Super Time Skip No Jutsu

I'm back and it has been a long *ss time since we met. Long is an understatement, by the way. I can't remember how long or I should say, don't care to find out, but I'm 9 years, 30 months, and 5 days old. So real long.

One would think in that amount of time a lot could have happened right? Well yes, but I'm going to summarize everything. You know, the usual.

So distracted me converse with Fearly completely forgetting about the battlefield, this led to all the Fearows and young Spearows dying. No biggie, Fearly was only using them as a temporary base anyways.

A few days later and Fluffs got rekt by Skyla thereby setting her free. Skyla then took the Dragonite, Drake as her mate. What can I say? Dragons like dragons, we don't add Fluffs to the mix, as Skyla said, he's a disgrace to all Dragons.

Shame it didn't affect Fluffs one bit.

I bet any dragon hunter that passes by our territory would walk right past Fluffs and go for the Gyarados in the water.

So the first thing I did, unwillingly, was have some order. The river was given to the dragon family and Aurora, the grass closest to the sun was all for me... I wished, but it started with Fearly then an hour later Snow comes over, and then I saw Aurora.

Wasn't the best night, especially when Fluffs shoo Tempest over. It's starting to look like I'm having a harem... no, scratch that, I don't.

This will be our home for a very long while. Therefore, fewer and fewer weak Pokemons were kept, the weakest being the Miltanks for obvious reasons. In Medusa's territory, which I control, unwillingly, only the strong have rights.

The territory quickly became diverse with the different Pokemons throughout the years. The most noteworthy among them are Chansey, Togekiss, and Tyranitar, but there's a lot more than that.

The territory also had some expansions because of the large numbers but the average level for Pokemons excluding non-sentient is 40. With our strength, we could win the war, especially with Medusa and Aurora. I would pay attention to the war through War log from the system. They are in a stalemate by the way.

Ecruteak City has been remade and all we have been doing is training, especially me. I spent plenty of time on moving learning and mastering, I want that in my next life I can see Risa.

As for Daniel... Dickniel, he still hasn't managed to find us, or likely has not put in much effort to look for us. Not like I'm afraid of him, in my fourth reincarnation, I should be able to kill him. Why? Based on the fact he didn't try recruiting Ho-oh's bunch, he's likely a Guardian, therefore once I entered the Guardian Stage I should be able to beat him.

I don't have many expectations on finding resources to enter the Guardian stage in my third life, based on my plan. Yes, besides the Pokemon I'll be, I have made up a plan on how I'll reunite with Risa.

I can tell you for a fact, I'm going to hate my third life.

So back on events topic. After the number of Pokemons living among us reached a thousand I handed my work Fearly, she's good for these things and UNLIKE Fluffs would do it with a smile on her face.

The dude is still madly searching for a Chansey, don't understand why though. Sex isn't particularly enjoyed, sure I do it every day, but it is not for enjoyment but hoping to get a child from it. Do you know how hard it is to get a child from a Pokemon, not from your egg group?

F*cking hard, I only have 4 kids from that, 2 from Snow, one from Fearly, and one from Tempest. One of the two from Snow was through Spore Release, so I guess that's cheating?

Then again, I have a lot of children through Spore Release, with only one child being noteworthy among them. That's my excellent workaholic daughter Leona, she survives the Pressure of Medusa as a spore and has the ability Strong Will.

This meant, the status 'confused' and most mental attacks can't harm her. She's also resistant to negative energy corrosion, but that's not too important.

She unlike me likes using her brain, so you know what that means? Child Labor. Those things I couldn't toss to Fluffs or Fearly due to them being busy, I tossed to Leona. There was a time Medusa was angry about this, but like come on, it's my child, not yours, no need to be upset.

I got smacked for that.

The child I made with Tempest is called Sparkacus. Why? It felt right. He looked at me like I was an oppressor and he had Anger Point, adding my great sense of humor, he became an oppressor. The bully of the weak.

Fearly's child Fionna was Shiny, she got Instinct, and she also has an ancient bloodline. Her Shiny color being white, System said that it's rare for a Shiny to be a color it's not predetermined to be. Fionna was one hell of a talent, it didn't take her long to learn all the moves given to her, and is quickly catching up to the main team's power. The Shining Star.

