Disposing Trash & Moving Forward

ERROR entity.

Ultra Space had done its job perfectly, the amount of ERROR entities that managed to reach Earth is one of every ten thousand, and most of those that get there will die no longer than in minute after arriving. None, lasting longer than a day.

With that, Arceus could now focus on the Pokemon System. Once completed, the natural barrier covering the Pokemon Universe would strengthen to the point that even ERRORs at his level wouldn't be able to enter, and combined with the world's ever-expanding nature, resources won't be a problem.

Now, all Arceus needs is time, the time he may never get, with the arrival of that ERROR, unintentionally or not, the world will lose its calm turbulence.


Even now, Arceus has no idea when it arrived. Arceus speculated it had arrived in a timeline that the ERROR eventually destroyed before finally arriving in Ultra Space.

During this time, Necrozma had already become this realm's leader, being the only Origin user. Nowhere near as strong as her future counterpart but will eventually get there.

MISSINGNO's battle with Necrozma was legendary, an unbelievable amount of lives were lost but finally concluded with Necrozma sealing MISSINGNO into herself, patiently awaiting Unowns to destroy it.

Surprisingly, enough MISSINGNO had done the impossible. During the moment she was being destroyed, not only did she awaken Origin by cheating the Pokemon System but also glitched the concept of death, making her almost immortal.

MISSINGNO in short is now fully connected to the Pokemon System which is connected to the Pokemon Universe. MISSINGNO can only truly die with the destruction of this world.

It didn't take long for Adam's curiosity to bring him here before one thing led to the other, causing MISSINGNO to escape and Necrozma's body changed to something that was only beneficial to her.


Sitting down with Gaia sitting between my legs as I brush through her tentacle head, Palkia standing behind me, and Kyurem sitting in front of me, I sighed.

"So tell me, how the f*ck did you lose?" I asked as calmly as I could.

"I got rusty,"

"Rusty my *ss! You were brought back with clear memories of your past, if not for my sake I would've left Shub alone as she screw your *ss!" I roared.


"Did you just glare at me?" I asked. "Indeed, you may be stronger than me, but I'm the second in command of the Ouroboros faction. Know your place,"

I didn't even need to say a word for Palkia to know what to do. His Pressure presses Kyurem to the ground.

"If you're getting your *ss wrecked by a newcomer when it comes to Origin, what use are you to us?" I asked coldly.

"I'll kill Asseus," he muttered.

"With that strength?" I mocked. "Go on, give me a reason why I should consider you more useful than my children?" I asked again.

It's because Giratina and Dialga are on Dickniel's side I wanted more Origin users. Especially, when I'm currently too weak to deal with them and the possibility his side is growing stronger just like our own.

Although, I had invested some time in bringing Kyurem here, mostly due to Glitch's presence convincing him. However, if he's this useless, I don't need it.

[If you could solve his mental illness aka PTSD brought by Arceus...]

Nope, if he can't convince me now, he can learn from Raven.

"I'll kill Arceus," he repeats.

"You'll kill who?" An annoying voice sounded.

"Ah, I didn't mean it! Please forgive me!" Kyurem cried out, his head slamming into the ground as he trembles silently.


"Ratom," Gaia prayed, seeing no hope in this idiot while Palkia shakes his head in disappointment.

As for the trickster, who made this voice?

"Disappointingsss," Medusa hisses, having found her home on my head as a little snake.

Although, curious how Medusa achieved that perfect mimicry of Asseus voice, I nodded at Palkia signaling the end of this charade.

Having noticed, Palkia entered his Origin form. Kyurem last action was his tail glowing.

"Reality Shatter,"

Crack marks formed rapidly across Kyurem's body before...


Breaking apart like glass, only a scale left unharmed.

"Resource?" I asked curiously watching as the scale flew towards me.

"No, give this to Xerneas and you can get a Kyurem egg," Palkia explains, his body fading back into his plane.

"Alright," Grabbing ahold of the scale, it's time to focus on Gaia.

"Now what to do with this pervert?" I muttered.

"How about giving her what she wants," Gaia proposes.

"That's what I had decided, sadly," I sighed.

"Wait, you mean,"

"Yep, you're free to go forth into the amazing world of Pokemon. And make sure to catch Em all," I announced.


"Did you think I did let you f*ck me? Sorry, but that's a no from me, I'm not interested in that," I said.

"Fine! I will steal your mates. Starting with Snow," Gaia announced.

"Heh?" Snow said, sitting on a tree branch nearby.

"With how big Mike's personality is, he must be compensating for something. Am I right Snow?" Gaia said. "Don't worry, as his sister, I shall fulfill the needs he failed to satisfy. That I promise,"

"Gaia, don't go serving for my mates," I growled.

"Hehe, jealous?"

"What? No, I'm just..."

"I'm back!" Glitch shouts, wrapping her arms around my neck from behind.

"Glitch, wanna have Poke..."

"F*ck off!" Glitch shouts.

"Hehe," I smirked.

"Looks like you're back at a good time Medusa, how come?" She's one of the best methods when it comes to anti-observation moves,"

"Smelled adventure,"

And I already don't want to know the information Glitch brought back.

"The less that know the better, so..." Grabbing ahold of Gaia's legs I flipped her off me which Medusa quickly took advantage of, teleporting us into her Pocket Universe.

"Do make sure to make this power your own and not just a gift," I remind Medusa, not wanting the day Arceus denies her of her gift.

"Work in progresss," Medusa explains.

"Now, slapped it onto us Glitch," I said.

"Here it is," Snapping her finger, a space glitch the size of a giant screen glitch revealing Necrozma in her human form.

"Humansss," Medusa chuckles, mocking my hate for humans yet having 2, or 3 Pokemons around me who can pretend to be human.

"Humanoid," I corrected.

"Hello, my beloved Mikey. Having confirmed you still plan on working with us, let's get to the point. We can secure that Asseus doesn't intervene as long as I focus on the fool, but then he would quickly realize we're working together. So you need to attack and defeat Daniel during a short battle I would have with Arceus, which he would assume as testing his current strength,"

Easier said than done. Who knows how long taking down Dialga and Giratina would take?

"Your goal is to kill Daniel, therefore everyone he has just needed to be delayed until it's complete," Necrozma explains. "However, Asseus might just take my provocation to start the war, so I need information,"

"Information?" I muttered.

"You need to find your way into one of the hidden timelines, timelines that can't be seen due to your existence. Get into it and find out who wins, Asseus or me. Once you do leave and bring back that information. How he or I win doesn't matter, I can figure that out on my own,"

"As for why you are needed to go. As an ERROR you have a higher chance of escaping a destroying timeline than I do. Most importantly, Asseus's main focus is on me, so he may not even notice you entering a timeline,"

"Lastly, do go asap, don't want Daniel attacking first. Bye-bye, beloved Mikey, little..."

"Alright, so how am I going there?" I muttered.

Kodama is a method, but I don't want to wake her up.

Risa can become a Celebi, but I rather she focuses on gaining Origin.

"Messs," Medusa announced proudly.

"I guess Timelines counts as a dimension, so it's not surprising you can go," I muttered.

"I could've taken you too you know," Glitch pouts.

"Yeah, but you have to stay here,"

"What?" Glitch steps back in shock.

"You and Palkia are needed in case Dickniel shows up," I explained.

"Oh, I understand," You don't sound like you understand.

"As my mate, I expected to see this place intact once I returned,"

"Hehe, of course I will,"

"Great, let's get out of here and go forth for a new adventure,"

"Adventure timesss,"