Special Chapter 7 Marshall Mike, Brotherhood

Location - Central Park, Empire

Day - Friday

Today was another annoying day of Mike's life.

His grandfather has officially kicked the bucket, Sunday, reuniting with his mother in hell. This was followed by a lot of sh*t leading to Crown Prince Peter von Luminous becoming the king.

Hitting the age of 20 the same day his grandpa's died, wasn't good for anyone's mental health.

Especially, when the cause of death was poisoning. Let's just say a lot of commoners died that day, instead of prince Peter that asked for his support that same day.

Thanks to his father and his best friend, they manage to stop him from killing the prince, and instead vent out his frustration on criminals.

Walking through the park on this snowy day. Mike tosses away the used cigarette and puts his hands in his pocket to grab another one. Around the same time his mother died, Mike no longer cared about being special, no longer dying his hair brown.

Thinking has slowly become overrated to him, quoting, 'I'm a killer, not a thinker,'. Etiquettes, politics, and any other shenanigans were already something he never cared about, but now you would get shot mentioning it to him.

Thanks to his best friend who works as his messenger for his clients as well as his weapon dealer, he has another method of making money besides being an Executioner, and has a place where he can get 'totally legal' weapons.

{Image Here}

"Tsk," he clicks his tongue, he ran out of cigarettes.

Sitting down on a bench while ignoring the man sitting beside him. His gaze focus on a fat man whose back was resting on a pole, a cigarette in his mouth as he chatted on the phone.

'Should I?'

If he has one maybe has two, killing him for it shouldn't be a bad idea.

"Don't," The person sitting beside him said quietly.

As the words come out, Mike pulls out a knife from his pocket, the blade quickly arrives under the man's neck.

"Hey, look before you kill, lousy brother,"

{Image Here}

Nick now had most of his hair dyed white, his clothes formal like usual.

"Do I look stupid to you?" The only reason the knife hadn't cut through Nick's neck is that Mike recognized him.

"..." Maybe in the past he would say no, but now. It's best he doesn't say anything and just smiles.

"Why are you here?" Mike asked, drawing back his knife.

"Just wondering why you didn't support me? Heck, you didn't support anyone,"

Mike had become infamous due to his mercenary work. Thanks to how beneficial it was having him as one they choose to ignore the occasional low-rank nobles who died to him.

He was mostly hired for sabotage, drastically weakening and occasionally destroying the army moving towards them. His kill count has begun to catch up to Alan's.

Alan is a young man from the same generation as Mike. He can remotely pilot over a thousand war machines, mostly being tanks and anti-aircraft.

Mike and Alan are the last deterrence against enemy forces now that the king is dead.

"Don't come here to ask me a question, *sshole," Mike replies annoyed.

"It's not a hard question, I even brought a box as a reward," Nick replies, taking out a box of cigarettes from his pocket.

"Give me one first," Mike said.

Nick didn't hesitate to give one to Mike, Mike has his own principles, even if most are... questionable.

Lighting it and taking in a deep breath, Mike spoke.

"None of you deserve my support. Peter's a puppet, Paul's a loser, the rest aren't worth mentioning since they didn't get any support, as for you. You're indecisive,"

"I disagree, I just..."

"Cared too much about trash and enemies. This is why compared to Peter and Paul, you had the least support,"

"Your definition of trash and enemies are too absurd," Nick refutes.

Who aren't deemed as trash and enemies can be counted on Mike's hand, his brother, his father, and his best friend. To Mike all of them would have been labeled as trash if not for being someone special to him, either being a relative or friend.

"So what? Your definition is idiotic. I'm almost certain you're a bastard child of father,"

Nick doesn't consider anyone as trash or enemies but as potential allies. He believes humanity can work together as a whole. That thought alone is incomprehensible to his family.

"If that's all you came here for, give me the box and leave. You made this stressful day even more stressful,"

"Here take it," Nick said giving him the box of cigarettes.

"But, before I go, let me tell you what I learned about mother's death," Nick said watching Mike's annoyed face become a serious one.

