Feara vs Bull, a Junior Champion Showdown

"I didn't come here to ask for help," Feara directly refuse Bull. "Just letting you all know this may be the last time we meet,"

Hey, don't give up before the fight even began.

"I'm going," Bull declared.

"You can't fly, it'll be difficult for you to leave,"

"Do you think you're the only one who became a Junior Champion?" Bull asked mockingly.

"No, Kong's almost a Senior Champion. Tomorrow I'll go and look for him," Feara explained.

"Tsk, didn't expect Viridian Forest to be the best place for growth," Bull clicked his tongue.

"Viridian Forest isn't inferior to my route 1, Kawkawkaw," Feara laughed.

"Route 1 is weak, the Overlord of this mountain range is a Snorlax who's almost at the Guardian level. A small family here can take your title easily." Bull mocked.

"True," After all, we were chased away by those Pidgeots.

Seeing Bull, turning around to leave Feara called him, "Where are you going?" Feara asked walking towards him.

"To save some time I'll leave now, I should arrive on route 1 in a week," Bull explained.

"A week, impossible. Unless you want to die by passing through other's territory," Feara rebuke him.

"Don't compare me to you, even if a group of Junior Champions comes in my way, I'll crush them," Bull refutes.

"You can't even beat me and you think you can beat a group of junior champions,"

"Are you challenging me?" He asked annoyed.

"I'll continue to heal you later. Excuse me," Chansey said hurriedly, canceling Heal Pulse and Heal Bell, and quickly coming in between Feara and Bull. "If you two are going to fight do it and stop arguing, make peace,"

"I'll be the referee," Togekiss said excitedly as he fly over towards them. "Chan Chan give them space,"

So Chansey was really Chan Chan, so what's Togekiss's name.

"It's Toge, but you have to call me uncle," Toge answered.

Standing up, I stood some distance away with Chan Chan beside me. She took out the egg in her pouch and gave it to me.

"Here, eat this," Chan Chan said hesitantly.


[Chansey has used Soft-Boiled on the egg. After eating the egg, Host would be fully healed in an hour.]

No wonder she's hesitated, I wouldn't offer it to anyone.

"It's good for your health and is delicious," Chan Chan explained.

"Thank you," I said gratefully.

Taking a bite of the egg, I was astonished by the captivating fragrance that hit my nostrils. The eggshell was soft and chewy, and the egg itself was delicious.


"Chan Chan how could you," Toge cried out.

"You already ate one for breakfast," Chan Chan said, seeing Toge's depressed expression, she sighed. "You can eat one for dinner,"

"Hurray!" Toge shouted excitedly.

"I can't eat the rest," I said sourly. After eating one-third of it, my body refused to eat more and it wasn't because I was full.

"Stupid emotions," I muttered.


"Let's us all eat before you two battle," Chan Chan said.


Now that we all ate the battle could finally begin. Getting to see two Junior Champions on the same level battle is pumping me up.

"Let the battle begin!" Togekiss shouted a distance away from them.

Bull's tails began to hit his body rapidly, the veins on his forehead were on the verge of popping. Is this Anger Point?

[Answer: Correct, Tauros has activated his ability Anger Point. The angrier the user the stronger he becomes. This move is best used by the Primeape family.]

Good to know.

By this time, Feara had already launched into the air, while using Focus Energy. Bull stomped the ground, Stone Edge was released creating blue sharp stones that were building up towards Feara. Bull run onto it, using Stone Edge as a staircase to get close.

Feara on the other hand, tried to fly away but soon after moving, boulders were thrown at her forcing her to use Protect. Bull was now only a few meters away from her but sadly, Stone Edge has reached its limit. Not wanting to waste the opportunity, he jumped at Feara using both Horn Attack and Zen Headbutt.

Feara counterattacks with a fusion beak attack, but compared to big papa, you could see that the 3 moves in the fusion aren't in harmony. If such a move were to be used for too long the user would suffer from a backlash.

Once the two attacks collide Feara was pushed back, first exchange Bull 1. Feara quickly used whirlwind blowing back Bull. But that only caused Bull to get angrier, both sides used Double Team, playing hide and seek?

"This a contest of theirs, a game of luck and plots." Chansey said as she explain what was going on. "In this contest the first to hit the original wins, they use clones to scout out who's real and fake,"

Now I'm curious if an Expert Double Team can deal damage.

[Answer: The Pokemon must have a silver talent along with Expert mastery of Double Team]

Cool, how high is Silver talent?




No? Doesn't this count as basic Information?

One of Feara's clones used Drill Peck on a Bull, who tried blocking it with Horn Attack. Blocking the attack the Feara cloned turned to smoke, the original being above Bull, strike down at the unprepared Bull with Sky Attack.

Sky Attack hit throwing Bull a distance away, the clones faded and Feara laughed at him mockingly.

Bull stood up his face flushed from anger, using Agility he rushes towards Feara with Double Edge.


In a certain parallel world.

Celadon City.

Cultured Trainer Association.

"I personally prefer Gothorita, a loli, and goth, what more can I guy ask for," Trainer A saids.

"Dude who even likes Gothorita. If you wanted a loli I think Braxien is better, she got the fluffs," Trainer B argued.

"I personally think officer Jenny wants your location," Trainer C chuckled.

"F*ck off!" Trainers A and B shouted.

"Seriously why chase lolis when you can get a Lopunny. Can lolis show you a good thigh? Let's not forget Lopunny is a bunny girl," Trainer C states.

"If you really like thighs you should check out Tsareena. That's a Pokemon I wouldn't mind getting stepped on," Trainer D said excitedly.

"You uncultured swines having even talked about the Best Pokemon Waifu!" Trainer E shouted.

"Dude, nothing is as good as my Gothorita," Trainer A disagrees.

"What about Gardevoir?" Trainer E countered. Trainers A to D clutched their chest as dropped to the ground exaggeratedly.

"How could've we forgotten," Trainer D murmured.

"If you catch a Ralts you can train it to be the type of Waifu you desire. When it becomes a Kirlia you got your loli, and when it finally evolves into Gardevoir, you got your Waifu," Trainer E explained excitedly.

"It's a shame Ralts aren't so easily found," Trainer A sighed.

Meanwhile, behind the door, a young Ralts is beginning her journey through Celadon City. After seeing this area called Cultured Trainer Association she was curious how cultured the folks here would be compared to her homeworld.

Yes, she is Ralts D Leona, Mike's current reincarnation.

"I want to be the cutest Ralts there ever was... Charm all is my real quest, and to be pampered is my caused~"

Since becoming a Ralts she has been living in Celadon City living with Erika, the Grass type gym leader of Celadon City. After being heavily pampered by Erika, she lost all will to train and only seeks entertainment in this life.

Using her psychic energy, she opened the door, all heads turned staring at her, followed by pushing up their glasses causing them to shine.

Feeling a disturbance in the horny, Leona stepped back.

Looking back at them she saw all of them holding a Quick Ball in hand.

"What if it's a boy?" Trainer D whispered.

"Give it an Everstone when it becomes a Kirlia, lolis for life," Trainer A replied.