Snow's children are Neptune and Winter, boy and girl respectively, Jumpluff and Magcargo. Neptune the lad is quite similar to my brother, if one ignores the pacifist sh*t. He's brilliant, talented, and is siscon... got to slap some sense into the child. Though he does have Wrathful Devil, so maybe not? Nah, I'm going to still smack it.

Winter on the other hand I would call a Glass Girl, the world didn't like her, and I didn't like the world. The world gave her a bullsh*t Racial Ability that makes attacks deal more damage to her, also she would likely melt if put near a volcano.

How dare the world do this to my child! At least when I'm not around I don't have to worry about her thanks to Neptune. However, Neptune has been slacking off since she was born.

So my main children levels are.

Fionna's level 59.

Leona's level 62.

Winter, level 55.

Neptune, level 55.

Sparkacus, level 50.

Poor Sparkacus, we haven't found anything to boost his talent to Blue.

Another thing to note, I noticed that the lower the rate of childbirth the better the quality. All 4 of them can she Aura all of them got a unique ability and all of them are growing smoothly. Few of my other children, Jumpluffs, got Aura, and even fewer trained them to Intermediate. The oldest Jumpluff would lose in an Aura battle against Leona.

We had an issue with the horde of Jumpluffs, their population was increasing by obscene numbers every year. However, we got a solution, purge, in a nicer way. Need to release your essence? Go up a mountain and let it rippp.

Those spores that survive and manage to reach home can join the family... wait, isn't this similar to how I was born?

Aurora has become sentient by the way. That was a great day of drowning in milk, that month would have always been a celebration if I knew the year...

Right, I'm done with the important child stuff let's go on to the map real quick.

Gengar, Alakazam, and Machamp families are the Overlords, all of them are peak Guardian Pokemons. Though I did hear that there was a roaming Master Tyranitar.

One might say, 'what are you waiting for? reunite with Risa'. Yeah, I can surely reach the other side, but then what? Kanto's likely Dickniel's base and I'll quickly be spotted and sealed once I get near Route 1.

This is why I have no intention of going in this life and forming Medusa's army instead.

Also, our team name became Shooting Star, meaning we are a team that's constantly moving forward and are trying to accomplish our dreams.

Everyone's talent is now Blue with everyone having found an item to break through to Junior Champion. Also, Fluffs a d*ck, the bastard lied about his talent being Blue it was Purple. As for why I'm angry it's because during our 121 battle I lost because he pulled out an Expert Thunder from his *ss.

In case you've forgotten, Expert moves can only be learned by Pokemons with Purple talent or had an ability that helped, like my Fluffs Control. Though one can also spend an obscene amount of resources to get an Expert move, we aren't in a Deep Wild Zone.

There are only 5 Guardian level Pokemons in here, not enough to make a large and fast number of good resources.

So everyone's at Junior Champion excluding Medusa who has already reached Senior Champion and me who gave mine to Leona, making me stuck on level 59.

But not worried my friends, I have entered the Advance stage of Aura and can fight Champion Pokemons, with a few more years of training I can fight Senior Champion.

So team level.

Skyla, level 66.

Snow, level 69.

Fluffs, level 71.

Beri, level 59.

Medusa, level 79.

Medusa can in truth, defeat the Overlords on her own, and adding Aurora who's also level 79 it's a piece of cake.

Legendaries don't even have to do anything to hit level 79 just lied down and you would eventually get there. Aurora's my proof.

The first year got her to Junior Champion and 3 more years got her to Peak Senior Champion. However, it seems that even they can enter Guardian without getting the resources needed.

Concubines levels, excluding Snow.

Tempest, level 59. At long last!

Fearly, level 72.

Kiyohime, level 59.

Kiyohime is a Dragonite I named, the child of Skyla's mate, Drake. Why did I give her that name? Her stalking power was at EX, surpassing the predecessor of her name. One day, I'm mating with Snow and heard the rustling of the bush, which made my heart skip a beat.