"When you had started to show some intelligence, grandfather had originally considered letting you become the next King, and many nobles although unwilling agreed it was better than the current princes,"

"Back then, you were showing signs of what a King they believed should have, Wisdom, Charisma, Decisiveness, and Ruthlessness... though you was and still is a bit too ruthless,"

"Charisma? I don't think I ever had such a thing," Mike spat.

"Don't have? brother you had literally rule the school,"

"With an iron fist,"

"Which they started to like,"

"They were all masochists,"

"We both know it wasn't the pain I was talking about. Stay serious for a bit longer," Nick sighed.

"You could've been king. Well, that's until your weakness appeared, mother,"


'So that's why...'

"Hahaha," Mike began to laugh hysterically.

"Are you happy brother? Now I'm officially the enemy of the Empire. I'm not going to stop, until I burned down this f*cling. kingdom," hearing these words Nick's eyes widened in shock.

He just needed the Empire to be defeated easier, with Mike on the Empire's side it would've taken a little longer.

"Wait, that's going overboard," Nick disagrees.

"Thanks for the information, I'll make sure to use it wisely," Mike laughed, standing up as he walked away.

'This didn't go as well as I hoped,' Nick thought.

'But victory is still mine," at the end of the day, Mike is just one person. His brother would technically be his ally until the Alliance wins the war.

The most effective damage Mike can deal by himself is killing nobles and that benefits him more than it benefits Mike.

Two brothers one on the path of bloody revenge, while the other on the part of world peace.


Location - Shakky's Bar

Shakky's Bar is a not-so-special bar owned by a not-so-special rich merchant. It's a place where nothing shady ever happens.

What? Your kid went missing near here?

That has nothing to do with us.

We heard gunshots coming from in there daily.

Sorry, but you heard wrong.

Sir, you could have said Madman Mike is a regular visitor, if we knew we would've never entered.

Well, now you know.

This place is owned by Mike's friend, Raven Champion. Raven was his lackey during middle school and was kept around because of his intelligence. Later on, they eventually became friends.

Sitting down inside a specially crafted room meant for their won communication, Mike and Raven were doing their usual chatting. Sitting opposite each other with a table separating them. On the table, there were mangas, novels, envelopes, and letters.

Raven's appearance would make anime fans instantly alert. He gives off a harmless vibe with his brown hair and glasses, while wearing a business suit.

{Image Here}

"Dude, what's the point in me creating so much anime if you aren't even going to watch them,"

"Don't come around me with that bullsh*t, I told you I wasn't going to watch any of that sh*t,"

"Then what are you going to do in your free time?"


"Have you ever thought about the number of children you could have had with each shot you wasted?" He asked concernedly.


"So many had died only for one's ecstasy,"

"Still, don't you think it's sad putting yourself as the antagonist in your own book?" Mike asked, holding the manga of Bleach in his hand.

"Antagonist suits me nicely," Raven replies lackadaisically.

"Anyways, what kind of job are you looking for? There are plenty of people who request your help,"

"Give me something I can do quickly, I still have an audience with Peter,"

"When do you have to go?"

"Half an hour ago,"


"He's a puppet so it shouldn't matter when I go," Mike explains.

"Meet that sh*tty king before you do this mission," Raven said while opening a letter from off the table, reading the contents his eyes widen from shock.

"What is it this time? I'm not going to kill or recapture another escapee for that rapist fat man," Those men were suicidal, but one can't blame them. Who once to be raped?

"Kill your father," Raven answers, which idiot even send this.

"Easy enough," Mike said about to stand up.

"You're not doing that mission, your mental health would be affected," Raven hurriedly explains.

"Is it or is it not a mission?" Mike asked his cold eyes locked on Raven.

"Well yes, but..."

"I'll do it. This will be the last thing I do for these noble trashes," saying that Mike left.

"Keikaku doori," Raven said, slightly pushing up his glasses.

If one look closely through the group of mangas, one would see a story titled, 'Naze Kono Sekai Wa Heiwa Ni Narenai Nodesu Ka?' which can be translated as, 'Why Can't This World Be Peaceful?', the front cover showing Nick and a group of women behind him.


