Evolved Variant? Reintroductions


Landing on the grass, I looked around. It's evening and we're now in a grassy plain. There's Fluffs disgustingly close to me, Snow a distance away, a Pidgeotto? and...

"What the f*ck!?" I shouted.

{Image Here}

"What's wrongsss?" Medusa asks.

"Holy sh*t, what did you eat!?" I asked.

"A stonesss,"

[Answer: A top-grade Dusk Stone, aka the Ghost Dark type resource host was looking for]


This is fine too I guess. Any unique abilities?

[Answer: Possible abilities are Pressure, Corrosion, and Shadow Tag]

[Intimidate has become her Racial Ability]

"Oh, what happened," Fluffs groans, getting up.

"What abilities do you have Medusa?"

"Pressuresss, Shadow Tagsss,"

[Note: Medusa can be considered as an Evolved Variant. A Pokemon that can break the boundaries of Arbok]

You mean become something beyond Arbok?

[Answer: Yes]

[She now has the possibility to evolve further, an example of such Pokemons is Galarian Farfetch'd]

"Hey, are you ignoring me!?" Fluffs shouts.

"Dude, there are people sleeping," I complained for Snow and that Pidgeotto.

"Medusa, what's that doing here?" I asked as I flew above Pidgeotto.

Slithering over, Medusa sniffed Pidgeotto.


"Who's calling me?" Skyla groans raising her head.

Instantly, she flaps up into the air and gets knocked back down with Take Down.

"Behave," I told her.

"No, yousss,"

My body froze in place midair thanks to Intimidate. Thankfully, even if I stop moving I wouldn't necessarily fall unless I chose to...


Or get smack down.

"Medusa? What do you want?" Skyla asks.

Did you recognize her from her smacking?

"Companion acquiredsss," Medusa said.

"I refuse..."

"You don't get a choice!" I and Fluffs shout.

"I guess... you're right," Skyla answered, realizing she is outnumbered.

"But you're weaker than me, I refuse to obey someone weaker than me,"

"Weaker?" I look at Fluffs to see him staring back at me.

Pretty gay.

Using Senken I learn she's only level 33.

"Yeah, you don't stand a chance," Maybe she was level 35 and she could have won.

"Come on, let's fight and see," Skyla said arrogantly, flying a distance away from Medusa.

Should I wake up Snow?

[Answer: She was long awake]

Then what's she doing? Flying and landing on top of her, I could hear her muttering to herself.

"This isn't home, it's warm. Mommy, I need you," she mutters.


Snow would probably die here, but it would be death from illness, so technically not my fault?

"Snow use Hail," I said. Unlike me, she still has ways to keep cold, even if this method isn't perfect.

"Right, I have Hail," She said raising, releasing a weak cry. Clouds began to cover the sky and snow began to fall a small range around us.

"I give up!" Skyla shouts.

"Weak!" Fluffs mock.

"Disappointing," I shake my head. Skyla's body was Wrap'd by Medusa, Glare is dangerous to Flying types... and pretty much everyone.

Those that are immune would get Intimidated and she still has Pressure.

"Ahh, so much better," Snow sighs, basking in the snow.

"We won't be here forever, so enjoy it while it lasts," I told her.

"I'm not going to see Father and Mother again, am I?" She asks quietly.

"Unlikely, they live on an island. While we're who knows where?"

[Answer: System knows]

[Location - Johto, route 32]

Oh? are we back here?

"Will you continue to protect me?" She asks hesitantly.

"I'm not the type to break a promise," I said dismissively as I flew outside Snow's Hail.

Arriving beside Medusa, I took a good look at Skyla, quickly understanding why she feels so familiar.

"Now that I think about it, aren't you that bad teaching Pidgey?" I asked

"Bad teaching? it's you who's a bad learner," Skyla spat out annoyed, looking ready to pounce me.

"Relax yourself you feisty bird," I flew behind Medusa using her as a shield.

"Where are wesss,"

"Route 32," I answered.

"Zazaza, revenge is near," Fluffs laughed.

