The Big Bang Ending

Cheating should have a limit.


Seeing Mewtwo in both Pride and Envy Form I quickly formed my Susanoo but it disappears just as quickly through the neutralizing effect of Envy.

"Bullsh*t!" The current Mewtwo shouldn't be able to release enough Negative Energy: Envy to neutralize my attacks. The only reason I can do such a thing is because of using Corruptor's Negative Energy supply and transforming it into Negative Energy: Envy.

[Universal Spirit lends one energy from the universe itself, practically giving infinite energy. Negative Energy is just one of the many energies one can gain from Universe Spirit]

Seeing Psystrike moving towards me I use Envy to neutralize it but its power is not something I can fully neutralize, especially after being boosted by Pride. My attempt at recalling my Longinus fails, and with no other choice left I pumped a lot of energy to form an Earth Wall. Sadly, it broke apart more easily than a door used by termites for over a decade resulting in me being sent flying from that Psystrike.

[Miracle Eyes]

Yeah, but even without that Miracle Eyes, Psystrike would've been able to hurt me, just not as bad as now. Infinite energy isn't going to cut it, if I can't release attacks not neutralized by Envy. Luckily for me, I got a move that should be able to change the tides of this battle.

[Trace has copied Perfect Mastery]

[Role Play: Intermediate » Expert]

[Trace has copied Progenitor's Privilege]

[PP moves gained: Wonder Guard, Universe Spirit, Devourer, Perfect Mastery, Regenerator, Instinctual Movement, Sheer Force, Dark Aura]

[Role Play fails to copy Genetic Fusion]

Damn it!

[Note: Moves stored in PP can't be fused]

Double damn it!

[Trace has copied Genetic Fusion]

[Genetic Fusion has fused Psychic, Dark-Type Manipulation, and Corruption to form, Innate Ability: Failure = a failed fusion]

[Genetic Fusion has defused Failure and gained the Innate Abilities, Psychic, Dark-Type Manipulation, and Corruptor]

Hahaha, it works.

[Host has...]

[Host has fused Clairvoyance and Eyes of Index forming, Omniscient (Low-Beginner)]

[Omniscient: Within your Omniscient's active range the user will know everything about everything. At its current level, you can only get basic information about everything within Omniscient's range]

[System aid: Attempt at fusing Envyful Devil and Corruptor fails...]

[System aid: Sending 1000RP to create ability, Pure Envy]

[System aid: Attempt at fusing Envyful Devil and Corruptor to form, Pure Envy (Peak-Advance)]

[Pure Envy: A perfect merge of Envyful Devil and Corruptor with an additional effect only available at the Expert stage]

[Innate Abilities: Instinct (lock), Aura (Peak-Advance), Pure Envy (Peak-Advance), Psychic (Mid-Advance), Omniscient (Low-Beginner), Dark-Type Manipulation (Mid-Advance), Trace]

[Trace has copied Genetic Transformation]

[Genetic Transformation: Mess with your genes but be warned although it's temporary it can have a serious negative impact without knowledge of Pokemon Genetics, but you won't need to worry about this with the System here]

[Host has used Genetic Transformation, the host will devolve when his energy runs out, meaning you can replace Genetic Transformation with something else]

[Temporary Ability: Special Attack Restriction, Overwhelming Dark Prowess]

[Special Attack Restriction: All forms of range moves are restricted, this includes Teleport and other such utility moves that affect external objects/lives. Few abilities can allow certain moves to work]

[Overwhelming Dark Prowess: Your Dark-type energy is beyond natural causing your control of all other 'type energies' to be restricted. Whether or not this is a good thing who knows?]

[Trace has copied Progenitor's Privilege]

[PP moves gained: Wonder Guard, Universe Spirit, Devourer, Perfect Mastery, Universe Spirit, Instinctual Movement, Space-Time Sensitivity, Dark Aura]

[Status B: Parameters

Name: Alakazam D Hugh (X Forme)

Energy/Stamina: EX----- (A+)

Health: C+

Physical Attack: SS+++

Physical Defense: D-

Special Attack: NULL

Special Defense: SS+

Mobility: SS++

Control: NULL

Ability: SS

Support: NULL

Evaluation: You got a chance only because you're 20 levels higher than Mewtwo]

Had to rub it in, didn't ya?