Location - Outside the throne room.

Standing right in front of the door, Mike was going through one of the most frustrating moments of his life, thinking.

'You could've been king,' Nick's voice sounded in his head.

'Yeah, but that's not for me,' Mike thought shaking his head.

Meanwhile, the two guards who were previously guarding the door wanted nothing more for Mike to leave. Nobody wants to be close to this ticking bomb.


'let's hear what this f*cker has to say and quickly go before I shoot him instinctively,'

Kicking open the door, he walked right in, not caring if what he had just done was rude or not.

"Mike, what the hell are you doing here!?" Peter shouts angrily.

{Image Here}

"King, you were scheduled to meet him earlier," said a not so important person, who doesn't need a name nor an image, because the author is too lazy to think of one.

(AN: Deal with it)

"Oh yeah, that's why... why though?" Peter asks.

"It's about his position as the Noble Executioner," he explains.

"Noble Executioner? is he the one that kills nobles that punishments are death?" getting a nod from the man beside him who passes a sheet of paper to him. King Peters nods back before turning his to Mike.

"Hahaha, let's see if you're qualified to be a Noble Executioner," Reading the information on the letter he doubted his eyes.

The letter in short states that they plan on sending Mike as a freelancer on the battlefield. Meaning, he can do whatever he wants on the battlefield as long as it's beneficial to them. With the amount of money he's being paid one would think it's a promotion.

To make sure King Peter understand what they wrote is as simple as they can without looking like they were demanding him to do so.

'I understand. They don't want him as an Executioner anymore and wants him to die on the battlefield,'

No, you don't understand. They wrote it simple because you're simplistic.

'However, that punishment is a bit too little. Death is a release, therefore humiliation is the key,'


"Mike, you reek of envy,"


The minister coughed.

"Such a disgusting Executioner isn't needed, you're dismissed,"

"Okay," Mike said, he no longer desires to be an Executioner anyways.

"Furthermore, because of your disgraceful behavior as a child, you're no longer a noble,"

'This is for all those times you bullied my son,'

"Your majesty,"

"Say no more, I understand,"

'You understand sh*t!' the minister wanted to shout.

"If that's it I'm going," Mike said. Nothing they said is anything he cared about and besides, this would've happened today even if he didn't say anything.


Location - Marshall's Family mansion, Living room

Normally, when one enters this living room they would have a stun expression. The furniture for the living room was expensive and everything matched together perfectly with the room.

Now, however, entering this room one would most likely scream. The living room that could have been called art had its furniture covered with blood. 10 men in black, lying on the floor dead while Mike and his father were smoking as they argue away.

"Why must each time you return you do some sh*t?"

This is the fifth time Mike killed someone working for him.

"F*cker, sh*t just keeps happening to me!"

"You attack them first!"

"That's because..." Mike hesitated.

"Why can't you just return to who you were before your mother died?"


"What you're doing is beyond stupid? You're acting like a musclehead with no brain, can't you be like your brother?"

"Wait, no, don't be like him. That kid is a disgusting pacifist,"

"You should have gotten the help you needed years ago. I blame your mother, you might have been the perfect King if you had gone to a mental hospital,"

"You know what? F*ck it! You have disappointed me for the last time. Get out!"

Clearing his throat, Mike got rid of the last hesitation he had left.


"Get out, you have already lost your status as a noble. I will not help you get it back,"

"I'm here to kill you," Mike said coldly.

His father is a noble therefore he's his enemy, those that are his enemy must die.

"In that case, get over a drink. I'm going to vent, you don't understand the amount of stress you and your brother does give,"

"No, don't have much time," Mike denies pointing his pistol at his father's forehead.



"As expected of my unfilial son, go ahead and kill me. At least I'll get to tell your mother how much of an utter waste you are,"


Marcus was a very unique person. He loved his wife and children and didn't care about anything else, even the concubines he had were only used when his wife wasn't home.

