Who Would've Thought Naming An Island Would Be So Annoying

"Today we gather to offer our dearest condolences to our dear ally Fluffs. I pray he returns to us as a useful and beloved Feebas or Sunflora," I announced tragically. It took way too long before Fluffs finally kicked the bucket, but it was all worth it-no I mean it's tragic and heartbreaking.

"I'm not dead!" Fluffs shout, his head poking out from the ground, I had previously buried him in.

"The dead has risen!" I exclaimed before swinging my Iron Tail+ at his head.


My tail slams into the ground creating leaving behind a crater, as for Fluffs he has already teleported behind Skyla.

"Bruh," Drake the Dragonite glared at Fluffs as if telling him to hide behind his mate.

Hi everyone it's your boy Hydreigon D Mike, it has been a day since everything occurred here, and there are way too many things to handle. Let's start with the destruction of the Volcano which has absolutely nothing to do with ME. It was Marshadow who pulled down my Continental Hydra that crashed into the Volcano leading to more than 80% of all resident Pokemons on this island dead.

Luckily, we didn't want the people, we wanted the island. Among those that survived more than 95% of them were the King's followers, along with the excess Negative Energy due to the large death rate. 5% of those that died returned today as Ghost-types and likely another 5% throughout this month.

Though that would have little to do with me.

"By the way, did anyone manage to obtain the goals we originally set for coming here?" I asked curiously.

"No," Snow said sadly.

"No," Fluffs said relaxed. I guess that's because his goal was to abuse a weak Pokemon.

"No," Skyla shook her head. Well, you can conquer nothing right?

"No," I said, the only goal possibly left for me is getting the King on my side, another brain laborer like Leona.

"Yesss," Medusa said joyfully.

"Of course you did," we said unsurprised.

"Berisss, Celebisss?" Medusa asks.

"A year maybe 2? Dickniel might have only shown up expecting our arrival,"

"Defeatsss and claimsss," Medusa adds. And defeat you thereby preventing us from thinking of trying again. Luckily, he underestimated Medusa and the plan backfired.

[Or he used this as a chance to understand Medusa's strength]

That might not be wrong too. Diancie was defensive, Latias support, and Marshadow as offense, as a Mew he could've joined in giving them a better chance, but he just watched before firing a Negative Energy: Flame at Medusa.

"A King in ancient time should know defensive measures," I muttered, further convince when I noticed how few injuries his side have using Omniscient.

That era should have a lot more Guardians too without the restrictions on fights. Most importantly, why would a Pokemon even choose to protect humans? Obviously, humanity at that time had benefits they couldn't ignore and couldn't forcefully take either.

"What's your thoughts," Skyla asks most likely seeing the excitement in my eyes.

"We might just have a good base," I said happily. With Omniscient many thoughts, ideas, and plans quickly converge and led to a lovely conclusion.

"Damn, can't you smile somewhere else?" Fluffs ask.

"Sure," Saying that I teleported away.

Step 1. Get or Force the King onto my side. If neither work, hope Soul Devour with give me the memories I want.

"Have you finally returned to entertain... No, you seem a lot happier than usual," The King said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, and that's why I'll need your help," I said.


"I want your knowledge, you can gain territory, power, resources, or whatever else you may desire as the price," I said.

"And what if nothing you have I desired," the king asked.

"I still have your life and worst comes to worst I can always bet In Soul Devour, and even if that fails sooner or later I would get his knowledge," I explained.

"You're in a hurry and have high hopes that I have the knowledge you desire," The king said, reading me perfectly. "Then here's my conditions..."


1. A portion of each base in your possession should be left for my kingdom's forces.

2. Shrouding this Island with C+ Quality Negative Energy for a duration of a month. Total energy used = S.

3. Provide resources so that I can enter the Guardian stage and quickly become a Peak Guardian with Silver talent.

3. Allow us to become Subordinates of the Ouroboros faction.

4. You are unable to directly or indirectly harm us unless we had attacked first.

5. You are unable to harm anyone in the Ouroboros faction without an understandable reason.

"Why do the last 2 rules seems targeted at me?" I ask.

"You should know your personality better than me," The King said.

"Still, you're one greedy king," I said jokingly. The first one is acceptable, the second one accomplishable same goes for the third, as for the fourth and fifth...

"Aren't the last 2 conditions the same thing?" I asked. "Unless you plan to betray me that is,"

"No, I wouldn't have said 'unless we had attacked first' if that was the case. This is just a way out in case you self-detonate," he explained.

"Self-detonate, I won't go 'kaboom' that easily, especially when there are only a few things that can make me react that way," I retort.

"And one of such things you're going to meet with soon," he deduced. "Just remember even Pokemons can change, especially due to the individuals around them,"


"That's what I'm most afraid of," I said a worried smile plastering my face.

This week, no, tomorrow I'll bring her back here. Let her see my best friend, travel around, and have many children, a nice life that one would never expect someone like me would desire.