
How's everything going on your side?


Well f*ck you.

My life's sh*t.

Leaving Route 1 wasn't difficult as it is Feara's territory and passing through Viridian City, although tense, wasn't dangerous. Either Viridian City at that moment had no flying type Junior Champion Pokemons at the moment, or they don't want to risk angering an Overlord.

Then we arrived at route 22, which is left of Viridian City. The Overlord of the route was Primeape at the Senior Elite level, even though it was aware that it was weaker than Feara, it refused to let us through.

The Fearows of this route must have had bad potential, otherwise, I don't see how they lose. Feara didn't waste too much time with him, and directly blew the Primapes away with Whirlwind.

Moving north of route 22, we arrived in the mountains, this area is an Unexplored Zone. An Unexplored Zone is an area that hasn't been fully explored, although safer than the Deep Wild Zone, it's still something most trainers wouldn't dare to enter.

Trainers who can survive in this area are usually those who become an Elite Four or a Champion-level trainer. This knowledge was sponsored to you by the system.

In here, Feara can't fly, however, or wherever she wanted. She's strong, but not the strongest here, and because of this we arrived at the situation I'm in. She flies through a Pidgeot's family home because 'Those trash birds lack the courage to touch me,'

Turns out she was wrong.

Courage is one thing they least lack.

"Sh*tty Fearow, get your *ss over here!" One of the 5 Pidgeots shouted. 4 Senior Elites and one Quasi-Junior Champion, this group isn't something Feara can mess with.

Immediately after spotting them, Feara directly use agility and ran away, but these Pidgeots refuse to let her off.

"How about Whirlwind?" I asked.

"They know it two," Feara's body made a 90-degree turn, dodging 2 Air Slash before returning back into position.

"Damn Feara are you trying to kill me!" If not for the fact I was already holding onto her tightly, I would've fallen from that turn.

"Listen here you little sh*t," Feara said in a cold voice. "If you weren't rushing me this wouldn't be happening,"

Right... it is my fault.

"But you could have left me in my cell!" I retort. As you can see our relationship has become much better.

Looking behind me, I could see the Pidgeots' speed are slowly increasing. How's that possible? They already used Agility and Quick Attack, they shouldn't have any other speed-boosting moves.

[Answer: Pidgeot's racial ability, Flight Boost. Flight boost increases the speed of the user the longer they fly]

Does Feara have a similar ability?

[Answer: No. Her racial abilities involve her beak and flight stamina]

"I have already left your territory, f*ck off!" Feara shouted at them.

"B*tch do you think our territory is your playground?" One Pidgeot.

"Today you're f*cked," Another Pidgeot said.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?" Feara used Double Team, creating 15 clones of me and herself.

A combination of Feather Dance and Whirlwind was used blocking their sight even with their ability being Keen Eyes.

"Hope you survive this!" she shouted.

Turning around flew for her life, stunning me. I bet once the cover fades away, they will be shocked as well.

"The b*tch,"

"Kawkawkaw," Feara laughed, the distance between us was already too much, it would take at least an hour for them to catch up.

From my perspective, the distance between us makes them as small as myself, so I'm guessing we're over a kilometer apart from each other. With how late it was getting the Pidgeots could only sadly return home.


"It's getting late," Feara murmured.

"Are we there yet?" I asked.

"We won't be able to make it today. go and sleep," she explained.

"How could I sleep when the breeze is constantly hitting my face, and besides you can't fight if you are exhausted. This isn't your territory,"

"There's a few Pokemon here who dares to challenge me."

"Those Pidgeots disagrees,"


"Look down there," I said calling out to Feara.

Below us was a green tent, standing beside the tent was a Hiker, beside him was a Machoke and Graveler warily staring at us. Using my Racial Skill, Sense Smell, I quickly found out that the two Pokemons were Senior Elites.

If weren't for the fact that they're a trainer's Pokemon, I bet Feara would've already killed them for that location. The tent was besides, most likely an uninhabited cave, making one curious why he chose to sleep outside, risking Pokemons like me and Feara attacking them.

"I'll take it," Feara said, directly using Double Team and Agility, rushing forward with her 15 clones.

"Wait, let me down first," I cried. The level gap would guarantee her victory but she'll definitely get injured. Dying as a casualty, is a sad way for a mercenary to die.

We're so supposed to die from greed!

The trainer quickly let out his other Pokemons, a Nidoqueen, Rhydon, Onix, and Charizard. Nidoqueen and Charizard are at the Senior Elite while Rhydon and Onix are in their late Junior Elite. Such a lineup is scary, especially when one can see he still has some unused Pokemons.

"Feara let's retreat," Such a battle with a low probability of winning isn't worth it.


A couple of years ago in Celadon City's Park.

"Kawkawkaw," Feara laughed.

"Gragragra," Kong laughed.

"Shishishi," Toge laughed.

"Fufufu," Rataya laughed.

"Kekeke," Risa laughed.

"Brabrabra," Bull laughed.

"Pwehpwehpweh," Chan Chan laughed.

"Hahaha," Daniel laughed.

"Dude not only has a bad name, but can't even laugh right. Gragragra," Kong laughed.

"Even if he's bad laughter, and has a terrible name, there's no need to rub it in," Toge said trying to cheer up Daniel.

"Yes, make peace," Chan Chan agreed.

"Don't worry papa, I'll teach you how to laugh like a proper Pokemon,"

"My laugh is perfectly normal, it's you all who have weird laughs," Daniel argued.

"I believe you," Feara said in adoration.

"You're the last person, I want the hear that from," Daniel spat. Turning his head to Rataya, he complained, "Love of my life, why aren't you agreeing with me,"

"Well, it's weird," Rataya chuckled.

"Ugh," Daniel kneeled down. Rataya's attack was super effective.