His way of showing his love to his two sons is through harsh words. Instead of complimenting them for their hard work, he would show disapproval in how slow they did it, even if he was truthfully happy and thought they did a good job.

This doesn't mean he was a good person, no he was far from it. He was sure if there's a hell he will reunite with not just his wife, but his relatives and sons... son, Nick might really be a bastard child.

Neither sides of Nick's family were a good person.

With a disappointed expression, Marcus died.

Seeing his father with a bullet in his head, Mike shed a tear. This is the most his body allowed, his heart however nearly stopped. Yes, his father is trash and his enemy, but it was still his father.

Even if he used to only show his love to his mother it didn't mean he didn't care about his father.

*ring* *ring*

Seeing his father's phone ringing on the table, he answered it.


"Why!?" he heard the tearful voice of his brother.

"What other reason than it being a job? Do you think I would kill him because I wanted to?" Mike mocked.

Unless his father tried to kill him first there, he wouldn't kill him even if he's his enemy unless it's beneficial. Sadly, it was.

However, everyone has to make a living.

"Your crazy!"

"Listen here you piece of sh*t..."

"No, you listen to me! You kill father intentionally just to get rid of attachments..."

"Are you foolish? I did it because it was a job!" Mike refutes.

"That's just an excuse, you could have refused the job but still took it. You're someone who follows his heart, do you know how foolish it is to break your own attachments, especially when now you only have two?"

With Marcus gone, there are only two people left that Mike cares about. His brother and his best friend.

"You're making me sound like an emotional b*tch,"

"That's what you are. Words affect you way too much if said by those you care about,"

"Luckily there's not much I care about,"

"You're starting to make me think you were behind mother's death!"

"F*cker, don't you dare accuse me of that!" Mike shouts angrily.

"Even if the evidence points it to be nobles, based on what you did today makes me think otherwise!" Nick said.

"You're someone who moves based on their emotions but chooses to break those few things you care about. You're someone who wants to love but refuses it when given. You're someone who wants friends but denies them the chance to get closer. You're smart but refuse to use it. You're a walking contradiction that's on the path of being a war machine,"

"War machine doesn't seem like a bad idea," Mike murmurs.

"Why are you doing this to yourself? Sooner or later you'll break down mentally," Nick asks.

"Brother, what happens to me has nothing to do with you. Avenging mother is all I care about. Maybe in my next life, I'll think about myself, but right now I think I'll burn the world to the ground. I took too long to avenge mother and I also have to avenge grandpa,"


"I'm, what are you going to do about it?" Mike asked with a terrifying grin.

"I-I'll ki-ill yo-ou," Nick stuttered.

"Brother, you're stuttering, how am I supposed to understand you like that?"

"I'll save you by killing you,"

"Brother, that's sounds crazy. How will you save me by killing me?"

"This is the only method I can think of. If you're dead then mother can fix you, I lack the smile and embrace mother can give, and sadly, that's what you need,"

"I don't need a hug from mother, I passed that stage," Mike shook his head.

"If you're not willing to be cured, then no one can cure you. Therefore, only mother can make you willingly try to cure yourself,"

"Scr*w it, I'm not going to stop bothering to try and understand you anymore. You want me dead, then try me, but don't hesitate otherwise you'll die,"


Later that day Alan Smith a man who could pilot over a thousand tanks and other war machines, got sniped within the armored vehicle made to protect him on the battlefield. Just like that, the young man who made all forces against the Empire cautious died, fully restarting the World War.

As for the person who sniped Alan, it was Mike von Marshall, now known as Mike Marshall. He used Alan's death as an advertisement to all forces excluding the Empire.

'Hire me and you will win,'

Once the Empire is destroyed he will think of how the rest of the world.


The Empire has a huge advantage when it comes to military technology this is what led them to unite the world, temporarily.

It is said that the armored vehicle used to protect Alan shouldn't be able to be broken by any known human weapons or weapons made decades later that can be carried in one's hand.

This led to the Empire's mad hunt of Mike in hopes of getting this foreign technology.