Evolution & Surprise

Here's your extra.


"I refuse!" I shouted.

"Don't be like that, we're just doing this to pump up our relationship bar," Raven explained.

"Our relationship doesn't need to improve," The plan can change, even if Tatsumaki can't help me evolve surely Risa can once she transforms into a human.

"Relax, it won't last longer than half an hour,"

"Oh? I didn't know you were that quick!" I said in shock.

"If I wasn't a soul it would've been done faster," Raven said proudly.

"So even a soul has its weaknesses," I muttered. "It's no good at manipulating non-soul related energies,"

"I can but it requires a lot more effort than even those who lack the type-manipulation ability for it,"

"Can you use kido?" I asked.

"Yes, but I did need to create them myself. Most likely would never be able to use Aizen's signature kido attack," Raven said disappointingly.

"Weakness disgusts me," I said coldly.

"Yeah, let's not go there," Raven said dismissively.

"True, let's begin," Let's not begin a heated debate on whether Aizen's better than Madara.

"Now a quick clarification on what we're going to do," Raven said before snapping his fingers and teleporting us into a haunted forest-type Pocket Dimension.


This was a grassy plains biome," Raven grumbled. "Ughhh, what the f*ck!"

Jumping off a 3 was a Ratif*ck? The Raticate stomach had decayed to the point one can see its ribs and spine cleanly and not a grain of the organs that should be around there in sight.

[Raticate - Level: 36 - Physique: Failure]

Tentacles shot from a tree piercing through the Raticate's body, pulling Raticate's body apart.

"Gory," I muttered.

"Romeo!" Gaia's tentacles retracted back as she jumps off the tree landing a distance away from us.

"Gaia it's best you stay there for now, me and Raven are going to do something a bit more private," I explained.

"Alright Romeo, but... your gender," Although Gaia said the last part in a whisper, I still heard it clearly. "No, once I master my powers gender shall not be a problem. I, Gaia promised you this," Gaia quotes before running off.

"Did you understand what she said?" I asked.

"Something about you being gay," Raven explained.

"I knew letting her watch anime was a bad idea," I sighed.

"Looked at the bright side, she's cultured now," Raven joked.

"Oh, I shall show you culture when I Zetsu styled stab you in the heart," I joked.

"Go on, I dare you," Raven said spreading out his hands awaiting his death.

"Come on, let's begin," I said.

"Alright," Raven said before snapping his fingers again revealing 5 Gold Grade resources.

"Huh? Why are they all cores and none of them being Normal-type?" I asked.

3 red core containing Fire-type energy.

3 blue core containing Water-type energy.

"High-grade planets and dead stars are the fastest ways to get Gold Grade resources. Normal-type resources are by the far the hardest to come by, with the fastest method being the carapace of Normal-type Master Legendary or Mythical Pokemon. However, they can use other types as a substitute for Normal-type energy," Raven explained.

"I'm guessing this is why you brought 6 instead of 3?" I asked confirming my doubt.

"Correct but also wrong. A lot of energy is lost during the absorption this is why you would need 3 more. In fact, you would need 15 with the method we're going to use since a lot of energy is going to waste. Luckily, you have Universal Affinity, Universal Sense, and Omniscient, so there shouldn't be any energy wastage coming from you," Raven explains.

"It's not the same case for me, that's why I would need 2 more,"

"So the plan is for you to send all the energy towards me directly, but in a specific unnecessary complicated order. Meaning one mistake on your side would lead to internal conflicts of energies in my body resulting in my death," I explained.

"Correct, it's a game of trust. You're trusting that I have no intentions of killing you here despite me f*cking up your life previously. While I'm trusting you won't kill me after becoming a Master Pokemon," Raven explained. "Hopefully, you trusting me should be enough for your evolution,"

"It should be," I said thoughtfully.

After all, right now I did still prefer not to place my life in Raven's hand. Luckily, it's just one life.

"Let's start!" Raven shouted instantly throwing began transmitting Fire-type energy into me from the core.

Haha, this isn't that hard at all to absorb.

[Raven had already stated that]

But you see-SH*T!

Water-type energy began to move in harmony with the Fire-type energy, constantly passing right beside each other yet always never contacting each other, but that didn't last long because...

[The Fire Nation attacked!]

Cringe and pain hit at the same time. Though the pain is nothing compared to the complete morphing of one soul, my body completely disagrees as the pain forces me to my knees.

"Endure for just a little longer and I'll stop," Raven said.

"F*cking sus!" I shouted.

And so the process of me converting and absorbing energy continue until I heard Raven murmurs.

"Here goes nothing," Raven sighed.

Seemed like he finally decided to trust me seeing as I hadn't once flinched during his reckless releases of conflicting energies collisions.

Feeling my body begins to shine, I knew it was time. Raven immediately stops sending energy as my body forcefully sucks in the cores to support not just my evolution but my rank up in power, with the added pain now that I had both Fire and Water-type energies running rampant in my body.

[Name: Silvally D Romeo

Pokemon: Silvally

Physique: Totem, Legendary

Gender: Genderless

Egg Group: Undiscovered

Type: Normal

Level: 90

Innate Ability: Instinct, Corruptor (Mid-Expert), Omniscient (Low-Advance), Spiritualist (Mid-Advance), Universal Affinity, Universal Sense, Destruction Manipulation (Low-Advance), Judgement Day

Ability: RKS System

Racial Ability: Synthesizer, Adaptability, Tough Claws, Battle Armor

Special Ability: Beast Boost

Uber Ability: Battle Armor » Beastly Physique, Spiritualist (Mid-Advance) » Tyrant's Haki, etc...

Talent Grade: Shallow Gold (Host - Deep Silver)

Nature: Rash

MUM: Tyrant's Fist, Destructive based attacks, Flash Step, Absolute Barrier

Evaluation: High-Divine after Uber abilities fully mastered]

Hehe, these new Uber abilities aren't half bad.

Raven peeks at my new form before walking toward me. What? Is there something on my face?

[Uber ability Omniscient (Low-Divine) » Omnipotent Answer (EX)]

[Omnipotent Answer: Can find the answer to anything that occurred in the Pokemon World, however depending on the difficulty of the answer the time taken before receiving an answer would increase]

Seems to be something more useful than you.

[Only when it comes to questions. Also, most ERROR-related things could result in NULL]

Turning around to face Raven I couldn't help but grin.

"Looks like we have once more become friends," I muttered watching as Raven stops in front of me stretching forward to pat my head.

"Yes, I can't believe I actually missed these days of bromance," Raven said.

"I actually had missed it too," I said raising my right leg.


"I'll miss it too," I corrected.

Raven was looking at me in disbelief with my claw straight through his heart, my front leg being the only thing keeping him standing.


"I was always good at harming myself," I said with a cheeky smile. "Shame you attempted to capture my love and a bigger shame we're on opposing sides. Oh well, you'll live in my memories just like the rest... friend,"


Enemy » Expendable Ally/Useless Egg » Slave » Ally » Follower/Useless Child » Master/Contractee » Friend/Useful Egg » Concubine/Filial Child » Useful Child » Best friend » Lover

Being a 'friend' of Mike is more of a curse if you ask me.