Thank Arceus For Amnesia

You expected to see an upcoming fight scene, didn't you? Well too bad I skipped it.

[Name: Hoppip D Beri

Age: 7 months

Gender: Male

Pokemon: Hoppip

Type: Grass, Flying

Lvl: 15

Innate Ability: Instinct, Senken

Ability: Leaf Guard, Chlorophyll

Racial Ability: Light Weight, Wind Sense

Talent Grade: Shallow Green

Nature: Bold

Move set:

Beginner: Stun Powder, PoIson Powder, Dig, Tail Whip, Take Down, Fairy Wind, Laser Focus, Return, Counter, Absorb, Cotton Spore

Intermediate: Double Edge, Tailwind, Cotton Guard, Last Resort, Splash, Focus Energy, Gust, Screech, Rest, Sleep Talk, Synthesis, Amnesia

Advance: Quick Attack, Protect]

As you can see I'm... about... how many levels away from evolving?

[Answer: Host will evolve into Skiploom at level 18]

3 levels away from evolving hurray. That's like a month again in this pathetic form. I lowered my head in depression, a little too low, and bumped my head.

"Don't mind me," I told Medusa while rubbing my forehead with my leaf. Medusa was coiled up in the grass basking in the afternoon sun.

It has been 2 months since we had arrived and our speed of leveling up had started to slow down. That's because 3rd-grade Pokemons are almost wiped out, named by me obviously. 3rd-Grade Pokemons are the weakest group of Pokemons that arrived here, they don't have unique moves nor any special fighting styles, they're the mob of their race.

2nd-Grade Pokemon are the most common, having either a unique fighting style or a unique move, they know when to run and when to fight. 1st-Grade Pokemons aka prodigies is the strongest group, they may be few in numbers but they are the best in combat. Having a lot of moves, good combos, some even shown to have a special ability and above else their intelligence isn't inferior to humans.

This can be seen in the fact they had gathered Pokemons and formed their own territories, some of them had even entered the Senior level (LVL 30). Then why aren't we a Senior Pokemon yet? Medusa doesn't want to stay put, this leads to more traveling than fighting, and most Pokemons we fought retreat when they couldn't win.

Her interest in exploration has really made it difficult to level up and me being her servant I'm can only follow. With the lack of resources, training our moves have become troublesome, so I did the job I'm best at, mercenary.

We chatted with a Butterfree that need help and had become the first Rescue Team, though there are not many rescue missions, we're more like Adventurers. As for why I say first, is because a week after someone else copied us and numbers began to increase, now I think there's 7.

My life has entered the era of Pokemon Rescue Team, now all that's left is a dungeon. Anyways, our job mainly involves eliminating strays, that is Servants who killed their master or Pokemons that breaks the rule of a territory. Obviously, it involves rescuing, but this doesn't occur often, there aren't that many Butterfrees that care about a lost Caterpie.

Scouting however has been occurring more often than usual.

"Break oversss," Medusa said.

"A little bit longer," I responded relaxed and uncaring about our mission. The mission? find out the reason Sneasels are snatching eggs. What kind of stupid mission is this? Anyone can guess they're going to eat it.


"Rude," I said flying forward taking the lead as scout and meat shield.

Moving onto moves, I had learn Stun Spore, Poison Powder, and Fairy Wind during the battle for Sunkern. I had only gotten one level since then. My speed in improving a move didn't increase with resources, at least compared to my time as Rattata so I asked the System why, the response was as followed.

[Answer: Host was living close to a Pokemon being no weaker than a Guardian. The energy it naturally releases is better than advance grade resources]

What I got from that was Big papa was strong but still chose to abandon most of us. Why? I can only find out when I meet him. Not something I want to think about so moving on.

I'm trying to learn Sunny Day and I don't think that'll happen anytime soon, I had basked in the sun for a day straight but still couldn't sense fire energy, even if I could sense it how am I supposed to summon the sun?

Now then did I cover everything? levels, world status, moves... ah-ha, move advancement limitations. Based on the system, if I don't think learn a better way to use Gust and Tailwind they won't be able to reach the Advance stage. Meaning sooner or later I would have to relearn the moves in another way, probably will try to learn them like how the current Fairy Wind works.

Also unless I have an ability that provides me an affinity with a specific type, or an ability that involves a specific set of moves, it'll be incredibly difficult for me to promote them to Expert stage. Meaning the current me can only make Grass and Flying moves reached the Expert level.

"You're goingsss the wrong waysss,"

"huh? sorry, you know how Amnesia works," Oh right, Amnesia, that moves is useful. No longer do I need a smoke or drugs, this things is the real deal, clearing my mind from all unnecessary thoughts.

[Amnesia temporarily empties the mind, clearing all concerns but in return cloaks the Host in a psychic barrier that specializes in countering energy base attacks]

Who gives a damn about its uses in battle? One more month and this move will reach expert with the number of times I does use it.


"Stop usingsss that movesss," Are you concerned for my health? Don't worry this is harmless, look at Slowpoke for example.

"Don't worry I'm not on the move right now," training Amnesia took up most of my time so, not so sadly, I didn't have time to talk about my life with you all.

[Host is advised to stop overusing Amnesia]

Sheesh, not you too. Weren't you supposed to be impartial?

[Host is advised to cure his mental disorder]

Here's my answer...

"You usedsss it againsss didn't yousss,"


