Messing With The Dragon's Den

Not long after the battle, we left the Lake of Rage walked through Mahogany Town like the boss we are, and entered route 44, entering the Ice Path.

Which lead me to the question, why are Zubats everywhere!? They are popping up more than Rattatas in our journey through Johto and we barely entered caves.

We found a Jynx which quickly became Fluff's mate. This fella's horny.

I was hoping to find some Sneasels as slave workers, they would protect our milk and become our foot soldiers in our adventure in the mountains. Shame we couldn't spot one after spending a month in here.

Soon we arrive at the entrance of Blackthorn City.

The danger was strong in that city, so they made the rounds to slip past them and entered the mountains directly.

While I enter to do some looting. Hehehe.

Come on b*tches, show me your Dratini farm. I promise I won't take too much, we just need a few dozen. As for compensating your dragon clan? We don't do that. You let me take what I want and you let me be.

So the plan is simple, I find the farm and pick out the talented ones through Aura and after an hour Medusa would teleport to my location and teleport us out.


What could go wrong?

Managing to sneak into the city wasn't difficult and finding the Dragon's Den was easier. Its position isn't much different than I recall.

Entering was a problem though. It's not like they had guards but, there was something in the way.


Our battle was legendary. I flew towards it but stopped midway and ran away. I came back after remembering this is my responsibility but failed again.

I think spectators were watching but that's not the problem.

I seriously hate water.

Eventually, I managed to fly across and was happy that I didn't have to experience this again... or so I thought.

Who would expect inside to have more water than outside!?

At times like these, you got to curse the creator for creating this place.

So I tried to use Sweet Scent based on Aromatherapy and eventually it worked. Medusa should show up 10 minutes from now I think.

It didn't take long before wild Pokemons, ignoring the mass amounts of f*cking Zubats, came.

Horseas, Seadras, Dratinis, and Dragonairs. Not bad. Now time for some advertising.

"Are you tired of this water-infested place?"

"Are you tired of seeing the same scenery every day?"

"Well today, you got your one and only chance to leave this place," I said excitedly.

"However, the outside world isn't a safe place, and only those that can rule sea, land, and sky can triumph them all," I said.

Looks like Seadra and Horsea got what I meant and quietly left, good for them.

"So who among you wish to follow and obey me?"

Dragonairs watched me like I'm a fool and left, one even spat some water at me.

Rude, but I didn't want you, prideful bastards, anyways. Look at these Dratinis, although prideful some were who quickly left after hearing they will submit to me, there's still 4 left.

That's 4 Dratinis, way more than I expected to get, and let's not forget Dragonite's a pseudo-legendary.

Hopefully, they aren't all males.

"Alright, once you leave this place you all will be given names," I told the excited Dratinis that slithered onto the land.

"An intruder?" I saw a Dragonite burst out from the water, the Dratinis lowered their heads trembling.

"Leader," "Father," They cried out, from their voices I picked out 3 females, one of which calling the Dragonite father.

Level 57. Difficult.

"Begone," Dragonite said and used Dragon Breath, which I quickly blocked with a Cotton Shield.

Any abilities to worry about?

[Multiscale, becomes resistant to all attacks by 1 stage]


[Rock attack would be normal effective to Dragonite, a Normal attack would be not so effective, and so on]

F*ck, that's broken.

[After half of the user's health is gone Multiscale will deactivate]

So only Hidden Power Ice is useful against this Pokemon.

[Extreme Speed]

A little faster than Fluffs.

[Ice Punch]

Block that sh*t with Protect and directly throw 2 Odama Hidden Power Ice at Dragonite.

"Submit," I told him, he's definitely worth having.

"Hahaha," Looks like he's angry after getting hit by those two shots.


Is Multiscale broken?

[Answer: No]

Of course, it's not. Susanoo stage 1 quickly formed and blocked Dragonite's rampage, however, the attack send me flying. Quickly, repairing the damaged Susanoo, I spat out Leech Seeds at Dragonite who slapped blow them away with a road and continues to fly towards me.

Think I'm afraid?

Regaining control of myself, I dived at him using Brave Bird, which I promptly cancel to dodge his well-timed slap and spit out Gust at his face.

Dragonite tried to punch me, however, I had already spat out some Leech Seed on him and retreated while releasing Poison Powder and Sleep Powder. Sadly, the poison didn't affect him and Leech Seed could barely steal any health, likely one of the effects from Multiscale.


While in Outrage he's beginning other moves.


Susanoo broke and I promptly use Cotton Guard, which quickly began to burn apart from a well-timed Flamethrower.

Finally, Sleep Powder has begun to work, his Outrage ended and he's under 'confused' status.

Of course, he's still trying to attack and most of them have still reached me, but I had already recreated my Susanoo and am about to end the fight.

Multi Odama Hidden Power Ice.

The 5 balls hit Dragonite, the first one breaking his Multiscale and the last 4 taking him out.

[Dragonite has fainted]

At the same time, Medusa has appeared in front of me.

*pat* *pat*

"Good jobsss,"

"Grrrr," I growled.

Mission completed.


Phone Call - Dragon clan elder and Champion Fafnir.


"The clan's guardian, Dragonite has been stolen," the elder repeated.

"Can someone tell me how the f*ck did that happen?"

There shouldn't be anyone who can steal Dragonite whom he's not aware of in Johto.

He had run out Team Rocket's leader from Johto last month so there shouldn't be anyone else.

"It's that Pokemon group again,"

"Didn't I tell you fools they are passing by, watch over the Dragon Den, if they look like they were going to come inform me immediately!"

"It was just a Jumpluff, we thought Dragonite could have handled it. However, Dragonite lost and soon as we were about to come over to rescue Dragonite the Sky Serpent appeared and took them away,"

"You said them? WHO ELSE DID THEY STEAL?!"

"4 Dratinis one being the Overlord's son and the guardian's daughter,"



3 little piggies on the market.




One little Machop got abused.

Now there are two little piggies left.