Sneaky Sableye And Pure Power Golett

Shooting out 6 balls of Hidden Power Dark at an enemy Shuppet. Sadly, I'm not good enough to split up the balls to hit different targets.


Astonished was used by someone who'll soon be targeted for damaging everyone. Using Bullet Seed I hit 2 Duskulls in their eye and Gastly which the attack slipped through.

[Racial Ability: Gas body]

So a body of gas, then Gust. Using Gust Gastly's body lost its physical shape and was blown back.

[Host has defeated Gastly]

Defeated and not killed? Dammit, someone is going to steal my exp. Using Protect behind me, I turned around boosted with Quick Attack to see who had attacked me and quickly counterattack.

"Kekeke," Sableye laughed.

It's that same Sableye from before.

Using Confuse Ray at me, I countered with Razor Leaf followed by Gust, sadly Sableye after using Confuse Ray ran away through Shadow Sneak, making my attacks miss.

Using Bullet Seed I hit a Shuppet who attempted to sneak attack Snow. The attack pushed back Shuppet giving Snow the chance to spit out Life Dew towards Fluffs... Don't think I'll ever ask to receive that spit of life.

As the shining spit moves towards Fluffs, a few brave souls try to move towards it to get healed. Sadly, for them most were blocked by a well-timed Bullet Seed or Medusa knocking them out with a Conqueror Haki, I mean Intimidate.

Life Dew lands safely onto Fluffs' back who was fighting a Haunter. The battle quickly ended after Haunter get this by the Unstable fusion move Thunder Breath.

[Host has defeated Duskul]

Meanwhile, Medusa sweeps away of few Pokemons that tried to surround her with Dragon Tail, and as for me, I'm collecting Experience from the asleep ghost types near Snow.

[Host has defeated Duskull]

I need a better AOE move, Leafage width and damage aren't the best.

[Host has killed Duskull]

And my stomach is now full, meaning no more Absorbs.

[Host has leveled up]

[Host can now evolve into Jumpluff]

Great, shame I can't evolve now. A short break isn't something I can do.

"Fellow Citizens, why must we fight!?"


A Golett? Sableye appeared behind Golett, its claw covered enchanted with Dark type energy as it attacks.

[Knock Off]

I wonder if it would knock the sense right back into him. A shadow fist came out from Sableye's figure, which it manages to dodge thanks to Detect, however.

"Justice Smash!" Golett shouted, a shadow fist came out from his own shadow moving towards Sableye.

Based on the attack's speed, size, and closeness to Sableye I doubt he can dodge it himself. A giant Shadow Claw burst out from under Sableye and intercepts the attack.

"F*ck off!" Just when it was getting good, a sh*tty Haunter tries to ambush me, attacking with Sucker Punch.

Using Protect, I blocked it and used Gust, it barely managed to push him back. Did Haunter lose his gas body after evolving? Testing my theory, I used Bullet Seed which he counterattacks with Shadow Ball.

"Die!" I shouted going towards him with Brave Bird.

Haunter's eyes widen from surprise, not expecting me to know this move. He quickly releases poisonous gas into the air while trying to retreat.

Moving directly through it, thereby getting poison our bodies collided.

[Haunter has fainted]

As if I'm satisfied with just that. Keeping Brave Bird active I dived down onto the ground with him

[Host has killed Haunter]

Great, now I'm poisoned. Can I outlast it through Leech Seed? Using Rest right now isn't recommended even with the aid of Instinct and Sleep Talk.

At Least the poison helps warm my body. Returning to the sky, I looked back at Snow who wasn't that far away from me. My eyes widen in shock, not from the fact Snow used Hail, no it because of her control over it. Hail is currently only covering herself and the range I left Tailwind and Sleep Powder, Tailwind was to keep Sleep Powder in the air.

Sadly, the minute was used the constant Sleep Powder will most likely collapse with Tailwind getting interrupted unintentionally. Whatever, Medusa can watch over Snow.

Spitting out Leech Seeds, I watch as the roots grew and lock onto a Duskull's back. At this rate, we might accidentally overstep level 30.

Traveling around the battlefield, I spat out Leech Seed and occasionally, Cotton Spore, Sleep Powder, and Stun Spore. Looks like I'm going to be a crowd control type Pokemon.

"Justice Smash!" are they still fighting?

"Kekeke," Sableye manages to dodge it this time thanks to Detect.

Let them beat each other up and then I'll come over and snatch experience.

"Justice Smash!"

Where's the attack?


"F*ck you!" Seeing the Shadow Punch and giant Shadow Claw coming towards me I wanted to cry.

I'm starting I think their fight was just to lower my guard.

Luckily, I'm stronger than my first meeting with Sableye. Cotton Guard followed by Protect, Shadow Claw tears through my Cotton Guard and was finally blocked by Protect, which was then shattered by Shadow Punch that hit me.

"Team Rocket is blasting off again!" I shouted as I was thrown into the air, my body slamming into the ice wall above me and slowly starts to fall.

Light Weight for the win!

Looking down, I saw Thunder Breath moving towards the too, Sableye escapes through Shadow Sneak, while Golett counterattacks with his Shadow Punch, which easily tore through the unstable Thunder Breath. What?

[Answer: Golett has the special ability, Pure Power, along with the ability Iron Fist]