[Superior Ancient Alakazam X: This couldn't even be called Alakazam anymore. It now is a pure fast physical attacker]

[Note: Wonder Guard can block all attacks that aren't Super Effective to the user, but this cost energy equal to the move used. Though, Wonder Guard only has a Deep Silver ability and has a limit of energy it can block. Limit = S+]

So just weaken the attacks till they're S+ and I could fully block them.

[Instinctual Movement makes one move the best way for the best moment, of course, that's only if you allow your Instincts to do so]

[Devourer, user can convert whatever it eats into experience, this includes attacks, can also create Black Holes to absorb attacks]

[Dark Aura, Yveltal signature ability. The releases a Dark Aura from his body significantly boosting Dark-type attacks]

With the aid of Space-Time Sensitivity, I can now teleport within the space of this city, but attempting to leave will likely fail especially with Dickniel and Special Attack Restriction. Nonetheless, I teleported Longinus in hand and used Flash Step to appear before Mewtwo. Stabbing forward I created a Dark-type move.

[Dark Thrust]

Longinus collides with a Psychic Barrier, Psystrike shoots towards me, but with a step back I slapped it away with my Longinus and once more stabs forward, however an enhanced Psychic not only manages to break through my Wonder Guard but also Special Defense, pushing me away.

"For an ultimate life form you're weak," I mocked, Flash Stepping back forward while stabbing forward again using Dark Thrust.

[Self-Made move Dark Tantrum aka Dark-type Thrash]

Dark Thrust once more was blocked by a barrier, but who said I would stop at one? Consecutive Dark Thrust was blocked by Mewtwo's instantly made barriers, while occasionally my spear stabs away Psychic beams that came from all directions around me.

Such a fast-speed battle wasn't something I had expected even at the Master stage. Then again one's a Legendary and the other's cheating. With both of us having Perfect Mastery you would think the fight would be a draw but sadly for Mewtwo, that's not the case. I'm a close combatant while Mewtwo's not.

A black hole appears above me drawing in all the Psychic beams fired at me, allowing me to concentrate on Mewtwo who's constantly trying to pull away from me.

[Space-Time Sensitivity has been replaced with Victory Star]

Ripped Off, Gae Bolg!

Dark Thrust miraculously slips past a barrier and stabs into Mewtwo's shoulder leaving behind Negative Energy that slips into Mewtwo's soul. Shame I failed to kill in that strike.

[Corruptor: Negative Erosion]

"You are said to be the strongest life form yet you're losing to a regular Pokemon," I mocked using No Escape and once more one of my many Dark Thrust hits Mewtwo but this time merely grazing him.

[Mewtwo has replaced Envyful Devil with Victory Star]

Longinus fails to block a powered-up Psystrike causing me to get hit and thrown back. About to land into a building my body rotates with my legs resting on the wall and springing me forward towards Mewtwo.

"And this will just be the first of your many defeats," Fusing Dark Thrust and Negative Energy to form Curse Thrust, my Longinus pierces through the multilayered barrier of Mewtwo almost reaching his opened palm that was gathering Psychic energy. All attempts of turning back failed, angering me.

[Mewtwo has used No Escape]

Psystrike shot forward blasting me into the air light-years away from Viridian City.

[Location - Route 1]

I guess not that far...

[Light-years is speed and you know it]

About to retreat my body was suddenly pulled backward moving toward a newly formed Gate. F*ck! My body reappears in Viridian City about to be pierced by a Psychic Beam. Spinning my spear as I block the row after row of Psychic Beams, I sense Mewtwo appearing behind me and quickly choose to ignore the Psychic Beams and Flash Step forward towards Mewtwo.

"You're too weak, you can't even be placed in the top 10 strongest. A failure," I continued to mock the emotionless Mewtwo, at least hoping that the day it gains emotions it understands this.

[You make Envy Demons ashamed]

Didn't we talk about this once before?

Longinus stabs forward but fails in breaking through Mewtwo's defense, and what happened next was troublesome. Mewtwo's life energy began to rise massively, quickly making me realize what happened.

[Mewtwo: Level 70]

[Energy: EX--- (SS]

The boost in power isn't significant enough for any stat changes for the current him, but the energy makes a huge difference. It's the difference between a Pokemon with Energy at E having Universe Spirit vs and another whose Energy is at B.

