I Can Grow Stronger Like This Too!

With Sun being a guard dog, I don't have to worry about any fools entering this planet after me. Now I just need to slaughter the fools on it.

"What a mess," I muttered, one can signs of battle all across this moon

Using Psychic to scan the moon, I quickly caught a whiff of what was going on here.

Clefable colony leader vs 2 Beheeyems.

As for the other Clefables, they fighting to protect the Clefaries and Cleffas. However, if the fight continues it won't take long until the Beheeyems beat the Clefables forcing the Clefable leader to surrender.

In fact...

A wild Psyshock+ managed to slip past the Clefables and move towards the group of Cleffas.

[Destructive Energy + Flash Step = Destructive Step]

With a Destructive Step in Speed form, the distance between me and them became null, as I arrive in front of Cleffas and destroyed Psyshock+ with Knock Off+, I turned my gaze towards the Beheeyem group.

"Quickly destroy space!" Was a Beheeyem's last words as I had already appeared before him and cut his head off with Destructive Chop before turning my gaze towards the twelve other Beheeyems.

"Sleep!" One of the Beheeyems apparently had Slothful Devil and thought that did be enough to put me to sleep. Unfortunately, he didn't think I had already coated myself in Destructive Skin, making most attacks, moves, and abilities fail to reach me.

"Destroy!" With a command, Destructive energy spread forth among 11 of them, obliterating them.

As for the last one, I had already grabbed his face while soaking his body in Destructive energy. A slow yet torturous death.

"Tsk," Apparently the other 2 Beheeyems weren't going to watch me torture their body, taking advantage of the short moment where Clefable leader was pushed back and used their combined effort to try and destroy space.

Clenching my hand that Beheeyem's head, his body exploded into tiny glitter-like fragments, all of which slowly evaporated into the air.

Arriving before the two using Destructive Step, I quickly noticed their actions were a distraction as they telepathically communicated with someone. Grabbing both of their faces I took a short moment to tether up to their connection, quickly finding the last Beheeyem hidden on this planet.

This little Beheeyem was underground and found the Psychic core? How come this moon's core is Psychic aren't those usually Rock, Ground, or Normal?

Having no further time to think of this, I gave them the faster treatment of their fellow brother. Destructive energy had entered their body as fast as using Destroy, leading to them ceasing to exist.

"Once this is over you all will have to submit," I said the Clefable leader. They can live however they like under my rule, and after today everyone in space should know not to mess with me.

Diving through the moon itself, I rush towards the last Beheeyem's location, a Pokemon I'll have all the time in the world to play with now that most threats here are gone.

"I found you," I said ominously, my body broke through the last hurdle arriving inside the... empty core.

Space nodes!

Quickly understanding Beheeyem only just escapes and even if I'm aware that Beheeyem wouldn't have left those nodes open for me to follow, it doesn't me I can't force them back open.


Seeing as space successfully opened and knowing full well Unowns would come to fix it soon, I didn't hesitate to rush through its Defense form.

This pathway although would still be instantaneous, it doesn't stop the possibility of getting injured.

Proving me right, appearing on the other side I can see countless space cuts all over my body like a sharp blade repeatedly slashed at my body.

Luckily, I'm born as a Deoxys, and most importantly self-healing is something I have mastered.

[Yet haven't made that self-recovery move yet]

This and that are too different things.

What we should be studying is... What the absolute f*ck happened here!?

[A war]

No sh*t Sherlock!

[Beheeyems went to snatch a Psychic resource while the Solrocks and Lunastones went to f*cked them up]

[You could say most space colonies are peaceful, excluding Beheeyems. The Solrock and Lunastone group due to being Psychic-types were the first to notice something was wrong, and possibly through using Hypnosis on a Beheeyem they knew what occurred]

So to prevent themselves from being attacked in the future they attack first?

[Clefables may also have a good relationship with them, due to their dances]

I can... understand that.

If Miltanks are the king in the drink district and Gardevoirs are the queen in the night district then Clefables are the queen in the entertainment district.


[Moving on. The last nail in why Solrocks and Lunastones attacked has to do with their leader having dance being 85% identical to the dance Cleffas were showing you]


[Look the proof is right before you]

Watching the battle in which the Solrock and Lunastones were losing, I could sense the activation of a powerful Psychic attack and quickly focused on that area.
