Does This Mean I Have a Harem? NO!

"I dare you to repeat that,"

"What? Don't tell me you're gay," Fluffs exclaimed.

Unintentionally or not he just defused a bomb.

"Who the f*ck are you calling gay, I just have no interest in your sister," I spat.

"As long as you aren't interested in me we are cool," he said.

Would Pokemons be gay? What benefit do they have in being gay?

And for those few who think I have something against gayness and think I don't well your f*cking wrong. I don't give a sh*t if someone's gay or not, such things won't affect my bullet hitting your skull.

"Besides even if you don't want to, you're the cause of sister's vengeance, it's only fair you get rid of it,"

"If you want me to get rid of it, you should have just asked,"


"More exp is always welcome,"

"If you attack my sister I will kill you," He glared.

"If you try to force your sister onto me again I will kill both of you," I glared back.

As we glare at each other intensely, I sighed we lack that special effect that happens in animes.

"You know, Beri, aren't you overreacting, it's normal for male Pokemons to have a large harem," Skyla said.

"You're going to make the feminist brigade hunt me down," I joked getting a confused expression from her.

[The reason for males forming harems and not females is because, females can't pump out eggs after each shot]

What a way to say it.

Regardless, even if they're aware of the reason it doesn't stop them from hunting me down, just like LPB.

[Loli Protection Brigade?]


"In short, I will only have one mate," I said not going into details.

If you want to blame someone blame my father. Even though he was a nobleman, he never had a harem, he only loved his mother.

[His concubines?]

Weren't loved. Therefore, not a harem.

Everyone has their own interpretations of a word. Like how to me, a friend would be considered best friend to someone else.

To me, the word concubine is a woman used to get rid of sexual frustration when your mate isn't around. As a Pokemon that isn't needed. In that case, the meaning might need to change.

Instinctively, I looked at Snow, but there was nothing wrong there.

"Concubine?" Skyla asked.

"Do Pokemons even use that word?" I asked.

"No, heard it from a trainer," Skyla replies.

"Concubine, huh?"

Just when I thought I was done with this and would consider thinking of it again in neverland.

Emotions, what is your take on this?

I want to try Pokesex!

Ugh, Logic?... Logic?





There are no benefits from Flaaffy though. Turning my gaze to Fluffs who was awaiting my response, then to Skyla who was doing the same, Snow who quickly lowered her head, and finally to Medusa. He could feel his Instinct reacting to them, of course, there's some on Flaaffy too, but it's almost unnoticeable.

F*cking nerfed my Instinct! My Instinct can't even properly make decisions for me anymore.

Logic where are you!?


For how long?

Until you make a decision.


I will do as always, trust my Instinct.

"Not a bad idea, but there's nothing to gain from taking her," I said.

Even if I'm accepting concubines it would definitely not be her. I would have tried to go for Medusa, but we aren't from the same egg group.

"How about me?" Fluffs ask.

"Sorry, but I'm not gay," I promptly refused.

"No, I meant my loyalty,"

"Interesting, but you're Medusa's servant,"

"Not anymoresss," Medusa said.

"If you promise to accept my sister as your concubine, I will be your spear until I die," Fluffs.

I see... How did this happen exactly?

All I wanted was to avoid having to keep a vengeful Pokemon following us, hoping to get a level after killing her. Now I'm being asked to make her my concubine, and in return get a loyal subordinate.

Why does violence always betray me like this? Just like that time in middle school.

[Are you complaining?]

No. How many people would like to take my place but can't because they suck? The only way they can vent now is to be keyboard warriors, since most of them lack a girlfriend.

"If I ever accept a concubine, it would be someone I can breed with," I said.

"If there's a will there's a way," Fluffs said.

"If there's no space, you got to thrust with pace," Skyla said.

"Where the hell did you hear that phrase from?" I asked.

"Heard you sleep talked it once," she replied.

"As for being able to breed with sis, as long as you try once a day for a year you are bound to get an egg," Fluffs explained.

"Oh? How would you know that?" I asked surprised.

"Medusa knew,"

"Very well, from now on you work for me Fluffs. As for your sister, her name will be..."

Got any good storm, thunder, lightning, feminine names available?


Temptress sounds better.


"Stop!" Both I and Fluffs shouted.

"Please don't ruin my sister's name," Fluff cried out.



"Tempest it is,"

Now the good question here is how making her my concubine would get rid of her vengeance.