"Bruh, nobody does laugh like that,"

"Says, hahaha," he mocked.

"He's rightsss," Medusa agrees with him.

"F*ck it, rocking with Snow is better than you haters," Landing on the ground, I sulked.

"I'm already here," Snow's answer comes from behind me.

"Did you get lonely?"

"Uhuh," she replies quietly.

Thought as much.

"What should we do now, master?" Fluffs asked.

"Trainsss," Medusa said.

"Huh?" I and Fluffs said.

"You sure you don't mean explore?" I ask.

"Nosss, trainsss, weaksss,"

"..." Can't argue with that, we are weak.

And I underestimated this world while overestimating my Instinct. Back in my world, Instinct is all I needed to snowball the world, but here that's not the case. A large difference in level means certain defeat, there's no way to win.

"How long?" I asked.

"A yearsss, get to level 40sss, train movesss," Medusa explained.

"Then Fluffs revengesss," hearing those words, Fluffs grins.

"Then Beri's wishsss while adventuringss," Huh?

"Finallysss, any othersss wish afterwardsss," Medusa says.

"But firstsss, reintroductionsss. Fluffs firstsss,"

So we doing this again, but I guess this time would be a bit different. I have somewhat changed since last time.

[Host didn't]

Oh, I did. Physically.

"Alright, my name is Fluffs, I like my current team and dislike the cold. My hobby is training, and my current goal is to get revenge for those that killed my family,"


"Ummm, my name is Snow, I like sightseeing and making friends... I dislike the warmth. My hobby is chatting and basking in the cold. My goal is to a brave a Pokemon,"

"Are you saying you're not brave? Then are you a coward who runs from every battle?," Skyla asks.

"No, I don't run from battles," she refutes.

"Because you don't like battling in the first place," I countered.

Even when she supported us it was rare to see her use Powder Snow. She needs to learn Helping Hand.

"I'm sorry," she said lowering her head.


"I'm Skyla, previously an Altaria. I love soft things and eating Caterpies, I dislike the cold and spicy fruits. My hobby is training and my goal is to become a Guardian-level Pokemon. I don't have anything special about me besides knowing a large number of Advance moves and a few fusion moves,"

Nothing special but got a large number of Advance moves and some fusion moves because of formerly living a long life. Then again she lost to Medusa, so that's not too special.

Most importantly, why is she staring obsessively at me for?


"It's me, Mario..."


"Jumpluff D Beri, I was previously a Rattata, I like berries the sweet ones, and the move Amnesia. I don't like the cold, and a disgusting person I once called Big Papa. My hobbies are training, narrating and Amnesia, my goal is to reunite with the only Pokemon I care about, kill the bastard who separated us,"

"Zazaza, he was a Rattata," Fluffs laughed.

"Motherf*cker! I put my heart into that and that's what you got from it!?"

"You had a short yet interesting life," Skyla said showing a hint of amusement.

"B*tch, my life isn't for your amusement!"

"You want to die?"

"Beri had a sad life," Snow cried.

"What the hell are you crying for?"

*pat* *pat*

"Thanks for sharingsss,"

"See, only Medusa here understands me," I said jokingly.

Who knows, maybe one day I might be able to call them my friends...

Possibly not...


I have to try.


Evolved Variants.

An example of such Pokemons is Galarian Farfetch'd. This variant can eventually evolve into the Pokemon, Sirfetch'd, being stronger than Farfetch'd.

Does that mean we can make a species that can reach pseudo-legendary? Make a pseudo-legendary enter the legendary state?

Or even make a legendary evolve into something beyond legendary.

And make such a Pokemon once more become an Evolved Variant?

For instance, let Dunsparce evolve and let that evolution evolve as well.

Yes, but the investment is something we can't afford, possibly only trainers at the master level can consider implementing this strategy. However, this can only be done if the Pokemon hasn't fully evolved get.

No matter how one looks at it, Evolved Variants feels like an error in the world.

In that case, is MissingNo real?

Written by Team Rocket Researcher


Last Arc of the volume incoming, journey through Johto. Should be no more than 40 chapters, no less than 20, I think.