

Why would a passive need to be activated to use?

[Guts burns stamina to, ignore pain, the effects of Paralyze and Burn, and boost your attack by 1.5]

(A/N: In short, the only difference it has from the games is the ignorance of pain, and removal of the slow effect given from the 'paralyzed' status)

A bit stronger than in-game.

Sera had already woke up the Ekans from her hibernation and gave her 2 Oran berries. Sera also gave me 2 Oran berries no Cheri sadly, stating paralyzed effect would leave on its own.

Sera wasn't wrong, it last an hour, it wasn't a pleasant experience. After being cured, I ran around like a happy dog and spotted a Pidgeotto with a group of 4 Pidgeys. Quickly telling Sera, we hid on a tree and stalk our prey.

The prey spotted a Rattata that was coming to the safe zone, seeing its prey, Pidgeotto flew towards it. The Pidgeys not long after followed them and we rushed forward as well. At the scene, the Rattata was running for his life, but he, unfortunately, couldn't escape the Pidgeotto. Pidgeotto talon grab a hold of Rattata's head and crushed it to pieces. The Pidgeys flock over to get a bite, until they saw Sera rushing over, using Quick Attack.

It looked as if Pidgeotto was contemplating whether or not to help them or escape with the food. Seeing it flew over using Quick Attack, I was pretty excited to see them battle. Until I learned I could barely see shit, both have Quick Attack at the Advance stage, and are spamming it with other moves.

Even as I'm seeing this, I was running with the Rattatas, towards the Pidgeys. We quickly surrounded the 4 of them, there were 7 of us after all. One of the Pidgeys stood in front of the others, most likely being the leader.

"You all can keep the prey, we'll leave," The Pidgey states.

"Hehe, we don't want the prey, we want you," I got the gangsta vibes.

"That's a shame," Pidgey shakes his head sadly.

"Yummy Prey is fine too," Another Pidgey laughed childishly.

Two sentient? That's no good.

The two Pidgey began to shine... crap.