Seafoam Island B4F Articuno

So after the most disgraceful defeat of my life, no second, the battle against Medusa she didn't even try hard to beat me. Regardless, I once more went back to training, I need Envy Form to be more useful against Guardian Pokemons, and to that, I plan on letting Negative Energy be the main fuel for its operation. Which didn't take more than a week to master.

[Ability: B++ » A-]

Using Negative Energy: Envy as fuel for Envyful Devil, I can make all Special Attacks at A- neutralized, while weakening Physical Attacks. The explanation given by the System can be summarized as Physical Attacks are still within the user's control to cancel while Special Attacks can not. Though there are a few Physical Attacks that don't follow this rule, like Psycho Cut.

So immediately after the week ended, I got tired of the same scenery and decided it was about time I try to accomplish the objective I had for here and then search for the Legendary Pokemon Articuno... And now I'm curious about eating a Legendary, I doubt many Pokemons had.


8 months passed by and I have accomplished everything I wanted on this level, taming a Jynx family. It took a lot longer than I hoped, especially with this level having 4 Guardians. Now it's time to go to the final floor, or at least the final floor my memories remember.

[Ancient Power: Advance » Expert]

[Reflect: Intermediate » Advance]

[Light Screen: Intermediate » Advance]

[Perfect Fusion Move: Absolute Barrier: Protect + Light Screen + Reflect + Psychic]

[Physical Defense: B++ » B+++]

[Special Defense: B++ » B+++]

I'll need to learn to make a defensive move using Negative Energy, but it's at the moment impossible to merge Negative Energy without merging Dark-type energy along with it.

Anyways, I made my way down to the next level through a coincidentally made hole, that's also coincidentally I can foot through perfectly, that's coincidental would collapse right after I leave.

[Answer: That's because you made this hole with Psychic and Earth Power, and it would collapse right after you cancel Psychic]


What a waste of brains.

No longer paying attention to the System, I safely left the cave and watched it collapse while scanning the area with Clairvoyance and...

"I was right!" I shouted. There it is, resting on a small plot of land far out of my eyesight laid an Articuno, its eyes opened as if able to notice my peeping.

[Answer: It did notice]


[Physique: Legendary]

[This Physique comes with many perks, one of which is a Basic Instinct. Note, not the modified Instinct you came with]

Then did it find me?

[Answer: No]

Whatever let's meet the Legendary. Teleporting right in front of its frozen nest, I stared at the abyss and it stared back.

"Sup?" As said this I used Eyes of Index and let the System filter out a few things from in it.

[Name: N/A

Pokemon: Articuno

Age: 1 year, 23 months

Physique: Legendary

Gender: Female

Egg Group: Undiscovered

Type: Ice, Flying

Level: 66

Innate Ability: Psychic (High-Advance)

Ability: Pressure, Snow Cloak

Racial Ability: Snow Warning, Ice Immunity, Snow Condensation

Special Ability: Ice Manipulation (High-Advance), Flying-Type Manipulation (High-Advance)

Talent Grade: Silver

Nature: Lonely

Advance: Gust, Mist, Powder Snow, Teleport, Ice Shard, Hail, Mind Reader, Calm Mind, Amnesia, Tailwind

Expert: Light Screen, Blizzard, Psychic, Hurricane, Freezing Glare, Ice Beam, Ancient Power, Roost, Freeze Dry, Agility, Reflect


Energy/Stamina: A

Health: B+

Physical Attack: B

Physical Defense: B+++

Special Attack: A

Special Defense: B+++

Mobility: A

Control: A

Ability: A

Support: B+++

Evaluation: GLHF]

[Snow Precipitation: Transforms the moisture in the air into snow]

*cough* *cough*

This thing is only a Junior Champion and could fight a Guardian and win! And how the hell does it have more Expert moves than me? Let's not forget it's already better than me in almost everything.

[Answer: Articuno has a lot fewer things to train than you and spent much more time than your training, and adding her Silver talent and Physique it's only natural for Articuno to be better than you. Do note your proficiency in Eyes Of Index isn't enough to see Articuno's fusion moves]

"Hey, are you okay?" Did she ask... worriedly? Well whatever, I will retreat for now and come back with an army later.

"Yeah, I teleported to the wrong place. I'll get out of your way now," Saying that, I teleported away... correction, failed.

"Don't you want me out of your territory?" I asked annoyed.

"No. Do you know how boring it is to stay here by yourself? All I can do is train, so stay and keep me company,"

So a lonely person huh. And I'm guessing her Legendary physique has some bloodline suppression sh*t on it making even Guardian Pokemons unwilling to come here.

[Answer: Although it does have something like that, the reason no Pokemon does come here is likely due to this area being her parents' former territory]

"Then why don't you leave?" I ask curiously, I don't see any chains strapped to her legs.

"Leave? No way, outside is dangerous," Articuno promptly refused. "I won't leave here until I'm the strongest Pokemon here... at least that's what father had said,"

So Peak Guardian.

"Therefore, you'll stay with me until I become the strongest," She said confidently.

"Oh, why should I?" I asked.

"Because I'll beat you up and chain you down here to stay with me," Articuno answered, with a flap of her wings she entered the air ready to attack.

"Fine, I'll stay," I sighed, my mobility would be restricted fighting Articuno who could make Blizzard just as easily as Wrath Form Snow.

"I get it, you don't want to stay," She said depressingly, snow began to fall. "So I'll beat you into staying,"

"..." I don't know what to say here. You plan to beat me until I agree this sounds very similar huh...

"Ah, that's it. You stole my style!"

[Answer: Incorrect, you'll kill the opponent if they don't submit, this version is milder]

"I hope you're ready to be beaten into submission,"


Articuno's personality is quite simple, she follows her emotions and doesn't care about others' opinions.

Physique: Legendary - BS High Talent, Basic Pressure, Basic Instincts.