
Using Diglets it's not impossible and even highly likely. Thinking of asking big papa about sightings on Diglets or Dugtrios, my thoughts were interrupted by my parents' argument.

"Let's go ask Feara for help," Big mama states.

"We don't need that bird help," He refused.

"Then what would we do, fight?" Big mama spoke mockingly, not getting a response, she continued.

"You know well how dangerous trainers are,"

You had my curiosity. Now you got my attention.

"Were mama and papa a trainer's Pokemon?" I asked Risa quietly, fearing getting yelled at for interrupting them.

"I was too. It was me, mama, papa, Feara, Bull, Chan Chan, Kong..."

"Shut up!" Mama and papa shouted.

"Yes," me and Risa said.

Feara is a Fearow, Bull is a Tauros, Chan Chan is a Chansey, Kong a Primeape?

[Kong the Kangaskhan]

A Normal type specialist?

Based on the talent of mama, papa, and Risa, that trainer was most likely from a big family.

"Even if we don't meet her, Feara would come to us in a month," Big mama states.

"We can run away into the Deep Wild Zone of route 1, she won't dare chase me there," Big papa said desperately.

Is he so afraid of this Feara?

"She dares. Trust me,"

"Of course she dares, that psychopathic Fearow doesn't understand we aren't from the same egg group. Out of spite, she became the Overlord of route 1, just because she can't get the d..." A glare from big mama stopped him.

As I was about to ask what he was about to say, a glare from big mama stopped me.

Does lust even hit Pokemons?

Or is it just survival instincts?

"Mate you should quickly kill them off, I'm starving," Risa said, one of her paws shaking my back, rushing me.

Didn't you eat not long ago?

Moving on, I walk towards the fainted Quagsire excitedly. How many levels would I get once I killed all 3 Elites? Using Scratch, I cut off Quagsire's head.

[Host has leveled up 6 times]

[Host is now level 20]

[Host can now evolve into Raticate]

After reaching level 20, I felt a lock I wasn't aware of weakening, with just a little effort it would break and I would evolve.

"Mate you can't evolve now," Risa declared.

"Huh? Why?" It's better for the family if I evolve.

"I haven't evolved yet. Since I haven't you cannot,"

"But what about the family,"

"Don't worry, I'm strong enough," Risa said proudly. Not wanting to waste my breath, I walked towards the fainted Ampharos.

"Congratulations son, you are now barely useful," Ambipom said mockingly, clapping with his tail-hand.

[Congratulations on entering the Junior tier, you're now barely useful]


Moving on, I quickly swiped Scratch, decapitating Ampharos.

[Host has leveled up 3 times]

[Host in now level 23]

Hearing a sound from behind me, I turned around. Risa had released the fainted Houndoom from his ball, besides me. Not wasting time, I decapitate him as well.

[Host has leveled up 2 times]

[Host is now level 25]

And you said leveling up is hard.

[Host is 100% guaranteed to be defeated by a Pokemon at the same level as you]


[The average wild Pokemon would take around 1 year to reach your level. In that time a Pokemon of your talent would have at least 2 Advance and 6 Intermediate moves. The host has no Intermediate skills, this would lead to your defeat]

Skill mastery is my priority then.

Speaking of skills, status, please.

[Name: Rattata D Mike

Age: 2 months

Gender: Male

Pokemon Rattata

Type: Normal

Lvl: 25

Ability: Run away, Guts

Racial Ability: Sense Danger, Teeth Growth

Talent Grade: Yellow

Nature: Careful

Move set: Scratch, Tail whip, Screech, Fury Swipes, Counter, Last Resort, Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Focus Energy, Bite, Pursuit, Return, Hyper Fang, Assurance, Crunch, Sucker Punch]

What the Franky. How did I get so many moves?

[Host has never bothered to check]

No that's a terrible excuse. The body should let you know when you learned them. Otherwise, how would a regular Pokemon know when they learned a move.

[Answer: Instincts. During a battle your body might instinctively use it]

So that's how it is. I learned Focus Energy, Bite, and Pursuit after beating the Pidgeotto, and because that was the last time I battle, I never got an opportunity to use those moves. As for the new ones, I just gained them.

"What level are you?" Big papa asked.


"Level 18 huh, that should barely keep you from dying,"

The combat ability of a level 18 isn't so bad.

"Early every morning, you'll train under me. Within a month, you'll get 3 intermediate skills,"

1 month for 3 intermediate skills, is that possible?

[Answer: With host talent, you'll require to spend 18 hours a day to barely make it. However, based on your father's personality...]

"You'll spend 20 hours a day training,"

"But I was planning to carry little lum to see Feara with me," Big mama complained.

"No take someone else," he refused.

"Alright then, Risa let's go," Big mama said, rushing through the forest with Risa begrudgingly following after.

"See ya, tomorrow Mate," Guess she'll spend the night there.

"Sera, take a team to search for Diglets and Dugtrios tomorrow, left of route 1," Big papa said.

I stared at papa in surprise, I didn't expect this old monkey to be smart. I wonder why he chose left though.

[System notification: War log, year 108, Johto created an unstable Diglet cave on route 1. In 6 months it would fully stabilize]

If that's the case, why would they want to make a base near the center of route 1?


Mike although being a war mercenary never truly dealt with war strategies. He preferred fighting using his instinct, something you have barely seen since this story has begun.

Mike in his past life hated thinking, unfortunately for him, his Careful nature and current species is affecting his personality. In case you don't know, rats love their life.