Are Two Heads Are Better Than One?

"It's time," Feeling Zweilous' head nudging onto mine, I opened my eyes annoyed.

"Alright, let's kill the bastard," I said looking at the Hydreigon further ahead of us. Behind us stood the female Deino cheering for Zweilous while behind Hydreigon was another Hydreigon possibly his mate.

Alright, things to note about Hydreigon is firstly Levitate which allows it to fly even if Hydreigon's useless wings are damaged.

Racial Abilities: Destructive Force, Superior Gluttony, Triple Action, Motion Sensitivity

Destructive Force makes all attacks more powerful, it should be a more overpowered version of Sheer Force. Then with Triple Action, he can release 3 powerful attacks at once and along with Motion Sensitivity, speed means sh*t to Hydreigon unless you're faster than its reaction speed.

Hydreigon is more of a firepower jet Pseudo-Legendary unlike Dragonite whose speed and defense. Sadly for Hydreigon even with these boosts, its Special Attack should only be at A, assuming it knows Nasty Plot that can increase to A+. Still, in the acceptable range of my Pure Envy, S and SS isn't something Pure Envy can handle without Universe Spirit.

"You're in charge of defense and support actions, I'll handle mobility and damage," I command.

"Okay," Zweilous said bitterly.

"Are you ready to die or are you going to continue making useless plans?" Hydreigon asks mockingly.

"Let's start," I said and began running forward using Quick Attack. Hydreigon's heads lined up in a triangle formation all of which fired out a Dragon Pulse at me.

Creating 2 Substitution Clones at my sides, I felt a Helping Hand rest on my head arrogantly and Hydreigon's attack have already been weakened due to Pure Envy. Opening my mouth I fired off a Curse Pulse to counter the three attacks. Meanwhile, my Substitution Clones have already dashed to the opposite sides of Hydreigon and used Dragon Pulse from both heads.

Their attacks aren't strong but I doubt Hydreigon would ignore it, and proving me right the two heads moved in their directions and attack with Dragon Pulse. As Hydreigon's head opened to fire a Dragon Pulse to hit me, I countered it with Disable before Flash Stepping next to him and pounced him with Dragon Rush.

Hustle makes my Physical Attacks much stronger, but it makes it even harder to redirect my attacks thereby lowering their accuracy.

Hydreigon was a step faster than me, right after failing to attack with Dragon Pulse he used Dragon Dance while his two heads turned their gaze to me, open mouths stretch forward to use Crunch on me while the main head opens his mouth to use Dark Pulse.


Now appearing in the previous position of the Substitution Clone on Hydreigon's left an Absolute Barrier appears in front of me, and combined with Pure Envy the Dragon Pulse was blocked.

Hydreigon's energy is at B+ while mine's only at C+ if we ignore Negative Energy. If we play a stamina game I'll run out of gas first even when we include that Hydreigon's attacking a lot more than me.

Seeing as he used Work Up followed by Focus Energy, I felt more pumped up than him. Pumped up to crush him and leave him in nothing but despair. Rushing towards me as he fires off a Tri-Beam, I rushed towards it.

I Zweilous D Mike have stolen the knowledge of a group of Guardians back in my heyday, and with that, I got another power move, one I appreciate a lot.

First activating Dark Tantrum along with the Advance Outrage Zweilous has, I use Flash Step, flashing right in front of the Tri-Attack, and bite through it. Meanwhile, Zweilous has now used Dragon Dance and is preparing to use Sword Dance too. Right now, the pressure my body's feeling is annoying, with all these enhancements on, I feel like I may pop at any moment.

Hydreigon fires off a fusion attack consisting of 2 Dragon Pulse and Dark Pulse and now his mouths are gathering energy to use Hyper Beam. Sword Dance has been used and Pure Envy has weakened Hydreigon's attacks. Using Tackle to break through his attacks and continue to move forward, I saw the annoyed expression on Zweilous' head beside me.

"Damn bastard! Why are you trying to kill us to win!?" Zweilous cried out for a Pokemon that has lived for over 2 years what is the little pain you're feeling right now.

"F*cker, this is the fastest method to win," I explained. Crushing an enemy with one move is always much better than a drawn-out struggle.

"Die!" Hydreigon shouts, only now starting to feel worried. 3 Hyper Beams fused together to form one much more powerful than his previous fusion attack, something Pure Envy would barely be able to influence, an S- attack.

"Add back Helping Hand!' I shouted.

"Crazy bastard," For a dragon, he sure fears death, or is this the Dark-type talking. Regardless, he adds Helping Hand on and we began to feel our health dropping, and thanks to Omniscient I know adding Recover is just going to kill us faster, but I have to use a move here.

Flash Step, bursting through Hydreigon's attack and appearing right beside him a grin appears on my face when I saw his shocked expression.

"GET REKT!" Shouting this, Fighting energy infused with the other energies covering our body, thereby using Superpower. Both Zweilous and my head slammed into Hydreigon's and like a shooting star, his body shot right into a wall.

My body slumped to the ground as I hurriedly canceled all active moves and enter the 'confused' status which I quickly got rid of with Refresh.

"Victory to the Scourge," I rejoiced before turning my head warily to Hydreigon's mate.

"If you don't kill him now he's going to wake up and escape," she said making me sigh in relief.

They aren't called the Brutal Pokemons for no reason, brutal to enemies and themselves.