I See No Fun Nor Beauties Just Plot

Sh*t happened and I spent a lot of money traveling today and felt the 2 hours backlash of motion sickness. Regardless of all that, since it's later than usual you can have a bonus chapter today before spending the rest of my day sleeping.

Good Day Sirs.


'If you had to steal a woman, what type would you pick?' Raven asks out of boredom.

'MILF or feisty teens, I don't like submissive women,' I answered.

'Ah, that explains why you lose your virginity to a prostitute instead of through rape,' he said.

'If you don't want a bullet in that head of yours, don't mention me and rape in the same line, I'll never stoop so low as to rape someone,'


Past me don't understand present me at all nor his current self. For example, if mother, grandfather, or even Raven had told him to rape someone, he would've done it, albeit unwillingly, the same goes for the current me. It may not be a last resort need, but rape is the fastest method to accomplish my goal... Unless the female has a Pokemon/rape fetish.

[You could always try to make the female like you]

Don't ask questions you can easily find out by scanning my thoughts and memories. Like I had said, this is the FASTEST METHOD. Quickly bear a child, patiently wait a year for it to grow up, and finally start the war.

Current location, Cinnabar's island, someone's home, time spent to get here, 2 weeks.

[Hypnosis: Advance » Expert]

So after arriving, I used Eyes Of Index on one of the locals, and saw his spectacular life, then I used Hypnosis on him for him to willingly let us stay in his home, which became my temporary base of operations.

Ah, these eyes are so useful, just with a look I can see someone's life flash through my eyes, and sure it burns and the energy used is expensive, but it's a small thing. The current me can't use this on someone who's over 30, once I became a Guardian, this number should significantly increase.

So what did I see in that dude's memories? Hmm, in short, Cinnabar Island belongs to Team Rocket in the shadows. All the locals are Team Rocket members, and this island is one of Team Rocket's main bases.

Puff has great luck landing us in a landmine. Luckily, through Hypnosis I can make him ignore our existence thereby hiding in his home. Team Rocket even at this stage was doing Pokemon experiments, good job. One of the few human-like decisions the humans of this world have done.

Team Rocket is doing what humans of my former residence would've done if they learn they weren't the top predators. Use their brains to make something that can kill the predators instead of living in peace and harmony until a Pokemon felt it's time to break into their home.

With the amount of knowledge this Grunt has, I'm a bit curious what kind of knowledge the higher-ups of Team Rocket know. As for barging right in? If it were me, the base would've had bombs planted in case something they can't defeat comes in. Then they also have Warp Pads, WARP PADS. Team Rocket technology likely has already surpassed Kanto and Johto's technology.

Damn, Blaine's an Admin while the other future admins like Koga, Sabrina, and Surge are only kids now. Oh, Giovanni's a kid too, a kid I did like to make as my subordinate. Hehe, Team Rocket's future leader becomes my servant.

[Depromoted already]

Well yeah, turns out the big boss of Team Rocket Forseass was the d*ck that was chasing us in Johto. Maybe I'll feel better after tossing his mate into a horde of horny Raticates, while he's being devoured by a Victreebell.

Team Rocket's leader's location is sadly not something this *ss doesn't know. Knows so much, but not this, why do you need so much knowledge anyways. I would've thought he was some kind of sleeper agent but I'm not looking at his memories but seeing his history.

[Based on his memories, he was giving himself a way out in case Team Rocket wants him dead]

That 'Grunt' is worrying too much, especially with a team of f*cking Junior (LVL 20) Pokemons.

Getting off 'my' bed, I went to the living room, using Psychic to throw him off the couch, I sat down and returned to my deep thoughts.


Deep thoughts, putting back down my hand that had fired a Devil's Shot at the Grunt's head, I sighed in dismay. I killed him, now within an hour they'll come here to see what's the problem.

Meh, just Hypnosis whoever comes, wait no, I have a better plan.


Hiding deep underground, with Puff who's eating. I watched the fellow I brought over, Nidoking, Peak Senior Elite. His mission is simple even if he's unaware of most of it. First, take the blame and kill whoever comes until an Admin decides to pop up, in that case, he'll likely die, but I just want to know that Admin's past, thereby memories.

It didn't take long for the first fools to barge in with their Pokemons at Senior level and got wiped out through Sludge Wave, then more passersby come forward all coincidentally all having Pokemon from Junior to Senior, who quickly retreated when they found out what they had just messed with.

Then 6 Junior Elites with their own Pokemons began to attack Nidoking, which would've led to its defeat, if not for all the Pokemon's 'suddenly' being slammed into the ground by a powerful Psychic from a very handsome Alakazam hidden deep underground. With the aid of Aura, Psychic, and Dark-type energy I doubt they'll be able to notice me.

Soon enough, the man of fire comes, Team Rocket's Admin, Blaine, also the current gym leader of Cinnabar Island. To fight Nidoking he brought out a Charizard. I guess, I can play around a bit before making my move.


The only benefit of the weak is to serve, if they can't serve they might as well die providing you entertaining death.

Quoted by Marshall D Mike.


Question: Why can the protagonist of the Pokemon games barge into someone's home and take what they want?

Answer (By A Young Master): We are young masters, who dare tell us we can't go there? They are simply courting death!

Author: What other reason besides the protagonist being arrogant bastards who can get away with anything because they are Pokedex holders.

Note: This answer is not cannon, I doubt I'll allow others to easily barge into someone's home.