I'm In A Good Mood




"Alright, alright," I complained, lying down under a tree beside Medusa.

"You can returnsss to sleepsss after father finishsss talksss,"

"He's still talking," I complained. How much do you need to explain when so little Pokemons care?

Blinking my eyes rapidly, trying to stop myself from dozing off, I tried to listen to what the Arbok had to say.

"Remember, this is the last tournament, you're permitted to make your opponent faint but not kill. Those who are killed should expect to be killed. Now then everyone, let's start the first round, 1st Bracket contestant onto the stage,"

Now that he's done, I'll see you all when it's my turn, my eyes closed as I use Rest.



I'm awake!

Standing up instantly, I looked at Medusa to see her staring at me.


"Your turn soonsss, watchsss," Medusa, I'm narrating every second of my life, do you think I want to illustrate it to? Seeing her glaring at me, I could only reluctantly nod my head in submission.

My gaze went to the two birds fighting on the dirt battlefield. Pidgey and Spearow being on levels 8 and 6 respectively meant that Pidgey had spent a few months more of training than Spearow, add that to the level difference and you would think Pidgey got this in the bag right? Well wrong.

Pidgey has shown only 2 moves so far, Sand Attack and Tackle, Spearow having Keen Eyes means that Sand Attack's useless. Spearow used 3 moves, Peck, Leer, and Growl, all of which are useable. Assuming they're not Red talent and likely, Yellow or Green, they should have all these moves at Advance Stage.

So this is how the battle's going, Pidgey flew over using Tackle. Spearow evades with Leer and counterattacks with Peck, right after Peck, Spearow flies away while using Growl. A frustrating hit-run tactic, that quickly ended with Pidgey's defeat.

It's not common for most Pokemons to learn a move on their own and it's usually the reason for their downfall. If Pidgey had learned Quick Attack or Gust it wouldn't have lost. If Spearow knew Swift, it could've won faster.

"4th Bracket contestants onto the stage,"

"Don't disappointsss,"

"I know," and don't jinx me.

On the stage was an angry Mankey, Mankey D Luffy, the avenger of the Uchiha clan. Vs me, Hoppip D Beri the cutest thing and most deadliest thing you'll ever meet. If one couldn't tell from my words, I'm in a good mood, believe it


Mankey rushed towards me at a fast speed while using Focus Energy. Sadly for him, by the time it reached close enough to me I used Gust blowing him away.

"Weak," I mocked him. Standing up, Mankey was shaking in anger, it was breathing rough, and his skin turning red.

[Mankey's Anger Point has been activated]

Bring it on, is what I would like to say, but I wasn't looking forward to fighting him up close. Instead, I used Tailwind and jumped forward, this help the air carry me forward and I began to spin my leaves to stay in the air, sadly my time ran out. Mankey had arrived at this time, it stretched out its hands trying to hold me in place but I countered with Double Edge.

Slamming my body into his, Mankey stayed in place its right hand clenched into a glowing red fist that went to punch my face. I forcefully stopped my instincts from using Protect, Medusa had explained to me that Protect is likely to be coveted by many Pokemons.


My racial ability, Light Weight did its worth here, blasting me away much further than Mankey can keep up with his speed. Finally, the speed of my rotating leaves was able to carry me and I sought to go higher into the ajr, but my speed at ascending is too slow so I had to change plans.

Siphoning Mankey's health with Absorb, I waited for Mankey to get closer and used Gust. Surprisingly, Gust was unable to push back Mankey as he slowly took steps forward. I can't go with melee with it, it knows Counter and although I know it too, the usability isn't as good.

I could stop blowing and retreat with Quick Attack, but... I don't really want to. I don't want to win easily. Easy fights aren't fun fights. Now Mankey is only two steps away from me what to do... Cotton Guard? beating him like that is acceptable I guess.

Gust and flying were canceled and my body began to get enshrouded in Cotton, blinding me and binding me in it. I felt the impact of Mankey's attack but not damage, shocking me. I had never gotten an opportunity to properly use this move and only used it while trying to improve its mastery. If I had used it against Medusa, I'll surely get Poisoned to death.

I tried to press my foot onto the ground but the amount of cotton was ridiculous. Still, I managed to roll with it, literally. Rolling around, I use Quick Attack as I gathered momentum and used Senken to know our positions. Since I'm technically rolling, can I learn it? No, I don't know anything about Rock energy.

I continued rolling as I tried to hit Mankey, but the bastard keep dodging. My speed was building up, sooner or later he'll be hit and the longer it's the worst the damage. Mankey realizing this stopped moving ready to use Counter.

Cotton Guard Version Roll Out!

My body was covered in Cotton, hit, no... rolled over him and dude stand back up as if was nothing. Dafak!

[Host tried to harm someone with Cotton. The system is amazed at the host's intelligence]

"Ahhhh!" I screamed out in frustration, bursting out the Cotton and realizing Tailwind ended. The recoil damage of the cringe was too much.

Using Tailwind, I got ready to end this battle right now. As Mankey ran towards me, I noticed his Anger Point has weaken, probably because he lost a lot of anger while I was in the cotton. Blowing him away with Gust I took off into the air and used Absorb.

What? If I can't win a cool... *cough* unique way, he might as well die a frustrating death.

"Get your *ss down here!" Mankey shouted.

Hearing his shouts of anger, the disappointment of a cool move faded, and enjoyed the tranquil mind brought by Mankey's range as his Health slowly leaves him.



Trainers are advised never to insult a Pokemon using the word 'weak', especially to Pokemons that are considered aggressive.

Notice Sign - made by the Pokemon Rangers Association.


1st Bracket: Wooper vs Caterpie -LVL 6 & 7 - Winner Wooper (LVL 7)

2nd Bracket: Weedle vs Mareep - LVL 6 & 5 - Winner Weedle (LVL 7)

3rd Bracket: Pidgey vs Spearow - LVL 8 & 6 - Winner Spearow (LVL 8)

4th Bracket: Hoppip vs Mankey - LVL 5 & 7 - Winner Hoppip (LVL 6)

5th Bracket: Hoothoot vs NidoranM - LVL 6s - Winner NidoranM (LVL 7)

6th Bracket: Caterpie vs Pidgey - LVL 8 & 6 - Winner Pidgey (LVL 7)

7th Bracket: Hoothoot vs Rattata - LVL 5s - Winner Hoothoot (LVL 6)

8th Bracket: Hoppip vs Wooper - LVL 6 & 7 - Winner Wooper (LVL 8)

9th Bracket: Mankey vs NidoranF - LVL 7 & 6 - Winner NidoranF (LVL 7)

10th Bracket: Mareep vs Sandshrew - LVL 5s - Winner Sandshrew (LVL 6)

11th Bracket: Rattata vs Weedle - LVL 7s - Winner Rattata (LVL 8)

12th Bracket: Pidgey vs Spearow - LVL 6 & 8 - Winner Spearow (LVL 9)