Shadow Silvally

Beams of solar energy and pillars of corrupted energy were constantly sent and dodged against the opposite respectively.

Vines attempt to entangle the other, Artic Winds try to freeze the other. The fight has entered a short draw period, where neither side has a big enough advantage against the other.

Strangely, while fighting Aqua I found that my Destructive energy attacks were far weaker than they should be. This seems to be the case whenever I tried to target Aqua with it, seeing that's the case I simply stopped and now trying to figure out which old fashion method could work.

Type Attacks could only reach Mid-Divine at max. That's why my attacks aren't that useful against Aqua.

Sadly, the Corrupter Water or Black Water isn't just a Type Attack but also a Soul attack. So although attack-wise is weaker than most High-Divine attacks, its corruption aspect can even haunt Dialga and Palkia based on the fact they were affected by Negative Flames.

Though this isn't the true limit of Type Attacks, Rayquaza can manipulate flying energy to High-Divine at the bare minimum. The same can be said about Mewtwo who could make its Psychic attacks reach Peak-Divine.

So where am I going with this?

Well ignoring my Destructive Power, my base stats while Leviathan's Envy is active is High-Divine. That means I don't even need to bother using those moves as my raw power is more than enough and adding moves isn't going to increase the power of my attacks much.

Most importantly, going into close combat is only going to lead to my defeat, I'll become a Shadow Pokemon and begin to move purely by Instinct...

[Not the best idea you have had]

And to make sure I don't accidentally kill her I could use Leviathan's Envy to delay until Medusa arrives.

[You mean slowly torture her until Medusa arrives?]

Well, do you have a better idea? Do remember I'm here to save her not kill her.

[Aqua base stats aren't High-Divine, so prevent her from escaping with No Escape, protect your soul with Spiritualist and knock her out with Tyrant's Fist]

What a great plan!

Shame I have no intention of using it.


What do you mean? I quite hope she survives.

[Still hopes to get rid of them huh?]

But of course, I'm a true member of the NO HAREM faction.

[Yes but hadn't you said Concubines aren't a harem?]

BUT aren't I also a hypocritical bastard?


Activating Leviathan's Envy, I shot down the sky like a missile colliding with 3 frozen Corrupted Pillars made in time to block my attack.


With a roar, Corrupted Hydro Pump slams into my body failing to do significant harm due to my high defense but I can clearly feel my black soul blackening further.

[Glad you understood just how corrupted you already were]


[Uber ability detected: Water Run » Body Swap: Water (Gold): Can switch or teleport to any nearby (depends on one's 'sight') body of water]

Her body appears beside me and in her place is a black corrupted water dragon that rushes toward me.

Quick Change: Ghost, Dark

I quickly changed my type to the type that will get the best benefits from the Shadowfication process and let nature take its course.


[Shadow Silvally]

Instinctively, I turned around and slammed a Tyrant's fist into Aqua's face shocking her as she was sent flying away Destructive gun heads poked out from my skin and began to rapidly fire out Destructive bullets as rushed towards her.


A Corrupted Tsunami quickly formed but after multiple holes piled up in it from being pierced by Destructive bullets, it collapsed before it could even start moving. This happened about the same time I arrived in front of her.

Tyrant's Fist once more slams into her face but with the aid of Earth Power: Uppercut Fist she was sent flying upwards.

Jumping upwards I arrived at her soon-to-be location and created a Destructive Chain ready to beat the sh*t out of her.

Why does Aurora even care about a weakling like her? I'm clearly more of a lovable parent than this sh*t!

Barely conscious I may be, but my actions are fully run by my emotions than my Instincts, but that's expected. Corruptor messes with emotions and Leviathan's Envy just make it better.

Clearly sensing danger ahead, Aqua wrapped itself in Aqua Ring+ before freezing it, entrapping her inside a crystal-like ice.


My Tyrant's Fist smashes into her Crystal Defense instantly shattering it just in time for the Solar Beam gathered in my mouth to fire forward at the now defenseless Aqua. Unfortunately couldn't prevent her from escaping with Body Swap: Water, appearing on the ground where she fires out a Hydro Cannon.

Growling at the b*tch who escaped her punishment, I dived down while wrapping my body in Destructive energy, directly piercing through Hydro Cannon and headbutting Aqua with Tyrant's Haki.

Her body slams down onto the ground with my claw pushing her head down onto the ground.

"Who's stronger now b*tch?"


The biggest change MC has as a Shadow Pokemon is that his sense of empathy has significantly weakened.

By the way, Corrupted Suicune is the weakest High-Divine you may find but her Corrupted Water makes her the most difficult if you aren't Romeo.