Time Skip

Talking about every small fight, escapes, and chase is a pain, so I'll just give a quick run about what happened last week.

Although Medusa had said split up, she forced me and Fluffs together for an attempt at synergy. The minute she left we battled for temporary master title and I won. With the aid of Senken finding a Pokemon wasn't difficult, I and Fluffs made fast progress in leveling up and now I'm level 22, 5 levels away from my final form.

Fluffs also caught up with me in levels, after taunting me that I was only one because I had a higher level, I was level 18 and he was 16 back then. Anyways, we're now both level 22 and I helped him learn Quick Attack, Thunder Punch, and Counter. Don't trust him enough to give him Protect and he already has Cotton Wall.

He did manage to perfect his Thunder Breath, Dragon Breath + Thunder Shock, and is making a faster version of Thunder Step through Quick Attack + Thunder Shock, named Thunder Flash. I also told him to make a move which I call Chidori, formed by Thunder Punch + Thunder Shock. Maybe in the future, I should make Rasengan.

He should be able to attempt and learn moves on his own now, becoming a certified 1st Grade Pokemon.

As for what I learned, it's easier to just show you'll, Status.

[Name: Hoppip D Beri

Age: 7 months

Gender: Male

Pokemon: Skiploom

Type: Grass, Flying

Lvl: 22

Innate Ability: Instinct, Senken

Ability: Leaf Guard, Chlorophyll

Racial Ability: Light Weight, Wind Sense, Sunlight Absorbing Petals, Thermo Blooming Flower

Talent Grade: Shallow Green

Nature: Bold

Move set:

Beginner: Razor Leaf, Dig, Tail Whip, Take Down, Fairy Wind, Sleep Powder, Stun Powder, PoIson Powder, Laser Focus, Return, Leafage, Counter, Absorb, Brave Bird

Intermediate: Bullet Seed, Cotton Spore, Double Edge, Last Resort, Splash, Focus Energy, Gust, Screech, Tailwind, Rest, Sleep Talk, Cotton Guard, Amnesia

Advance: Quick Attack, Synthesis, Protect]

I learned Bullet Seed at level 20 and I self-learned Razor Leaf based on Leafage. I attempted to learn Air Cutter but failed miserably, now I don't think am good at flying moves. I should be able to learn Aerial Ace and Acrobatics though. Cotton Spore advanced to Intermediate, now I should be able to shoot out plenty without the need of using Cotton Guard first.

Bullet Seed also advanced to Intermediate enabling me to guarantee at least 3 bullets are shot at once. I can also make Bullet Seed shoot out only one seed if need be.

I also have been attempting a fusion move of Quick Attack and Protect, hoping to make a move similar to Psyshield Bash. The attempt caused a chaotic outflow of normal energy and led me to faint from exhaustion. Not trying that again in the wild, no no no~.

So yeah, compared to Fluffs my move training wasn't as successful, but I'm curious about how Medusa's own would be. Would she evolve into Arbok or something unique? Maybe she doesn't want to evolve and I won't be happy about that but sadly because of our master-servant relationship I can only accept it... or hopefully convince her otherwise.

"Little Beri, when will Medusa arrive?"

"Who are you calling little Beri, mister Fluffs?"

"Do you want to try and eat a Static Spore?"

"Have you ever been kicked at the speed of sound?" No, I'm not that fast. Fluffs might be able to do it with an improved Thunder Step using Extreme Speed.

"Do you think I can't kill you before Medusa arrived?"

"Kill? You haven't one a fight against me since our first encounter,"

"And you haven't won a battle since last week,"

On the scoreboard, we both have 1 win each with 8 draws. I swear he has way too many advantages against me, all my attacks except normal type moves aren't so effective against him and my normal type moves are contact attacks. Me making it a draw just shows that I'm better than him.

"Don't worry I won't leave a hair behind, can't let Medusa know I killed you after all," I said with a smile on my face flying closer to Fluffs.

"You don't have to worry about that, I heard death returns us to nothingness meaning peace and tranquility,"

"That's a pity, I planned to curse your soul a life of eternal pain," I said sadly, stopping a short distance away from him.

"Hope you die a painful death," he said quietly, sparks of electricity flickering over his skin and wool while using Tail Glow.

"Behavesss," A head poked out from under the ground below us, huh? Medusa didn't evolve.

My body froze in place from the effects of Intimidate, its secondary effect being fear, obviously didn't affect me. Though it did affect Fluffs.

"Medusa you'll make mister Fluffs pee himself," I said as I watched Fluffs quickly shakes himself out of the fear effect. "Scaredy Cat,"


"Medusa don't be like that!"


"Don't bait me outsss,"

"Did you figure that out already?" Here I thought me and Fluffs played that out well.


Bonded? Let's see Fluffs from a human perspective is like a 10-year-old, maybe younger. Besides being a brat who thinks he's better than me, he's an avenger and copycat. Unlike me who's truly annoyed when he argues with me, he's doing it for fun. Of course, like most Pokemon,s he's serious when it comes to battles.

"I can trust him with my back," for now, who knows how he'll be in the future.

[Relationship: Fluffs: Debatable Ally => Ally]

Haha, very funny.

"To Snow Mountainsss,"

Finally, dealing with these ghost types in this forest was a pain. Shuppets, Pumpkaboos, Duskulls, and Phantumps, at least those are ghost types we had battled.

[Snow Mountain would carry even more ghost types and ice type Pokemons]

Ice type! Would I get one shot, that's a bit scary to think about.