Reunions Part 4 The Unexpectings

Discussion: Gotta Catch Em' All (Complete)

Speakers: Mike and System

Event Time: Short pause during Mike's fight with Mewtwo

[Notice: All Procedure Unowns have been absorbed]

Mike: Now is not the time!

[With this, the host soul is 99.999% safe in the Pokemon World. While all things fully contaminated by ERRORs are now recognizable through the Omniscient. Before all clairvoyance or scan-like abilities would only declare all ERRORs as ERROR and not what they were previously. Now, however, just like Instinct: ERROR all other similar ERRORs would still show their previous name if their effects aren't significantly modified]

[Reminder: Modified abilities through ERROR usually make the move weaker and rarely stronger]

So what can 'kill' me now?

[Certain ERRORs and certain EX Soul-based Special Attack]

And when will my Instinct get fixed?

[Once the user eventually dies]



Breaking out of the Pokeball and right behind the masked man, how couldn't I be happy. Activating Rampage, a fusion of Trash, Dark Tantrum, and Outrage, I shot forward towards him with a ferocious grin on my face when I saw him turn around in shock.


"B*tch!" I snarled, Cursed energy wrapped around my jaws as my heads aimed for his arms and neck. However his speed was much faster than I expected, his hand quickly reaches towards my main head and slaps it tauntingly.

"Risa?" I said shocked, seeing that figure in front of me wasn't the masked man at all but Risa.

"Keke, idiot mate couldn't even recognize me," Risa insults happily, a small bullet pierces through both of our bodies.

"Uber Pseudo-legendary and Mythical Pokemon acquired," the masked man chuckles.

[Notice: All physical-based energies have been temporarily locked]


[Meaning, only spiritual base energies are accessible]

How long will this last?

[Forever until treated... luckily, we're in the Pokemon world. You just need to find a Guardian+ Pokemon that knows a status healing ability]

And we're still in Viridian Forest, so the only difficulty left is escaping.

"Since you have lost, followed the rules, and join me willingly, that bs attack of Hydreigon is needed, and having a Mew is always welcomed," he said.

[Spiritualist: Telepathy]

'Got anything?' I asked.

'Keke, I'm positively weak right now,' Risa said proudly.

'Can you still use Progenitor's Privilege?'

'Can but most soul-based abilities aren't that powerful, that's why I'm positively weak right now,' Risa explains.

'Hidden Power: Spirit?' I asked.

'Needs Normal-type energy to be self-sustainable for combat,' Risa explains.

'Emotions?' I asked.

"Did you both hear anything I just say!" the masked man asked annoyed.

"Oh? You're still here?" I said surprised.

"Okay, fine! I'll put you in the Friend Ball," He said.

"While I still have your Mother Ball," I taunted.

"That didn't make sense," he spat.

"That's what she said,"

[Negative Energy: Alter's Flare]

[Alter's Flare, a technique to notify an Alter to get help]

"She's a good sucker by the way," I chuckled.

"Change of plan, I don't like your personality and I doubt it's ever going to change. I'll just train my own Uber Hydreigon," he said.

"Who asks you that?" I asked, his sword was now pointing at me with the Regis standing behind me.

"A sword of illusions," I muttered before a thought hit me that made a manically smile appear on my face.

"You figured it out just by looking at it," he said surprised.

"Medusa, get that cloak off him," I said, believing by now Medusa should have arrived.

"Funsss," Hearing Medusa's voice but not being her, the masked man looks around cautiously.

"F*ck it! I'll kill you first,"

"Stripsss," Soon after Medusa's voice sounded causing a sound wave to slam into the masked man, slamming him into the ground. Immediately, I quickly retreated on my legs with Risa on my head.

In this state, I couldn't even Levitate.

[Notice: High-degree of ERROR radiation detected]


"Damn it to hell! Everything's ruined!" He shouted, standing up and fixing his hair. "Why can't anything go as planned!"

"We have a man child on our hands," I joked.

Ah, it's nice to see Raven like this, the same old loser he always is.

[You're hiding your anger quite well right now]

I know right! I'm very angry, very, very angry, by far the angriest I have ever been. Yet, I don't feel the need to torture him physically and mentally before giving him an opportunity to escape before breaking his hope. But now I just want him to die, he doesn't seem worthy of this amount hatred, especially when he's one of the people I envy the least.

[Your anger isn't even due to his past actions but his current ones. You are angry that he nearly made you attack Risa and took that opportunity to injure her]


"I think not!" He quickly returned the Regis that clearly consider him enemies now before having nothing but his sword out.

"It's just you and me now, Kyoka Suigetsu,"

"Can't you sh*t up!" It's not cool to hear cringy lines in reality.

[Hypocrisy intensifies]

Did you see kettle yet?

[Notice: Individual Raven Spiritualist is at Peak-Expert]

[Notice: System has a theory you may not like to hear but will say anyways]

Thank you for your thoughtfulness.

[Humanity doesn't have levels and therefore can't become Master, thereby losing the privilege to gain Uber abilities. However, we both don't believe Progenitor Mew would do humanity like that, so based on your anime memories I theorized they can awaken Uber abilities]

So that's why you showed me Peak-Expert Spiritualist.

"Did you know that space can't affect Spirits as aren't technically from the same dimension as us even if we can see them?" Raven asks, his body compressed down into small marble through space compression, yet one can see his soul still here talking.

"Rule brokensss," Medusa explains, a Spatial Tails directly cuts off his left arm.

"That's why nobody likes Ubers!" Raven mutters. "But everyone still wants to be one," His arm regrows while his soul became mot compact, more physical.

[Spiritualist » Spiritual Warrior]

[Spiritual Warrior (EX): Spiritual Power so thick it can actually be used to fight. Unbelievable as it may be, the user's spiritual power can grow as time passes and thereby increase their power even further]

"I'm now, officially a shinigami," Raven said, magically toggling glasses onto his face. "You may call me Aizen,"

You are the biggest shame to all Aizen fans out there!

"Spiritual Cloak," What a Bleach captain clothes ripoff.

[Notice: ERROR radiation has been hidden]



Type: Null

Genisect <--


[Type: Null the Synthetic Pokemon.

The shapes of its front and hind legs are different, as Type: Null was constructed to synthesize the strengths of various Pokemon, enabling it to adapt to any situation.

The mask fitted to Type: Null's head is a piece of equipment designed to control its latent powers. It's extremely heavy, so it also serves to hinder Type: Null's agility]

Not bad, not bad at all. It seems I might enjoy this a bit more than I thought. Especially the first half, now I just hope the Pokedex has just as good information.

Other than that, I feel I might surprise you, with his background, or maybe not. Will flip a coin to see.