In The Vastness Of Space, I Saw..

It's me once more... again.... endlessly searching for Gold-grade resources.

"Have you tried south?" The Beheeyem leader asked.

"This whole galaxy only f*cking has, Fire resources," I snarled.

"Incorrect, there are equal amounts of Rock and Ground, with the occasional Ice and Water resources as well," Beheeyem's mate replied causing the other Beheeyems behind to nod their heads.

"I won't say equal, I think there are more Rock and Ground resources than Fire, and you forgot to add Electric resources," Beheeyem leader added.

"I don't give a sh*t about any resources that aren't Psychic. Why else would I bother to come near you folks?"

"Are you seeing our group level? That alone should tell you we don't have any," Beheeyem leader sighed.

[Pokemon: Beheeyem (leader)

Level: 89

Nature: Relaxed]


"You're starting to piss me off!" I growled releasing Pressure on them.

"There's no need to get angry during a civil conversation," Beheeyem leader states, his hand raising causing the balls on his palm to lit for a short moment.

Surprisingly, the entire group of Beheeyem's has done the same thing.

[Telepathy + Synchronize = Team Synchronization]


"Whoever said I was civilized? I came for answers," I said.

"We have already answered your questions," he said.

"Alright, let's end this with you giving me that Psychic Core you have," I said.

"We only have Silver Grade Psychic Cores, do you still want it?" he asked.

"I'm talking about the Psychic Core on you," I said. "Don't play dumb, I'm certain you have one,"

Instincts never lie... even the crappy ones.

"If you keep pestering us, ERROR entity, we'll immediately call forth Unowns,"

"Nigga, did you just threaten me?"

As the Chinese say.

"Masochistic for death!"

As I was about to end the life of these fools with Destruction Pulse, I halted and sense their annoying teamwork in action.

"Will behave now?" he asked, showing their combined Psychic energy in the form of a ball in front of him.

That ball's compressed energy is distorting space and one mistake would make it explode. Of course, the damage done can be blocked by me. However, it's certain to destroy the space around here.

Which also means, Unowns would pop out. If only using 'Destroy' could wipe it out before any energy leaked out, that energy is thick enough to be water.


"Great, then we'll be..."



My clones had arrived in time and with their combined effort destroying the ball was child's play.

Now it's me, those 30 Beheeyems and 5 Deoxys clones.

"Core," I commanded, the space around us has already been sealed, now I could only cry that my mastery of Secret Power can't make a Pocket Dimension easily, that way I won't have to worry about Unowns easily popping about.

Regardless, a fight against this group would end in one ripple, literally.

And seeing as they're taking too long to answer, I'll just take the core from their destroyed bodies.

All 6 of us entered our Attack form.

*beep* *beep* *beep*

Their attempt at teleporting away failed and resorted to defensive moves. Pity, these moves are paper in front of Destruction.

Destruction Pul...

[Alter Pokemons]

That's not a bad idea.

"Submit or..." and they're gone...


[You're High-Divine is purely due to Destruction, if we go by Psychic powers it's not even Low-Divine]


I seriously have too many things to train.

Runes which I have planned to throw the course at System.

Destruction must be trained to the point where I can properly destroy other concepts.

Secret Power must be trained to the point where I can make Pocket Dimension evens Unowns can't enter.

And in this life, I should at least try to get Psychic to High-Divine. Psychic without the aid of an ability limit is Mid-Divine and I haven't put in the effort, which isn't any, to unlock Psychic, so let's start with that.

[Psychic has been unlocked]

[Psychic (Low-Beginner) » (Mid-Beginner)]


[Psychic (High-Expert)]

Seriously! I know I didn't put even an hour to get this high, but this isn't enough to reach Low-Divine Psychic?

[Type Laws usually require moves or abilities to be used with it to reach that stage]

In that case, I'll need a punching bag.

Hmm, let's see.

This galaxy has already been scavenged by other Pokemon colonies.

No, in the galaxy those Clefables lived, there was that unique sun. Maybe a legendary Fire-type was born inside it.

In fact, the only legendary I saw up her was a Shiny Rayquaza, shame that's Quetalcoatzl's child, or else I would have had beat the arrogance out of it.

[Last time I checked, her Delta Stream nerfed you enough for Rayquaza to dodge your Destruction attacks and beat the sh*t out of you]

We both know how unfair the fight was for me. I had just been born from the meteorite Rayquaza broke, and as I was about to say thanks she began her Dragon Ascent at me.

Crazy b*tch! How couldn't I not want to beat the sh*t out of her? Completely forgetting that I was too low-level to do anything about her.

You could say I was lucky she was only recently born, but that pissed me off more than ever, guessing how she came to existence.

Alright, I have gone far off topic. I'll go by the Clefable colony after beating up the legendary on the sun, find the coordinates for that Beheeyem territory, and turn them into my subordinates. Might even do the same for the Clefable.

Decisions, decisions.


Arc 1 Tyrant's Conquest of Space has begun.