The One-Sided Battle

Appearing before Asseus using Destructive Step my hand slashes down using Destructive Chop. Noticing the barrier in front of Asseus, possibly no weaker than Necrozma's, Destroy activates, instantly destroying the barrier and blocking Destructive Chop's part.


Asseus has become a Steel-type and for whatever reason acquired Indestructible Body!

[Incorrect: That's a move that grants similar effects and not an ability]

In that case...

Internal Destruction Fist!

Punching forth with an attack that says f*ck you to that Indestructible skin, a golden beam formed in Asseus' mouth.

[Ancient Beam: Hyper Beam + Ancient Power]

Why the f*ck has the energy level of this attack surpassed mine!?

Even though my Internal Destruction Fist will still get through, I'm certain a large portion of that energy will slip through and hit me. My attack won't connect and Asseus will get the opportunity to assault me.

Like hell that will happen!

Destroy quickly attempts to destroy Asseus Ancient Beam+ but...

[Order: Reject]

In that case, I'll Destroy the rejection!

Well, that was if I had any more time left. Deo Coat and Absolute Barrier were quickly used and my Internal Destruction Fist connected with Ancient Beam+.

As expected, my attack destroyed all the energy of Ancient Beam THAT it interacted with, leaving behind a large portion of it that slammed into me, preventing my fist from contacting Asseus and blasting me away.

Of course, Asseus wasn't going to wait for me to get back on my feet. Appearing above me, who was still being carried by Ancient Beam, I saw something shocking.

1, 2... 19 Plates circling Arceus, that's 2 too many. Even if you add the Normal Plate, where did the last one come from?

"You are not welcome here," Asseus said, his energy spiked as he got ready to end the battle.

"Go and f*ck yourself!" I spat.

The Plates glow as each one of them releases innumerable shots of light of different colors toward me.

Once more my attempt of using Destroy was countered by Order: Reject and before I knew it, the beams were right in front of me.

"Glitch!" I called out. A small Glitch clone shoots out of my body attempting to pierce through Asseus's body like a bullet.

Erupting the Destruction energy in my body, an explosion of Destructive energy spread forth obliterating Judgement.

Meanwhile, as the Glitch clone moves forward, Asseus promptly plucks a barrier in front of him, but that was easily glitched out of the way.

Gravity: Push+ and Ancient Fire+ were released from Asseus slightly pushing back the Glitch clone, but this short moment was enough for a swarm of Unowns to pop forth.

The space in which the Unowns appeared began to glitch, signaling the appearance of the Glitch herself.

Destructive Stepping forward, the clone was already destroyed by Asseus' Judgement, but that opening is enough.

Destructive Chains spread out my body like a net surrounding Asseus. Meanwhile, the Unowns he had called forth have already been dealt with by Glitch.

"Just admit it, without EX power you cannot stop us," I mocked as I began to fire Destructive Beams at Asseus.

"That is yet to be seen," Asseus said dismissively.

Suddenly, space opens above Asseus revealing a roaring Palkia who fires forth a Spacial Cut at him.


"Judgment Ray of Hope,"

A bright beam of light slams into Asseus destroying the Destructive Chain: Net, blocked the Spacial Cut, prevented me from coming closer, and lastly, called forth even more Unowns.


"Silencesss," Medusa unknowingly had slipped into the ray of light protecting Asseus, her tail grows remarkably and swings forth, slapping Asseus out of the ray of light.

Her tail had even managed to slip through the barrier and his Indestructible state he had just entered in Steel-type.

Unowns can be handled by Glitch. As long as their numbers aren't in the quadrillions she can handle them, something I don't think even Asseus can say he could do.

She's practically the anti-Unown, despite Unowns also being good against her.

Medusa is a sneak attacker, and Palkia is mostly blocking space. Most likely watching out of Dialga.

That just leaves me to pummel Asseus to my heart content.

With him now being slapped out of his defense, it left an opportunity for me to arrive before him.

Internal Destruction Fist moves forth, finally slamming into Asseus stomach and sends him back up.

Shaking my hand that hurt from what I'm guessing to be Counter+, I Destructive Step towards Asseus to continue the battle.

"Judgement Day Hath Come,"

More and more Unown began to rapidly appear, gathering and taking the form of Palkias and Dialgas.

System, how well do they compare to their original?

[They can't enter Origin form]


"Palkia, Origin form," I commanded.

"No need, I'll surrender,"

"Yeah, that doesn't change..."

With the aid of the Dialga and Palkia clones, Arceus breaks the space lock.


As Asseus was about to teleport, Medusa managed to snatch the egg, Asseus had this his best to protect, in her mouth.

"Loser," I mocked seeing Asseus teleports away.

"And that's one win for the Ouroboros faction," I said.

"Rejoice!" Glitch said excitedly, appearing besides me.

"Mew!" Mew shouts happily before teleporting away.


And so, Mike had the most successful win of his life. *cough* Against a Pokemon who held back the hold time.

As you already knew, Medusa was already in Distortion Realm and Palkia being the god of space had been watching the fight since it began and didn't interfere because he wasn't certain if Dialga would show up or not.

They have no idea, that Arceus' faction is there only in name now.