System Update


What the f*ck kind of noise is that!? I would compare it to screams of banshees or nails scraping on the blackboard.

"Leave with Aurora quickly!" Aqua shouts.

However, when I was about to grab Aurora through Vine Whip the scenery changed. We are now in a desert biome with...


Hundreds of thousands of Unowns, the way they surround us made them look like a dome, ensnaring us in it. They came in all forms of letters but strangely let B and C took the command.

[B and C are the procedure Unowns, as well as the late A]

So as long as the two are defeated, Aqua would win, right?

[...That is a method. Recommends that host leave them be, you all initiated the fight]

Cool, so where are we?

[Answer: A space created by these Unowns. Most likely, because they don't want to damage the ruins]

Likely. I might as well take advantage of this to see Aqua fight... or not. I thought I passed the stage where I can't see a f*cking fight!

[A senior champion Pokemon can barely see the fights of a Guardian]

So in short, I just need to get stronger.


No point in risking Aurora's life then. I can also use this as an opportunity to understand if Aqua's an enemy or not.

"Aqua, stop fighting I can handle this myself," I said, as I flew upwards.

Of course, there were a few idiots who told mocked me, with only Snow telling me to be careful. Do they think I'm stupid? My Instincts haven't sounded off since they arrive.

I instinctively used Protect, it broke apart from a headbutt from Aqua and I doubt it's the move. However, my reaction speed surprised Aqua.

"Don't be foolish, stay with Aurora," Aqua said

And the next thing I knew a Water Gun was deflected by a barrier protecting me.

System, is this your doing?

[Answer: Correct]

[System has successfully made procedure Unowns B and C willing to take you as their master]

"See, they won't harm me," I said, shocked when I noticed Aqua standing in the air.

She's a legendary, this shouldn't have been something surprising I guess, but where's the logic behind it? Anime Logic?

[Answer: Possibly an Expert Tailwind]

Reasonable and cool, she will have a lot of teaching to do.

"I will stay beside you then... not for your sake, but for Aurora's," Aqua explains.

I would have said Tsun, but I would've done the same... Nah, I wouldn't have, she a tsundere.

Flying over I saw that two Unown flew towards me hurriedly, they both quickly attaching to my forehead.

Now I feel a connection with the Unowns around, the commands available aren't much but one can generate better commands with more Procedure Unowns.

[Absorbing Unowns]

Go ahead, based on their memories a new one would take their place.

[System Update 0.1℅]

[Temporarily shutting down host]

Wait, what!


[System Update 100%]

[Welcome host]

The system space? Am I dead?

[Answer: No]

[Host will wake up in a while]

Alright, then what are the updates?

[System defensive measures has been upgraded]

[System can call up to 100,000 Unowns to aid in safeguarding the host's soul]

[System energy absorption speed has increased. For more information, feel free to ask]

[System methods of intel gathering have improved. For more information, feel free to ask]

[System now has a shop that sells items related to the soul. As usual, the host can't enter until he's dead]

[System will now give you your novice gift]

...So I had a novice gift and you only decided to give me it now?

[Answer: Energy doesn't come from nothing. The only reason it has finally unlocked was because of absorbing minimal amounts of Aqua's excess energy]

You should have absorbed all!

The excess ones, by the way.

[Answer: Aqua would have noticed if System has done that. Also, System has rules it must follow given by System's creator]

So what's the gift?

[Innate Ability, Aura]

[Minor Soul Boost]

[Due to Minor Soul Boost, the host talent has been boosted to Deep Green]

[Suppressing emotions]

Can you not do that? I was about to start my diabolic laughter.

[Answer: No]

Figures... Status.

[Name: Jumpluff D Beri

Age: 1 year, 16 months

Gender: Male

Pokemon: Jumpluff

Type: Grass, Flying

Lvl: 43

Innate Ability: Instinct, Senken, Negative Energy Resistance, Aura

Ability: Leaf Guard, Chlorophyll

Racial Ability: Light Weight, Wind Sense, Fluffs Control, Spore Release

Special Ability: Cold Resistance

Talent Grade: Deep Green

Nature: Bold

Move set:

Beginner: Dig, Tail Whip, Take Down, Fairy Wind, Laser Focus, Return, Counter, Absorb, Leafage

Intermediate: Last Resort, Focus Energy, Gust, Screech, Vine Whip, Rest, Sleep Talk, Stun Spore, Poison Powder, Rage Powder, Sleep Powder, Acrobatics, Sunny Day, Mega Drain, Confusion, Splash, Razor Leaf, Double Edge, Brave Bird, Bullet Seed, Seed Bomb, Tailwind

Advance: Hidden Power, Cotton Spore, Cotton Guard, Amnesia, Quick Attack, Synthesis, Protect

Perfect Fusion moves: Cotton Release (Can create soft/sticky cotton)]

[Due to the high tier of most of the host Innate Abilities, the host will not be able to get another Innate Ability until his soul has been strengthened]

Wow, you sure know how to make me spend RP.

Oh well, whatever. Time to wake up.