Haunted Snow Forest

One day later.


"Snow Forest, strong enemies, 5 minutes away," God damn it I want to use Amnesia.


"Can't be found here, though there's a lot of ice and grass types in there. Do we have any side quest for in here?"

"Kill a straysss Stantlersss,"

"Is it from that Ursaring territory?"

"Yesss," Figures, only they still carry out that master-servant relationship.

Stantlers are one annoying Pokemon to deal with, they have hypnotic antlers and a powerful body. Their weakness is that they aren't psychic types making the prep time for psychic moves obviously longer than a psychic Pokemon, excluding hypnosis. This has given me enough time to counter them if I react fast. Bordering the Snow Forest I used Senken, confirming whether there's enemies close by.

"When cansss you findsss Stantlersss," she said hurriedly, her addiction for adventure is stronger than my need for Amnesia and her lover for adding triple s doesn't seem to have a pattern.

"I'll use it occasionally while inside, Stantler might not be within my range,"

"Do wellsss," she said encouragingly, I quickly slapped away her tail swinging down at my butt with Tail Whip. Smack my head, not my butt, actually don't smack me at all.

Soon after entering the forest, I turned around and as expected, Medusa was nowhere in sight. While in forest biomes, Medusa would hide while following me, if a battle occurs she'll find an opportunity to get a critical hit off thanks to learning my Laser Focus. It's a shame I can't Glare, if I could use Glare followed by Cotton Spore or any of my status moves, most enemies can only watch as they die.


What? Did you think I didn't think of that? If the Pokemon knows that ability obviously I won't use it. I may not be smart, but I'm not stupid, I graduated from middle school after all.

[Host is smarter than most high schoolers]

With the motivation, I received from having an intelligent younger brother, of course, I'm smarter than them.

Moving on, while flying through the forest leisurely, I began to think about adding members to our party. Medusa is an assassin type and I'm an all-rounder, a somewhat decent one. If we can find a Poliwag and a ranged attacker we would have a good team for our adventuring job.

"Kekeke, delicious,"

Who said that? Using Senken I learned that no one was near me. Hallucination? or was it...

"Medusa don't mess around!" on a second thought, Medusa's voice doesn't sound like that.

"Holy banshee!" I shouted shooting out Cotton Spore at the Pokemon, who phase through it. Why the hell is a puppet taller than me?

"You're overflowing with envy, such a bountiful meal," The puppet Pokemon Shuppet said, its mouth drooling from ecstasy.

"No need to fight," he said hurriedly, sensing my killing intent. "Just eating the negative energy leaking from you, not like you would need it," negative energy? why can't I see it?

[Answer: Excluding those with specific abilities for the job, only Ghost, Dark, Fairy, and Psychic Pokemons can sense it, with only Dark and Ghost types able to use it]

"How did I not sense your presence earlier?" I asked not letting down my guard.

"Ghost Pokemons are naturally good against scouting abilities when we want to hide," guess he's not wrong, I had now confirmed his level to be 13.

I wonder if that's enough for one of us to level up? Landing, my leaves spike upwards, a signal used to let Medusa attack once given an opportunity.

"What did I do to provoke your ire?"oh yeah it can sense negative emotions. Amnesia.

"I just don't like you,"

"Did you forget Amnesia does put up a psychic barrier? How would I not sense that?" Shuppet said mockingly, throwing out a Shadow Ball at me.

"I forgot," Canceling Amnesia, I used Protect to block Shadow ball followed by Absorb on the retreating Shuppet.

Normal type moves can't work, that's pretty much locking down most of my moves. Should try and learned Razor Leaf, it shouldn't be hard to learn, and maybe Acrobatics too.

"You think too much," Shuppet said, his shadow stretched behind me almost instantaneously, trying to hit me from behind.

However it stopped halfway and faded, canceling my soon to form Cotton Guard, I shot it off using Cotton Spore and turned my gaze towards Shuppet. Shuppet was Wrap'd by Medusa with Bite latched onto Shuppet's head. Wait, how can wrap harm Shuppet?

[Answer: Dark Energy has contaminated Shuppet's body, preventing Ghost types natural intangibility when it comes to Normal and Fighting moves]

So if I soak a ground type in water can I electrocute it?

"Why are you trying to attack me for? I didn't do anything," Shuppet cried out. It shouldn't take too long until he faints and finally dies.

"Experience. Immature kids should stay at home," I spoke bluntly, ignoring Shuppet's Glare.

How did Shuppet appear here? Guess I can find out from some other ghost Pokemon that might appear, Shuppet has already fainted and Medusa had already returned to hiding. Absorbing away Shuppet's life, I stayed focused not on enemies but to hear the magic word.

[Host has leveled up]

Hell yeah, 2 more levels to go.

[Host has learned Sleep Powder]

Yes! I'm not leaving this forest until I have successfully evolved.


Fun fact.

Shadow Sneak: The user extends its shadow and attacks the target from behind. This move always goes first.

Though once the move proficiency increased to the Advance stage one can move through the shadow.