E energy strongest attack might only reach D+ at best, while the one at B strongest attack can hit A+ and possibly A+++. Meaning Mewtwo's Special Attack might just rise to SSS if it can create a good enough fusion move.

Wait! Doesn't this mean a Guardian Mewtwo's energy can hit SSS while Expert Mewtwo's at EX!

[What did you expect when the dubbed strongest life form was fused with the Original Psychic Plate?]

'H-Hugh? Is. this your name?' Mewtwo asks telepathically, shocking me. The bastard even takes advantage of my commentary pause to fire off even more Psychic Beams and is about to release a Psystrike.

'Telepathy, then you understand someone else is here?' Devourer devours the beams and my spear collides with Psystrike pushing me back as even more Psychic Beams came shooting towards me.

'Yes, you and my enemies will all die here,' Mewtwo said. It seems that conscious Mewtwo is even more dangerous than the unconscious one.

What makes this worst is that No Escape is on me and Envy Form's neutralizing effect can't neutralize any of Mewtwo's attacks to the boost provided by Pride Form.

[System has confirmed that Envyful Devil's neutralizing limit was S+ and can still weaken moves at SS-. Pure Envy neutralizing effect is at SS- and can weaken moves at SS++]

So even these abilities have a limit.

[Sin abilities were only made to increase the strength of Pokemons allowing them to be equals to Pseudo-Legendaries. It was never the creator's intention for these moves to have the potential to affect the top Pokemons]

'Funny enough, the ultimate lifeform is loyal,' Dark Tantrum has ended and I can feel the effects of not just Trace but Genetic Transformation is almost over.

How did an hour pass so quickly!?

[The amount of attacks blocked and damage trading is a lot more than the host narrated. Especially when both of you have Recover and Universe Spirit making only OHKO moves useful]

'Incorrect, just following the fastest reliably known method to become the strongest,' Mewtwo explains, our exchange still going on with no hesitation to kill the other.

System what's the fastest method for Mewtwo.

[Answer: Gaining full control over its Psychic abilities, just through absorbing energy from the air, Mewtwo can become a Peak Guardian]

'You can become Peak Guardian just through absorbing energy in a short time, while with Team Rocket it would've taken decades. What you need right now is to find an isolated area to train your Psychic control, Perfect Mastery can only help with the crappy stuff,' I explained. Mewtwo's Psychic powers should be even better than the original since they should've fused the Psychic Plate into him.

'So I recommend you go to Cerulean Cave to train for a few years,' I had also left a message there for future Mewtwo but I guess it doesn't matter when Mewtwo reads it.

"I see," Mewtwo mutters, his body teleports away.

"It looks like I underestimated you," D*ckniel said appearing before me. His body was coated in Dark-type energy.

[Genetic Transformation has ended]

[Progenitor's Privilege has ended]

[Attempt at Trace has failed]

"Trace is just a stronger version of Role Play, both using Psychic energy as the catalyst. All I needed to do is cover my body in large amounts of Dark-type energy,"

"Meh," I shrugged.

"You're mentally drained and shouldn't be able to continue such a high-intensity battle, let's not even mention that you no longer have the qualifications to fight me,"

You could say this is the biggest weakness of Universe Spirit, unable to replenish mental stamina.

"True, but I got the knowledge I wanted and have won the war," I said. The knowledge I wanted was Mewtwo's existence and ancient time's knowledge. Although the Guardians didn't know much, I at least know who's the endgame boss.

As for me winning this war. Dickniel, Shaymin, and Marshadow are all here, and although everyone else has retreated, but by the time they arrive on Route 1, Tatsumaki should've left with Risa.

"Ha! Do you think that barrier's gone now that Mr. Mime's dead? His death was just part of the plan, just like bringing Shaymin here,"

"Was Meloetta's death also a part of the plan?" I teased.

"No, but Pink's existence should be enough," Dickniel explains like the 2nd rate villain he's.

Wait Pink's existence! Did he manipulate Andrew into entering the Dark side (Giratina's faction)?

"Damn, you planned a lot, shame even now you underestimated me,"

"Oh, you're sadly mistaken. You underestimated me!"


[The host sacrifices his life to use Kaboom]


Next Chapter Epilogue.

Reminder, this time I'm picking the Pokemon bwahaha. All you need to know is that it's aggressive, a pseudo-legendary, and sadly not humanoid.