I didn't find the culprit back then, but since then I have been paying more attention to my surrounding, and finally, a year later she came asking to be my mate. She was stalking me for 2 f*cking years, with no special, innate, or racial ability aiding her.

Creepy as hell, but I wanted a pseudo legendary child, which came forth. They already had a low chance of laying eggs so adding me a Pokemon not from her egg group just made it harder.

It's about time I throw out my status huh.

[Name: Jumpluff D Beri

Age: 9 years, 30 months

Gender: Male

Pokemon: Jumpluff

Type: Grass, Flying

Lvl: 59

Innate Ability: Instinct, Senken, Negative Energy Resistance, Aura(Low-Advance)

Ability: Leaf Guard, Chlorophyll

Racial Ability: Light Weight, Wind Sense, Fluffs Control, Spore Release

Special Ability: Cold Resistance

Talent Grade: Shallow Purple

Nature: Bold

Move set:

Beginner: Ancient Power, Magical Leaf, Dig, Tail Whip, Take Down, Fairy Wind, Laser Focus, Return, Frustration, Absorb, Leafage, Rain Dance, Twister, Helping Hand, Nature Power, Leaf Storm

Intermediate: Defense Curl, Aromatherapy, Last Resort, Focus Energy, Gust, Screech, Vine Whip, Stun Spore, Poison Powder, Rage Powder, Sleep Powder, Sweet Scent, Acrobatics, Sunny Day, Mega Drain, Confusion, Razor Leaf, Psychic, Roll Out

Advance: Substitute, Leech Seed, Rest, Sleep Talk, Bounce, Splash, Amnesia, Quick Attack, Synthesis, Tailwind, Bullet Seed, Counter, Extreme Speed, Double Team, Seed Bomb, Brave Bird, Double Edge, Giga Drain, Aura Sphere

Expert: Hidden Power, Protect, Cotton Spore, Cotton Guard

Unstable Fusion moves: Imperfect Shadow Clone Jutsu: Double Team + Substitute

Imperfect Fusion Move: Sleep Brawler: Rest + Sleep Talk + Synthesis

Stable Fusion moves: Susanoo stage 3: Cotton Release + Aura + Counter + Protect

Perfect Fusion moves: Cotton Release (Can create soft/sticky cotton)

Stampede: Quick Attack + Protect]

Apparently, Normal types don't have any resources for move training, thanks to this mastering them is easier than most. I don't think I need to explain how my cotton moves enter Expert, Expert Resources aren't common otherwise I would've gotten some moved to Expert.

Though the main reason is that I wasn't seriously looking for them. I spent more time on Aura.

It took about 30 months to enter Intermediate and 6 and half years of Advance.

My combat power is Peak Junior Champion, one able to beat pseudo-legendaries of the same level.

I have been learning as many moves as I can and trying to remember moves I have seen in past battles to replicate. I will make this life be the main pillar that leads to me standing above all.

Nature Power, Hidden Power, Secret Power, Ancient Power, Superpower, since they have power in their name they got to be useful. Hidden Power, Ancient Power, and Nature Power already convinced me of this.

Sadly, I lack Secret Power and Superpower, I can guess what Superpower should do but not Secret Power.

Hidden Power is using one's emotions as fuel to form an attack.

Nature Power should be using the environment as fuel to form an attack.

Ancient Power I got no clue about, I'm unable to release its full potential like what Wooper had done back in the day.

I also got no clue about Secret Power, much less on how to learn it.

Superpower should be to use strength far surpassing what your body can handle.

I wonder if there are any other power moves.

"Father, are you awake?" Aurora asked worriedly.

If she didn't come today, I would've died to a Machamp that promoted to Senior Champion from the resource I claimed ownership of.

I could have lasted longer, but my lifespan is close to its end. In about 6 months I should die and my strength has already started to deteriorate.

In that case, I might as well die in a bang.

"Sadly, I'm,"

I regret ever talking with you all. Now I won't stop until my epic story ends, even if it's likely I will subordinate to someone else or throw the work at someone else.

"Let's quickly meet up with Medusa,"

And start the final concubine hunting suicide fight.