Daniel Part 1

"I'm leaving here to you all," I said authoritatively.

"Did something happen, fath..." Having not waited for Aurora to finish, I teleported off.


Arriving in what was previously a plain that previously had been a forest, I gazed at the sky above.


Fluffs' fist slams into a barrier protecting Dickniel. King draws its sword (limb) behind Dickniel using Sacred Sword+ but similarly to Fluffs' attacks, it was blocked by Dickniel's barrier. Further above Icicle Swords fell down shattering on contact with the barrier.

Is the barrier op? No, I did say it's only 2 times stronger than Absolute Barrier and with all the improvements I made to Absolute Barrier it can block completely block Mid-Divine attacks. Of course, the strength weakens the wider I makes it, but when you lack quality just stack quantity.

Okay, I'm off topic.

We're talking about... huh?

"Dickniel, you son of a b*tch!" I roared, a lot of Guardians had been helping these 3 most are now on the ground dead.

Fearly, Skyla, Kiyo, FemHydra, and Neptune are dead.

Fiona, Sparkacus, Winter, and Leona are injured with Gaia nursing them back to health with a few other not-so-important injured Pokemons.

Too many people I care for have been harmed and he will PAY!

Flash Stepping towards him, gun muzzles poked out my skin and began firing Destructive attacks towards him.

Dickniel quickly pushes the others away with Gravity: Push+ before raising his hand in front of him.

"Gluttony, Greed, and Envy. Attack Absorption," A purple vortex appears centered at his palm and pulled in my Destructive Bullets.

"Wrath, Pride, Lust, and Greed. Attack Release And Amplification," The vortex began to move anti-clockwise releasing faster and stronger Destructive Bullets back at me.

"Sloth and Envy. Power Suppression," Quickly succumbing to physical weakness, I pumped myself up using Leviathan's Envy, jumping to High-Divine even with Power Suppression active.

Using Energy Redirector, I disperse my Destructive Bullets not wanting them to be used against me before glaring at Dickniel.

"Willing to hear me out?" Dickniel asks.

"I'm more than willing to kill you," I spat.

"You see there is a great reason why I killed them,"

"Because you want the soon-to-be-born Celebi," I answered.

"Ha! What an idiot! I could've taken the egg and left so why did I kill them? I did it because I could. Did you really think a weak piece of sh*t like you can do anything to me?" Dickniel mocks.

Damn villain-like personality, how much I did like to be like that. Yet, No! The world gave it to this bastard, a personality that should've been mine!

[High frequencies of envy]

High frequencies of me f*cking killing this d*ck!

Jumping mid-air my claw swipes down at the pink bastard called Dickniel. Quickly, he uses his barrier attempting to block it, but unfortunately for him, I have Destructive energy.


"What!' Surprise I was when 5 barriers were enough to block my Destructive Claw.


Stepping back mid-air, I rose my claw upwards just in time to block the Scyther-transformed Dickniel's blade-like hand with my claws.

"Durable, or unbreakable?" Dickiel murmurs in an intrigued fone.


"Sloth and Envy. Speed Suppression,"

Seems like words are far faster than one's body movement. When his word came forth I had now kicked off the ground, but like a Time Distillation, my speed slow down incredibly. Luckily, it's not Time-related making Perfect Body: Adapt still workable.

Speed Suppression pause isn't enough for D*ckniel to use any powerful OHKO attacks on me. However, I doubt the damage dealt would be light.

Crap! He transformed into a Mega Gardevoir and its palms firmly rest on my head.

Luckily, Perfect Body: Adapt had now taken place though it's a bit too late as I could already feel Space beginning to play its game.

[Pokemon: Gardevoir

Racial Ability: Black Hole Creation (Gold)]

[Black Hole Creation: Can create black holes but consumes a large amount of energy]

For a Pokemon with infinite energy, this is Deep Gold worthy maybe even EX.

Gritting my teeth I said my safe word.

"Destroy," Using Destruction energy to destroy the top layer of skin of my head causing the soon-to-be-form black hole to form in the space between Dickniel's palm and my head then I said the words once more.

"Sloth, Pride, and Wrath: Silence,"

Suddenly unable to talk, I could only change my methods.

Naming an attack can be used to quick cast them, making the release of a move more reflexive, especially difficult moves like Destroy.

Quickly firing Destructive attacks at Dickniel to give more time for my body to spread away from him, which luckily he seemed to allow. I finally managed to land on the now-made air wall before slashing down at the Black Hole.

Surprisingly, my Adamantine Claw easily cuts through the Black Hole making it destabilize and...


Willingly letting myself be taken away by the explosion, I took this short time to think.

What is he planning now?

It's quite off of Dickniel to start a massacre for no good cause. Especially, when the Celebi egg is still not ready to hatch.


Why am I even thinking about this for? When I crush his spirit all answers would be given.