Special Chapter 13 Envy, Love & System

"Hey, Mike," Raven calls out, his leg resting on the table as he sat back lackadaisically.

"What?" Mike asks lying down on the couch.

"What kind of girl do you like?" Raven asks curiously.

"Strong women," Mike answers.

"So you prefer them to be at the top of the relationship?"

"In bed? No the one who takes the lead should switch often. In handling my daily life? Sure, but you should know I have no thoughts of falling in love," Mike explains. Love isn't something he needs in this life, just like how he shouldn't have made a best friend, after all to him, this world doesn't need to exist.

(A/N: Another fool who may have accepted Infinite Tsukuyomi)

His goal is simple... Slowly destroy the empire followed by humanity. Luckily for his best friend, he'll be the last person to die.

"Luckily for you, I doubt you'll need to worry about someone liking you," Seeing Mike's glare Raven quickly explains. "Hey, don't look at me like that, you know your personality better than anyone. For someone like you, it's better to stick with your One Night Stands,"

"With your collection?" Mike asks.

"Yeah my... f*ck you!"

"Keep your fetishes to your collection," Mike jokes.

"Bastard I'm willing to stick a frozen banana up my *ss the day a girl confesses to you,"

"Are you that desperate for c*ck? If so I will remind you now that I'm not gay,"

"You know what? I going to watch some anime. Go to hell!" Annoyed Raven promptly fled.

"Weak," Moments like these he questioned how Raven became his best friend when lacking the characteristics he would want his best friend to have.


Time - Egg Life, Mike

Deep in his delusions, the System watches Mike disappointedly.

'Is this my master?' New the System may be, but a being born with a purpose can't be compared to humans. The System was born with a high IQ, high Wisdom, a large database of knowledge, unique powers, and most importantly the ability to connect to the world itself for knowledge, if given a body it could speed run life to become the Overlord of a Universe no matter what Universe it was thrown into.

With all these things added into the System, it had expected to have a worthy master, not this mentally ill man-child. Someone like Mike was deemed unworthy of the System's full aid.

Let's not forget Mike's trauma may not allow him to be controlled by an unknown entity, regardless of the System's trustworthiness.


'Love? I won't say I'm not curious about it, but I have never considered INCEST,' With his Rattata body pressed to the ground he could only helplessly be showered in Risa's love.

'Especially with the same rat I HATE,' Mike thought.

'The big sister of the family, knowing every one of our siblings' names, loved and respected by each one of them. A powerful family, that parents (Daniel) are specifically training her even when they claim I'm the heir, the next Raticate leader,'

Yes, as usual, what Mike feels for Risa isn't exactly hate, but envy.

'Talented, intelligent, caring, charismatic, protective, strong, I can keep going on and on about her 'perfect' personality that makes me look more and more like sh*t on the street,'

"Let's go and eat, mate," Risa said, jumping off of me while looking at me hurriedly.

'Worst of all she can't stop smiling!' The brightness of Risa not only makes him feel unnoticed, completely enshrouding him in light and even slowly changing him for the BETTER.

"Tsk," Clicking my tongue in disapproval as he took the lead.

'I hate myself more for never once telling her how much I 'hated' her in my face. How I actually fear saying this to her is sickening,'

It didn't take long for Risa to rush in front of Mike taking the lead, causing him to let out a light grunt even if the smile on his face said otherwise.

Meanwhile, the System silently shakes its head at Mike once more. The System has no clue why this Rattata chose Mike as her mate, but the System had noticed that the Rattata, Risa, might be the best bet in changing his sh*tty personality.

'The day you've cured your mental illness is the day I'll deem you worthy to be my master,' even as the System thought this and was working hard to try to solve this issue, it knew of the biggest obstacles to its goal.

1. The System has no idea how to persuade Mike to change.

2. The System has no way to communicate with Risa to help her make Mike change.

3. Mike has no trust in the System. Likely, would discard the System once it ran out of use.

One can say the System might have one of the most hardest jobs in the Pokemon World, second only to Progenitor Mew.


As Mike laughs at Risa who has an angry expression, a smile was too cute. He quickly got lost in his thoughts.

'I'm getting attached. That's not good,'

[Correct you are]

'What part of that is not good!!!' The System can already smell the stupidity in his thoughts, yet it can only say the words Mike wants to hear, afraid the wrong words used would stop Mike from using it at all.

'Although I don't think I'll be abandoned in this life,'


'The closest thing to abandonment you had was with your father, which you killed not long after,' The System wished it had eyes to roll.

'I will abandon them to get stronger so that I can have a better life in my next reincarnation,'

[A rational decision]

'Oh, is self-harm a rational decision nowadays?' The System mocks.

'Just like in my past life, I became a mercenary to make lots of money for a better life,' Mike explains.

'Do you mean to inflate your ego when others watch you enviously?' The System retorts. The System now regrets not asking for knowledge of Psychology from its creator.

A lick snapped Mike back into reality.

"Don't worry mate, I'm your mate forever,' Risa smiled, licking me again.

'Mate for life huh... I supposed this is a good life too. We have a strong background, and given time we can be the next overlord of route 1,'

[Probability of success 80%. Host must know that the resources on route 1 can barely give the host a shallow blue potential]

'Good job, wingman Risa, pull this foolish idiot from the abyss of fools it nearly jumped into,' The System sighs in relief. There were no calculations done here only a number Mike would be satisfied with.

'No problem, after we become the overlord of route 1, Risa and I will make plenty of children, all of which should have good talents. After a couple of years, we'll raid Viridian City,'

[Probability of success 5%]

'Good enough for me,' Mike said.

'Sigh, I don't get paid for this,' The probability of success was at 0.

"Mate, let's get some berries from mama," Saying this, Mike moves forward taking the initiative to lick Risa and taking advantage of her being stunned, he walks away.

"Ah, Mate wait up," Risa said hurriedly rushing towards her.

'Envy and love, the living is fascinating indeed, but... they're still too much of a headache,"


One usually hears that love and hate are on the same coin. Immense love can quickly become immense hate and vice versa. Now all that's left is for me to explain why Risa likes Mike but...

In this case, an answer is the worst answer.