Ruins Of Alph Part 1

Leaving wasn't too difficult, most likely because they realize we aren't looking for trouble and just passing through. Of course, they were was some fools who challenged us and a kid that threw a Pokeball at Snow, but these are just small stuff.

It turns out my memory was worst than I thought. Like I had previously thought the ruins haven't been dug up yet, what I was wrong about was its location, it's not on Route 32, or so Aqua claimed.

Yet she doesn't know where it is. So why the f*ck did you claim, it's not where I thought?

So like that, we spent an additional week on Route 32, got a level so there's that at least.

Level 43, hurray.

I have mainly been working on Confusion, hoping that it would be useful in my next life.

As for the location of the Ruins of Alph, I have been trying to follow the track based on the games. This made me remember that the ruins weren't on Route 32 in the first place.

Rechecking the map, I got a clue on where to go, Unknown City. Such a great name, wonder how I didn't notice this before.

I blame the trauma given to me by Whitney.

Since I'm in Johto I should kill her parents now, that should save countless children from crying.

It's all for the greater good.

My happiness.

Back on topic, Unknown City isn't that special, the population is small and the trainers here seem used to passing by wild Pokemons. It was a peaceful yet evil place.

[Because Aqua won't show up in public places with Aurora]

That's something I agree with her on there. Don't want any stranger throwing a ball at Aurora, otherwise, he might lose the one in his pants.

Anyhow, I 'recruited' a Sandslash family to dig some holes until they find the right spot.

Their payment? They're doing this out of the goodwill of their heart, not for material goods.

There were some setbacks like the few who weren't happy with us digging holes in their yard, but what could they do about it, cry to their mammies?

Unless multiple Junior Elite trainers, a Senior Elite trainer, or an Elite Four member arrives no one can stop us and I doubt Johto would bother us in the middle of a war.

We aren't strong but we aren't weak either.

Sitting on a swing as I command Tempest to push it, I regret forgetting to snatch some resources for her.

But you know what they say, if you forgot it probably wasn't anything important, and from my recent experience that's authentic.

"Found it!"

Huh? Turning around to see Sandslash besides Tempest, its respectful posture is admirable.

Maybe I should keep them, hmmm.

Yeah, no, yes, no, f*ckget it.

"Lead the way,"

It didn't take us long to arrive beside a house, a big hole in front the door with team members of...

"Medusa, the team name's change is long overdue," I said.

"What was the name again? Team Ampharos?" Fluffs asked.

"You're missing 'Buller' behind 'Team'," I answered.

"Oh, right... f*ck you,"

"Sorry, but I'm not gay," I apologized.

"You're missing 'anymore' behind 'gay',"



I felt something slap my face.

"Who smack me!" I shouted.

Even though that Medusa's tail was stretched out, Medusa's speed isn't fast enough to hit me without me knowing.

"Bastard dog," I mumbled spotting an obvious footprint of Aqua.


"Medusa the names got to change, stop delaying it," I said receiving a glare from Medusa.

At times like these, she is a little too childish. The name Quadragon can't work with us now having 6? no Tempest doesn't count, 5 of us.

"Quintdragonsss," Medusa said.

"Can't you think of a better name?" I asked.

It's not bad but I did prefer something better.

"You decidesss,"

Oh? So when you can't do it throw it at me? Hahaha...

"Fluffs you do it,"

If I have to do it the name would become Akatsuki, but I don't want any copyright laws finding themselves here.

"F*ck you," Fluffs said, but still tried to think of one.

"Let's see... Medusa, are you going to recruit more people?" Fluffs ask.

That's... a good question, didn't expect that from Fluffs.

"Nosss, only fivesss,"

"Let's seee... I got nothing," Fluffs said.

"You didn't try," I scold.

"I don't have the knowledge to think of a good name, these things should be left to you and Skyla," Fluffs explains.

"Oh, yeah, we have Skyla... where did she go?" I asked.

"Scout the bottomsss," Medusa explains.

"Fins, I will think of something," I sighed.

Let's see, 5. 5... hmmm...

F*ck it! I give up! System do your magic... System?

[The number you reach is not in service, please never dial again... until the name has been decided]


Brain think dammit! What shape has 5 ends... Star, but star doesn't sound good on its own, how about Pillar as in the object that supports the structure.

Star Pillar.

Don't like it... translate it to Japanese system.

[Translation: Sutāpirā]


And here I thought Japanese have good names. Just in case how are they translated separately?

[Translation: Star = Hoshi, Pillar = Hashira]

Hashira huh? I should have seen this coming from watching Demon Slayer.

"You all got a good while to wait," I told them, names weren't my specialty and I don't want to use someone else own.

"Downward and decidesss,"

"I did love to see how you all go down," I joked.

"Sandslash, you got work to do!" Fluffs shouts.


After a long while, I got the name Argonauts which was rejected because of its weird name and not knowing the meaning. I wonder where I got this name from in the first place.

In short, I gave up and will decide on a name in the future.

Now we are just taking a short break at the bottom while I fill up on my Aurora's bar, ignoring the guard dog, Aqua.

Will talk to you all again when I got my fill.