Outsmarting Your Outsmartness By Outsmarting Your Outsmarting Of My Outsmartness Part 2

With the combined effort of Shadow Devils, Marshadow, and Daniel they were able to stretch forth this battle for 3 days.

In those 3 days, Pink and Hoopa were forced into a defensive position and one by one Pink's abilities were figured out.

She has Spiritualist: Soul Defense and its Uber form, Soul Transformation allowing her to survive even after her body's destroyed. Which was already difficult due to her Regenerator and its Uber form, which was quite similar to Ho-oh's own.

She's a master at Chaos manipulation and its Uber form can reverse the effects of attacks. Blessed Flames can heal and strengthen, she can even heal and purify individuals with its Uber form which is further strengthened by Healer and that Uber form.

Purifying Flames (Uber form) is exceptionally good at harming Shadow Devils, unlike Corrupted Flames. However, its Uber form Cursed Flames could be used to restrict their movements and can do similar effects to Daniel's Curse moves.

She can teleport or bring forth anyone with Space-Time Rings and even destroy almost anyone with Aura of Death.

To most, Pink is a Pokemon far beyond what they could handle, a pure special attacker that relies on its immortality to survive.

For Daniel, the best way to kill a Pokemon like her is to completely destroy their soul. If failed, Soul Transformation quite possibly could help recover from that. This means the only way to kill her is to use the same method he did with Mike (Romeo).

'Luckily, I'm not here to kill,' That method won't work though, as that rune attack wasn't his. His skills in Rune Craft haven't reached ancient level yet. (Not a power tier)

Even if the card Daniel prepared doesn't show up, he's certain he can exhaust them to death, one of the lovely perks of being a Mew (Universe Spirit). As for Marshadow? Not a problem when he had already a move based on Skill Swap, called Skill Link, to let her use it.

As the fight continues, Daniel once more attempts to poac-persuade Hoopa onto his side. It's a pity that Hoopa still believes he can win.

The battle between Kyogre and Groudon would be just as infinitely long as Dialga's and Palkia's until external influence of certain strength interferes.

Currently, Hoopa and Pink were being bombarded by ranged spiritual attacks of Daniel's while still defending themselves from the horde of Shadow Devils and the occasional sneak attacks from Marshadow. Daniel halts his actions, expectantly awaiting the arrival of the incoming Pokemon thanks to his Space-Time sensitivity.

"I made it!" Kodama said happily, hugging Daniel tightly.

"So she's coming?" Daniel asks.

"Yep, as foolish as father," Kodama mocked.

Pink instinctively began to feel uneasy, which can be seen in how frantic her Purifying Flames spread across them killing the infinitely regrowing army of Shadow Devils.

"Hoopa, I don't like here," Pink said.

"Let's end this now then," Hoopa said as he held one of Pink's small hands before powerful energy passed into Hoopa theory Pink's hands. As more energy spread through his body, Hoopa's size began to increase rapidly.

"Well aren't you brave," Daniel said, hiding his shock with a calm expression. "Dynamax,"

"AND THAT'S NOT ALL!" Hoopa said with his resounding voice.

Hell Grounds was broken by the newly made Psychic and Dark terrains covering the field. The Shadow Devil's evaporated now that their world has collapsed. Meanwhile, a ring came forth Hoopa's wrist, expanding enough for his hand to enter it and pull forth the sleeping Andrew.

Finally, Pink standing on Hoopa's head was doing a strange ritual dance?

"Marshadow, behind me!" Daniel shouts unable to hide his panic.

[Z move: Black Hole Eclipse]

The move due to its space nature would've already been troublesome before dynamaxing, but now? This attack might even make Origin forme Palkia, a bit serious and that's saying something, one can't compare Rayquaza, Pink, and Calyrex to Palkia, excluding Eve. Why? She's a Mew.

In short, Daniel doesn't have the means the deal with this, and can only wait for death. As for why Hoopa decided to only do this now? That's because Dynamax belongs to Galar and there's no doubt that they had sensed its activation here. Meaning another faction would interfere in this war.

(A/N: Peak Eternatus was the strongest below Dialga, Palkia, and above)

Time began to slow down as Hoopa made a mental link towards Daniel to mock him.

'Looks like you've won, but there's no doubt you'll lose. You're side wasted the wish of Jirachi on resources,' Daniel mocked.

'Oh? And who said one can only make 1 wish?' Hoopa retort. 'One can make as many wishes as there were people around. Both Pink and Andrew made a wish, one for resources and the other is to the 'key' ability to Giratina,'

'In that case, you were delaying me? You're hoping Giratina can wrap up his battle quickly and then open the gate with that key, which would be your side's victory,'

'Precisely,' Hoopa laughed. 'Unfortunately for you, you'll be dead,' Ending with this, he cut off the mental link.

"So the plan of killing father backfired," Kodama sighed.

It would've been her father who would've stopped them and somehow or the other would've managed to survive this, or maybe the rumor about him dying here was the truth, and became a Mew in his next life, pretending to be Silvally due to getting mocked at later.

"I guess this is it for me, Daniel. Please, take care of present me," Not waiting for him to respond, Kodama had already teleported towards the incoming Black Hole Eclipse and left the timeline with it.

"Well... that was disappointing," Daniel murmured.

"Argh! You selfish piece of sh*t!" Hoopa roared, more than ever Hoopa wished he dies a painful death.

"What you mean selfish? Even if she didn't kill herself here, I would've killed her before the war ended,"

"You..." The more and more Hoopa sees how little Daniel cared about Kodama's death the angrier he felt.

"No need to be so angry," Daniel said. "Although things didn't go perfectly, the plan's still operational," Daniel added, sensing a Pokemon flying towards them.



There's still one more outsmarting to go.