Team Fight

Seeing Butterfree's eyes shining blue I used Screech to cancel her confusion. Turning around midair I used Protect blocking Rattata's Quick Attack and countered with Leafage, sadly it ran away using Quick Attack.

"Low 2nd Grade," I countered Butterfree's Gust with my own and used Cotton Guard blocking a Rattata's attack.

Flying towards Butterfree thanks to Rattata's attack, I burst out with Cotton Spore and got hit by Gust blowing away me and my spores. Though this also lead to cotton hitting Rattata, seeing as though I am about to pass by him, I quickly used Sleep Powder while still being blown away. While the powder was coming out of me, I used Gust downwards, blowing the powder towards Rattata.

Rattata who was having trouble moving with Cotton Spore, got hit by Gust and fell asleep. Getting in control of myself, I turned my gaze towards Medusa... no, she's gone hiding with Hoothoot. Gosh, she could have easily defeated that Hoothoot and helped. Did she think we had everything here under control?

Losing control of my body, I was slammed into a tree by Confusion, and String Shot came moving towards me. Protect, I blocked String Shot, forcing my body downwards with Take Down, dodging a combo move of Gust and Poison Powder.

"High 2nd Grade," Butterfree shot out String Shot at Rattata? String Shot pulls Rattata towards him, revealing a small hole underneath him. Does this thing know Keen Eyes?

[Answer: No, Compound Eyes. One of Compound Eyes effects is high sensitively to moving objects]

Interesting, but I got to seize this opportunity here. Getting back into the air, I boosted my speed with Tailwind as I rush towards him. Butterfree eyes shined blue and I quickly counter with Screech, which he countered back with Gust, which I then counter with Gust.

Got no more counters huh?


Oh, sh*t! Seeing that Fireball moving towards me, I quickly used Protect to block the attack.

[Flame Burst]

"F*cking Fluffs he's only 2 levels higher, why can't you win yet!?" I shouted at Fluffs who was losing to Quilava.

"F*ck do you think this is as easy as it looks!?" He shouted back, creating a cotton wall to block a ball of fire, while trapped in a ring of fire.

[Fire Spin]

It even has time to use Swift towards me.

My body quickly lost control of itself and was released instantly, turning my gaze back to Butterfree, I saw it had dodged an Acid. Not only that, Rattata had just woken up, quickly jumping back into the battlefield, and was blocked by Medusa.

My plan on chasing Butterfree has halted and I won't be able to continue for a while. Using Protect, I blocked Swift and burst out with Cotton Spore before being quickly thrown into a tree by Confusion. This isn't going well.

[Has the host considered using Amnesia?]

...What? I do sometimes forget it's a combat move. Sensing Butterfree using Gust I quickly used my own, mine is stronger but Butterfree's own is more lasting, perfectly canceling out each other's own nicely. Seeing Butterfree eyes shining once more I entered back into the air and used Amnesia.

"Did something touch me?" Canceling out Amnesia, I flew towards Butterfree who began to flap her wings to use Gust.

Taking in a deep breath I used Gust myself, however, this time my attack wasn't able to fully block hers and I quickly understood why. Wings. Using Protect I blocked the rest of Gust and soared higher into the air with Tailwind.

"You like to show off, oh you can do Gust better than me~ But guess what b*tch?" Butterfree looked at faking a confused expression, b*tch don't play dumb with me. "I got the High Ground,"

I shoot down at him with Brave Bird boosted with Tailwind. Butterfree quickly tried to control me with Confusion, but if that could have worked Psychic would've been broken. Our bodies pressed together as carried him down into the ground with Brave Bird. Butterfree's body slammed into the ground while mines Splash back up and drove right back down into Butterfree with Brave Bird.

[Host has leveled up]

Splashing right back into the air, I used Absorb restoring my health and stamina with the price of Butterfree's life.

"Retreat!" Quilava shouted. Oh? did he now realize they would lose?

Suddenly, my body started to hurt badly and my health began to drop. Not rapidly, but scary enough, given my current health, I'll faint in minutes. How the hell did I got poisoned?

[Answer: Butterfree's racial ability, Toxic Scales. When the host was in contact with Butterfree, Butterfree released all the scales on its wings, which Host inhaled, thereby getting heavily poisoned]

Jokes on you Butterfree, getting beaten by Medusa so many times, I always carry a Pecha berry. Pulling it out from where I'm assuming to be my chest, I pulled it out and swallow it whole.

"phew," it stopped. Now then System can you start notifying me when I beat and kill a Pokemon?

[System will consider it]

Hey, what do you mean consider? For all, I know the Pokemon might be faking it, this is also why I prefer to use Absorb.

[System recommends Host worry about your allies]

Did they hold them back? Turning my gaze towards Medusa and Fluffs they were... losing? 2 vs 1 and can't win? Looking carefully I got the reason, Blaze. Quilava was on fire, literally and in more ways than one.

Fluffs is not far away from fainting and Medusa is unable to deal with Quilava's long-distance firepower. Though Rattata has fainted, hmm... help them, or evolve then help. Decisions decisions.

[Host doesn't have time for contemplation]

Fine, cliffhanger it is.