"Milk!" I demanded, my 3 heads roaring in excitement.

"Hahaha, a peasant like you want my milk?" Sparkacus mocks and dodges my incoming Dragon Tail+ with Thunder Flash.

"Brother, stop encouraging father," Leona sighed already exhausted from my return and it hasn't even been an hour yet.

"But the old man wants my milk!" Sparkacus complained.

"Your milk? Do you how much effort it took us to get this milk?" I asked mockingly.

"As if beating up some Champion level Pokemons is anything special," Sparkacus spat.

"Can't brother and father just share?" Winter asks.

"F*CK NO!" We shouted.


"AND WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE SHOUTING AT ME!" And so, the spark of anger ignited and is now on the verge of becoming a forest fire.

"The day has just begun and everyone is already shouting," Leona sighs before finally deciding to land on my back. "Father don't you want to see..."

"Those concubines? No, and sadly, I already saw one," I answered looking at Tempest attempting to chat with FemHydra.

"Anyways, there are only a few things I want to see upon returning, none of which included you all," I announced only to see Winter on the verge of crying, almost making me apologize, but I won't lie about this.

"Greedie's attack on us wasn't just a test, right?" Leona asks.

"I don't know who you're referring to but I will pretend I never heard it," I said. "As for FemHydra, her job was to kill off the extra waste in this territory,"

"That's completely idiotic. Haven't you considered that the extra waste might just be something important to someone?" Leona asks.

"But that extra waste is also just a loose end, and it won't have any significant impact on the territory if gone," I countered.

"But once you got rid of one, you'll try and get rid of the other loose ends," Leona explains.

"Yeah, but at the end of the day, they're just loose ends, they aren't anything important,"

"If they were simply loose ends you wouldn't have used such an indirect method to cut it loose, yet here you are still hesitating," Leona taunts.

"Do you think I won't do it!?" I asked.

"You would try and fail because of your hesitation," Leona declares.

"Is that so," From there the conversation stopped and became awkwardly quiet. Many wanted to say something but choose to keep quiet, although unaware of what we were talking about, but were certain this wasn't a time to cut in.

"Even if you wanted to, I refuse to let you cut your loose ends," Fionna announces.

"Agreed, the loose ends don't need to die due to your selfishness," Neptune added. Leaving only, Winter and Sparkacus unaware of what's going on.

[Correction: Sparkacus should be aware, his reason for not talking is simply because he doesn't care. As for Winter, it's uncertain]

"Father," speak of the devil.

"Yes, Winter," the only reason I'm doing this word game is because of her. She can cry and I wouldn't have cared as I have long grown used to it, but I rather not see the day she looks at me in disappointment. That would be a sad day.

[Only her?]

No, each of these children here including Aurora I wouldn't want disappointed in me. They can hate me, they can like me, I don't care what else they may feel about me BUT disappointment.

"Only the strong can decide who's a loose end. Is father still strong?" Winter asks, giving the group thoughts that they shouldn't have.

"Hahaha, well said!" Sparkacus laughs. I have a feeling he had similar thoughts to Winter earlier.

"You all do know, technically you all are also loose ends?" I asked curiously.

"The weakling like you dares to threaten the strong?" Sparkacus asks mockingly. Glancing at the rest of my unfilial children who seemed to look forward to beating the sh*t out of me, I think it's fair to say they need a good reminder of who's the boss around here.

[Last time I checked it was Medusa]

"Since some loose ends did come looking for some trouble, I guess it's only fair I cut them off," I said quickly spotting the silhouette of Aurora rushing over through Extreme Speed. Of course, with her speed arriving here only took a few seconds from where I had previously seen her.

"Aurora are you hear to beat papa up to?" I asked, looking at her stats with Omniscient, but only got useless information. Why can't my Intermediate Omniscient fully see through the stats of a Legendary Guardian Pokemon?

[Peak-Intermediate should enable you to see a Low Guardian Legendary Pokemon. Mid-Advance for Peak Guardian]

"No," Aurora shook her head.

"Great! Help me beat them up!" I said joyfully. Truly, Aurora is my best child.

"No," Aurora shook her head.

"Spectators aren't needed then," I said frankly.

"I got milk," Aurora said.

"Then what are you waiting for! Give me it!" I shouted encouragingly. As always, Aurora's the best child.

"Papa will get his milk, after being taught a lesson by his children," Aurora explains causing me to frown.


"What? Did papa expect me to be happy hearing you plan on getting rid of aunts and possibly mama too?" Aurora asks angrily. "If you weren't my papa, I would be joining them myself,"

She seems... a lot angrier than I expected.

[I wonder why?]


Fun Fact:

Did you know Ancient Pokemons were previously called Superior Pokemons?

Author: Of course you didn't, this is my story!