A Friend? Na, Emergency Food

It has been a couple of hours since I learned I was in the center of an Arbok's territory. Quickly using and deactivating Senken, I had confirmed that most of the Arboks and Ekans hasn't moved for a long while, hopefully sleeping.

Rotating my leaves while using Grass Type Energy on it, I was curious why this doesn't count as learning Razor Leaf but nevertheless continued my goal. The speed at which my leaves rotate reached the level of fan, good enough I hoped.

I treated my rotating leaves like a Saw, letting them slice through the egg as I walk around the egg. Stopping rotating my leaves, I slowly pushed the top half of the egg forward, hoping to push it onto the ground but... the back of the egg hit me from behind and because of me being light, I somersaulted into the sky.

Instinctively, my leaves spun allowing me to somewhat maneuver in the air while I slowly fell. Looking around, I noticed I didn't get shoot as high as I thought, table height perhaps?

Besides the Arbok sleeping under the tree, where is the rest of Ekans? Using Senken quickly, I got the answer. They were hanging on the branches of the tree Arbok is sleeping on. I'm nowhere high enough to reach that, so I'm going to just Surskit dattle out of here.

I used Protect above me blocking a bite from an Ekans, but the shockwave still shoot me into the ground. I used Senken and was shocked to learn I couldn't see the Ekans on the map. System care to explain?

[Answer: Ekans possibly know has Stealth-based innate or special ability]

"Ekans why attack me so suddenly?" I asked, wondering if this Ekans is sentient.


Got my answer.

"I'm not food, I'm friend," Ekans titled its head confused. "Help me leave and I get you food,"

"I seesss follow messs," Ekans said slithering forward. I quickly rushed over towards Ekans hoping to know whether or not I should keep this newly sentient Ekans as emergency food or kill it as early as possible.

"So what level are you?"

"eightsss," Eight, if I was a Rattata at level 1 with my moves I could win, but as Hoppip? Not possible sadly.



"Do you have a special ability?"

"Unconcealed Concealmentsss," So it makes Ekans hidden in plain sight and probably have a passive stealth ability in it.


"Remember these words, Friends always stick together," and emergency food must always be within sight.


1 hour later... possibly.

We had now safely left the Arbok's territory and entered into the grassland biome. Thank Arceus they lived right outside the grasslands. Now we have a new problem, finding food, the chances of finding a low level... chance? I got Senken, using Senken I searched for a low-level solo Pokemon. Sadly, I can't use it for too long, so after a minute of searching, I stopped.


I looked to see Ekans chewing on something. As if understanding my thoughts, Ekans used its tail pointing at a bright green vine on the ground with a bite mark on it.


I went closer to the vine and took a bite out of it.

*munch* *munch*

Is this a resource? It contains a large amount of grass energy with a miniscule amount of water energy.

"Don't eat that!"

How can you waste such a good resource? I should eat it, you're a poison type after all.

"Bittersss," Ekans drooled out the chow-down vine.

I no longer paid attention to Ekans and continued eating my vine while occasionally scouting with Senken. As for those few friends of mine who are curious what the vine does well it's simple. I don't know.

What? Do I look like a genius to you?

However, I do now know it fills the belly and can help recover my stamina, but I believe there's more to it than that.

Moving on, I found a solo low-level Pokemon, a stray level 3 Mareep that's trying to find its group. As for the group, it's not in the range of my Senken so I can't tell.

Staring at the vine goo Ekans spat out, I felt regret, I would've probably eaten it if not for the poison I'm seeing on it.



Flying towards us was a level 20 Noctowl, although I was aware of its existence, it wasn't moving towards us earlier. Then I recall it knows Keen Eyes and wanted to cry.

"Ekans used Poison Sting,"

You two duke it out, I'm going to try and escape in the meanwhile. A blast of wind hit me sending me into the sky, rotating my leaves I try to fly away but Noctowl was rushing right towards me. What happened to Ekans? She's watching curiously boohoo me.

Noctowl was about to reach me with Wing Attack, I used Protect hoping to negate most of the damage. Then I saw it, a purple ball twice my size slamming into Noctowl's stomach shooting him away. On the ground was the Arbok I had seen chasing after Noctowl.

"Downsss," Ekans said her body wrapped around Arbok's head.

Yeah no, I'm not doing that. I began to maneuver down the opposite direction of them, but suddenly my body froze In place and fell to the ground unconscious.


Volume 2 will mostly involve resources, move mastery, biomes, and emotional tantrums. Human encounters will be rare.