Me? I'm Master Shifu.

"It has stopped," Artic said. Legendaries' sensitivity to spying has shown it used, and now certain no one is watching us I open a small Gate to transmit my voice.

"G," I said, giving her the authority to leave the battlefield and meet up with Tatsumaki at sea. With the Alter Dewgong, it won't take them long to arrive in that Forbidden Territory.

Closing the Gate, a new feeling came over me, anxiety. Will my plans work perfectly, would it fail miserably, would it succeed at the cost of Tatsumaki's life?

"We have arrived," Artic said.

"Remember once I gave you the signal B," I told her before looking at the city in front of us, a few foolish humans with their Pokemons ready to stand against us.

"Rats and apes, F!" I shouted, the Shadow Raticates and Primeapes rushed forward and began battling, at this time with Clairvoyance I can sense the North being attacked by Route 2's army and South being attacked by Route 1's.

"Birds, air, stab," The Pidgeots and Fearows who were previously marching like the rest flew into the air and quickly dived down and killed numerous trainers, some died of course, but they don't matter.

"The rest bulldoze," and then I commanded the Nidos, Victreebell family, and Vileplume family to rush forward and attack as well. Now then, can you humans clear out the first wave?

Raticates rushed through the battlefield and entered new ones or ambushing trainers, you could say their fear of death even as Shadow Pokemon is keeping them alive. The same couldn't be said about the Primeapes who attack whoever is in front of them and continues forward.

With their stupidity, it didn't take long until they died out, but by the time they did, there was already nobody blocking their parts to mess with South. By this time, South has already broken through the humans and had entered the middle roughly the same time as us and began battling. As for North, the humans there are about to collapse.

Sensing a Pokemon that teleported next to us, both Artic and I turned our gaze to the left of us only to see a Mr. Mime and a Meloetta standing in the air.

[Mr. Mime is exceptional at making barriers and illusions]

[Caution: False To Reality (Shallow Gold) = If you believe the illusion it becomes real. Requires energy to create illusion and more to turn it into reality]

[Meloetta can manipulate emotions through music. Meloetta can purify Shadow Pokemons]

[Caution: Meloetta can freely interchange between a Fighting and a Psychic, being a Physical Attack oriented or a Special Attack oriented Pokemon.

"I'm master Shifu, where's Dickniel?" I asked.

"How could you call Daniel that?" Meloetta said emotionally.

Another one...

Their strength isn't high luckily, only level 83 (Mr. Mime) and 81 (Meloetta) respectively.

"So where is he?" I asked cautiously staring at Mr. Mime. Times like these you wish you had Instinct in that case telling an illusion from reality would be easy.

"You aren't worth his time so he went home," Meloetta spoke happily, happy that Dickniel didn't waste his time on us.

"Do we kill them now or wait for the rest to gather up? Seeing this b*tch expression makes me want to rip her face off," Artic said, showing clear hatred for Meloetta.

"A b*tch she may be, but it doesn't give you the right the harm such a weakling, I, Shifu would be disappointed," I said rubbing my beard thoughtfully.

"Are you a fool?" Artic asks.

"Your mother was a fool," I retort.



"Kill!" We shouted together, Artic fires off an Arctic Breath while I releases Nightmare Zone and boosted her attack with Helping Hand.

Snow quickly began to fall over the whole city, Ancient Frost quickly began to move towards Mr. Mime and Meloetta. Mr. Mime quickly protected them with a barrier blocking Arctic Frost, while Meloetta opens her mouth to sing.

"Shut the f*ck up!" Not giving her a chance, I appeared before her with Flash Step and stabs forward with my AE Longinus ready to use Aura Burst at a minute's notice.

As for Mr. Mime, he was quickly blown away by Artic boosted Gust and chases after him with Brave Bird.

Mr. Mime should be the barrier man, I don't know why there's a Meloetta here, and we're still missing the Earth Power Burial guy and Marshadow, let's not forget the hidden Dickniel and incoming opposing Guardians.

Meloetta quickly create her own version of Absolute Barrier, and so to break it I added Psychic enchantment (PE), and Chidori to my Longinus, thereby piercing right through it and moving towards Meloetta's face.

Meloetta's hand raises forward with Karate Chop, slapping the spear away from her face. Pulling back my spear I simply tries again, but this time I created a Psychic spoon in front of me and use Kinesis on it. Taking advantage of her short pause my AE PE Chidori Longinus moves towards her chest and to secure more damage I added Curse Aura Burst and Laser Focus into it.

This is an OHKO Combo move, which I will now call.

"Long... inus!" Meloetta opens her mouth for a last-ditch attack, sadly for her, I simply used Disable on it.

[Host has killed Mythical Pokemon Meloetta]

Looking at my Longinus that pierced through the dead Meloetta's neck, a smile appears on my face, having a weapon is way too useful. Drawing back Longinus, I tear off an arm with Psychic, who doesn't want to know how tasty a Mythical Pokemon would be.

Suddenly out of nowhere a Pokemon flashes straight in front of me, the Overlord Dragonite throwing a fusion move fist at me.

[Perfect Fusion Move: Dragon's Fist = Dragon Claw + Mega Punch]

Teleporting out of the way, I quickly took a bite out of the arm in my hand.

*chew* *chee* *chew* *moan*

"Damn, this is good," This is pure ecstasy, if had on clothes I bet they would've torn when I had taken a bite from this.

"You bastard, who are you!?" Dragonite shouts angrily.

"Me? I'm master Shifu,"


RIP my good friend Meloetta, your appearance may have been short but it was for the greater good.

Meloetta's defeat was because of underestimating an Alakazam's speed. Like who would've thought an Alakazam had a fusion move with 3 speed base moves one of which being Extreme Speed.

Unlucky she was, but the achievement of killing a Mythical had come. Thank you for your sacrifice.