Ultra Megalopolis

1 week later.

"Finish!" Gaia and I shouted.

Currently, we were resting on the ground with my head lightly on top of Gaia's... head? She's now close to a meter tall by the way.

Now your question is, 'what we just finished?'. Then my answer is watching anime, this entire week was used solely on watching anime on that monitor in front of me.


"Did you want to go out that badly?" Raven asks sitting on a chair behind me.

"We would've left early if it were up to us," I said.

For us to leave early we needed to watch 50 seasons of anime. FIFTY! But who would've thought one can finish 50 seasons each consisting of 12-13 chapters in a week.

Ha! Raven didn't expect that after all, he already thought of me as a trainaholic. Like if! Training is only to make sure I can do as I please.

So I and Gaia spent the week without sleep speedrunning episodes one after the other. These are times that we are glad to be Legendary and Mythical Pokemon, as sleeping isn't necessary.

"Through, but don't think I'm not coming with you both," Raven announces.

"Boohoo," I cried out enjoying Gaia's tentacles stretching forward to comfort me.

"Again, disturbing," Raven said shuddering due to Gaia's kindness.

"Again, who asks you that?" I scorned.

"Brother, it's fine. I know I'm a mistake," Hearing her quiet yet sad voice, I quickly stood up glaring at Raven.

"I'm getting tired of your sh*t!" I said angrily. At the rate he's going, I might just say f*ck the plan.

"What? All I did was spoke the truth," Raven replied back increasingly temping my anger.

[Didn't know 'family' was this important to you]

Relatives won't die unless they become my enemy, and I as the older brother must protect my younger sister. Gaia's currently the most important person to me in Ultra Space, even if my plan fails I can always try again.

[You currently have no one but Gaia to give your affection, resulting in you being more emotional than you have been for such an important goal]

Even if that's true, it changes nothing.

"And I'll tell you the truth too, I'll pierce my claw straight through your heart and devour your soul," I said truthfully.

"And I'll make our bond reach the stage in which you can finally evolve," Raven declares.

"Good luck, with that," I snorted before grabbing onto one of Gaia's fleshy tentacles and helping her to stand up.

"Thank you," Gaia said, she still hasn't gotten used to standing on her own.

[Notice: Raven is currently suspicious of your True Soul]

Huh? Oh, I understand. It's because Gaia's reacting like a newborn should, while I'm acting a lot more mature.

Meh, that should only accelerate my plans. His workshop doesn't have data on True Souls and he wouldn't want to risk harming my soul when he doesn't have the confidence to make another one. Therefore, he will likely just show me off to Necrozma who'll confirm the authenticity of my soul.

[And due to Necrozma not being a specialist in the art of souls, Necrozma at most would be able to confirm your soul's a True Soul]

"Chip, Juliet, one of you two better as let me out!" I shouted before gathering Destructive energy into my claws.

Even now his Workshop doesn't have a method to block Destructive base attacks, therefore I should be able to easily destroy this whole place if I burned more than half my energy.

[Then that's not easy]

"Decision can only be made by..." Hearing Chip's words the energy in my claws thickens.

"Open it, we're going," Raven declares.

Space tears a rift in front of us leading to the outside world.

"Alright, let's gooo!" Raven said rushing into the rift.

I still don't understand this fool's motive. Type: Null is clearly a double-edged blade that only becomes a proper 'tool' after evolving. Yet, he's constantly doing things to provoke me.

And Raven does wonder why I had become his first and only friend.


"Sugoi!" Gaia shouts looking at this dark world.

"Cringe," My face scrunched up and I desired to hit Raven more than ever.

[Sister like brother]

Hey! I'm no cringe, since reincarnating I haven't said a cringy line.

"Dark, yet futuristic. This is a perfect background for a main character. Don't you agree?" Raven asks.

"Interested in creating an anime now?" I ask back.

"I'm interested in everything,"


"Hey, you know that's not what I meant," Raven hurriedly said.

"Yeah, yeah, I believe you," I said before moving my head closer to Gaia's body and whispering loud enough for him to hear. "I don't,"

"This place's saddening," Gaia said.

"Yeah, I haven't even explored anywhere yet, but it's thick in Negative Energy," If I had time, I could've used some of this energy to get Corruptor to Peak-Expert.

My head turns towards the tower at the center of this city, but...


Quickly I lowered my head... submissively? Great! That means I'm following my Instincts like I previously used to. Thank you Beastly Physique.

(A/N: As its name suggests it makes him more beast-like. Now he's more volatile than usual and is using his Beastly Physique to quickly readapt to following Instincts)

"Come!" A sharp yet powerful voice sounded.

"Looks like someone's curious," Raven snickered.

"Curious about your mother's..." I murmured.


Many abilities can't work without the correct species, type, or even physique. This is especially true for abilities Uber L/M Master Pokemon makes.

Firstly due to being L/M Master Pokemons, most data they carried will not be stored in the Pokemon database therefore self-made abilities made by L&M from Guardian and Master stage can't be traced by Progenitor's Privilege as this ability takes the data from the Pokemon World directly and not the Pokemon that carried the ability. Though, Trace, Role Play, and similar copy-base abilities may work.

May because, most self-made abilities are made in a way that it only works for that species, making copying such abilities useless.

This is also why Progenitor's Privilege is usually only seen in Mew as Mew are the only Pokemons with the possibility to accomplish anything.