Time Flies By

[Total time spent on Seafoam Islands - 1 year, 15 months]

[Current location - North of Route 22, Unexplored Territory]

[Time spent at the Unexplored Territory - 1 year, 5 months]

[Name: Alakazam D Hugh

Pokemon: Alakazam

Age: 5 years, 33 months

Physique: Ancient Bloodline, Shiny

Gender: Male

Egg Group: Human-like, Mineral

Type: Psychic, Dark

Level: 79

Innate Ability: Instinct (Lock), Aura (Peak-Advance), Envyful Devil, Corruptor (Low-Expert)

Ability: Inner Focus, Synchronize, Magic Guard, Trace

Racial Ability: Clairvoyance (High-Advance), Enhanced Psychic, Hardened Body, Super Brain, Enlighten Psychic Powers, Eyes of Index (High-Intermediate)

Special Ability: Super Sperm, Psychic (Mid-Advance), Dark-type Manipulator (Low-Advance)

Talent Grade: Shallow Silver

Nature: Calm

Move set:

Beginner: Dig

Intermediate: Fling, Role Play, Take Down, Return, Frustration, Kinesis, Gust, Psybeam, Laser Focus, Fairy Wind, Encore, Defense Curl, Last Resort, Focus Energy, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Twister, Helping Hand, Flash

Advance: Agility, Magic Coat, Knock Off, Counter, Future Sight, Harden, Self-Destruct, Focus Blast, Reflect, Light Screen, Ally Switch, Hypnosis, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Confusion, Bounce, Splash, Magical Leaf, Disable, Sucker Punch, Psyshock, Calm Mind, Recover, Amnesia, Quick Attack, Double Edge, Psychic Terrain

Expert: Thunderbolt, Extreme Speed, Superpower, Earth Power, Dark Pulse, Aura Sphere, Ancient Power, Nature Power, Rest, Sleep Talk, Double Team, Substitute, Psycho Cut, Teleport, Psychic, Hidden Power, Protect

Self-Made: Aura Blast (Fighting), Aura Burst, (Fighting), Gate (Psychic), Nightmare Zone (Dark), (Remade) Devil's Shot (Dark), Angel's Shot (Fairy)

Stable Fusion moves: Stampede: Quick Attack + Protect

Perfect Fusion moves: Sleep Brawler: Rest + Sleep Talk

Substitution Clone: Double Team + Substitute + Ally Switch

Imperfect Psychotic Storm: Psycho Cut + Psychic

Curse Slash: Night Slash + Negative Energy

Curse Punch: Sucker Punch + Negative Energy

Curse Pulse: Dark Pulse + Negative Energy

False Dark Void: Hypnosis + Dark-type energy + Negative Energy

Curse Aura Blast: Aura Blast + Dark-type energy + Negative Energy

Curse Aura Burst: Aura Burst + Dark-type energy + Negative Energy

Flash Step: Quick Attack + Extreme Speed + Agility]

[Gate: Creates a portal to another place the user knows of. Can be used to redirect attacks and mass transportation]

[Nightmare Zone: A non-material dark mist enshrouds the environment causing hallucinations to weak-minded targets. Note: Ghost, Dark, and those that can use Negative Energy are immune to the hallucinations caused by this field, and Dark and Ghost-type attacks are strengthened]

[Devil's Shot: A fast powerful shot that never misses. Targets that are hit may enter a 'confused' status. Note: Similar strength and channeling time to Hyper Beam]

[Angel's Shot: A powerful shot that never misses. Targets that are hit would lose all Negative emotions for a short while. Note: Is that a good thing?]

[Status B: Parameters

Name: Alakazam D Hugh

Energy/Stamina: A--

Health: C-

Physical Attack: A-

Physical Defense: B+++

Special Attack: A

Special Defense: B+++

Mobility: A

Control: A-

Ability: A-

Support: A-

Evaluation: Low Guardian if one doesn't account for stamina ]

(A/N: Starting from the next volume only Expert, Self-Made, and Fusion moves would be mentioned. In the volume after that, Expert moves would be removed as well. Status is getting too big for my tastes)

And just like that, I'm able to fight Guardian Pokemons and win.

So in short, after organizing the two caves of Seafoam Islands with Alter Pokemons, I went back onto Route 22 through Teleport and stealthily became the Overlord in the shadows, then I went into the Unexplored Territory north and conquered a small territory.

From there, I explored around while avoiding the Guardians here while constantly getting intel from the System. The calculations from the System ended 15 months ago, so all I'm doing now is preparing a Pokemon tide and massacre the b*tches we know as humans.

Why do something so high profile when I was previously being low-key? It's because stupid actions make others underestimate you. Recently, besides training, I have been throwing spies into Forbidden Territory on Route 1.

They obviously die when going near the Dragonite family and a few other powerful families there, but what's strange is when they die in a more isolated area, an area where there are no fruit trees or Pokemons around.

So after sending 2 Senior Champions over, I'm certain that's the place I'm looking for, the place where Risa is. I had sent a Rhydon in that direction and kept a Pidgeot a far distance away from there, but still within Keen Eyes range.

The location was a cave a good distance away from the shores, near the Dragonite family. When Rhydon goes over towards the cave, it had first hit into a barrier before being swallowed by the ground underneath it. Thank you for your sacrifice, Senior Champions aren't that easy to find nor tame.

So assuming there's a mythical/legendary/powerful Pokemon guarding there, I fell into despair. If I go over now I'll be sealed, if I go when I'm stronger than them, they'll just take her and escape. However, I got some news from my spies that were quite interesting.

A human that was exploring with his team passed by, while his Pokemon failed to pass through, he managed to get through the barrier easily. It was as if the barrier was racist to Pokemonkind. Although the idiot died when he tried to go in, he brought me enough hope along with a new plan.

Plan Tide It Up!

Step 1, Make a child with a human and wait till he/she can walk and talk.

Step 2, Give he/she a strong team and sent him/her over.

Step 3, Once he/she has gotten close kill a few Guardians to make a team of Guardians and attack Viridian City while making it clear your main goal is Risa.

Step 4, Bet that the Pokemon guarding Risa is sent to handle me and my army, and use that opportunity for my child to enter the cave and send my message.

Step 5, Escape or if possible kill the enemy, if unable to escape kill them with you. DO NOT GET SEALED.

Now that I think of it, mentioning this to you all was a bad idea. Maybe some jack*ss would f*ck my plans up.

(A/N: *cough*)

Regardless, I didn't say what the message is not what the System was calculating so I guess you don't know the full plan. Now let's start searching for a jade beauty to bang and make a child that may likely die if my plan fails.


Hopefully, this is the last time you would see Hugh's status. Meaning, in a few more chapters this volume would end, hurray! This also means, your hope of not dying is nothing short of a Tsukuyomi.