The New World Part 2

Humanity Changed.

On a day like any other, Arceus noticed a change across the world. A Pokemon no longer exist, a whole species no longer exist and a whole new race came forth. The Pokemon, Human has become a race of their own, they have lost a lot of their advantages but in return got even better benefits. Pokemons regardless of species, tend to have a more favorable impression on them than other species.

As long they take the right part in interacting with them, even the most violent of Pokemons are willing to help them out. And so a new era for humans began and Pokemons have become their friends, allies, and even Guardians.

All of this brought upon by whom?

Although nobody had ever said it, Arceus can easily conclude it to be Adam. Know one but Adam could do something like this. This wasn't just creating another species of Pokemons but creating a whole new race, which had a made a significant impact on both Humans and Pokemon. Whether or not this will be a good idea, nobody knows.


Mike's POV.


[You have received a message from Ralts D Leona]

Ralts D Leona? I guess that's this timeline version of my name and it turns out he's a she. Hahaha, what a b*tch!

I can see that from the reception, but what made you think I care?


Such a game sounds... difficult.

I mean seriously, I haven't been here for an hour and I had already nearly killed this fellow and his Pokemons. We don't count Unowns, I don't even think you should call them Pokemons. Though if I somehow managed not to kill someone for a month I could learn her location and troll the *ss out of her.

However, as a man of my word if I agree I would indeed leave... and come back not a minute after.


[Don't play stupid, I didn't say anything]

Alright, let her know I'll play along.


Location - ??? house.

Leona had found herself in Hau'oli Outskirts and was now certain she had no idea where to go. Indeed, she could use spread out her Psychic sense to find the Trainer School, but what's the fun in that? Instead, she found herself in someone's empty home, using their TV to hook up to Poketube and wash Courage Wilderness.

"Beautifly Sound Wave!" Professor Bradford shouted.

HardenItUp: At this moment, he knew...

SuperNerd: he f*cked up.

Nunster: May his soul face eternal torment.

'System, spam 'Begone' to the bastard before he kills him!' Leona commands. The bastard might just kill one of her only reliable sources of entertainment.

'Now, how to get him from killing Professor?'

The biggest issue is that she doesn't know how much this version of her has changed. Afterall. didn't she also change?

'Hopefully, this works...' Leona thought as she commanded System to send another set of messages for him.

She's actually going to gamble with a psychopath. A psychopath she has no idea why would come into this her world, one with enough strength to kill her with a thought, and based on her past personality, would definitely take this opportunity to torment her. Sadly, it would've been hypocritical if she get angry when she knew she would've done the same if the situation was reversed.

Watching as the Deoxys aka other her stares at Professor Bradford in deep contemplation. Leona sighs in relief as System sounded.

[You have received a message from Deoxys D Mike]

And like that, Leona regretted her actions. When it comes to the important things Mike knows what to prioritize.

Seeing as he accepted, it means whatever he came here to do might not be as important as bullying her if not outright killing her. Of course, there's the possibility he's confident in not killing anyone, which is unlikely.

She would've killed people back then for simply breathing, most importantly, she doesn't believe he would've bonded with someone whom he's willing to listen to.

Leona wouldn't have changed if not for the strict moral teachings of Erika. Leona refuses to believe in the possibility someone would consider trying to fix his personality.

Indeed Leona was right, Mike had never gone through moral teaching.

However, Leona had completely ignored or I should say couldn't see Medusa beside him. Due the Uber ability, Unfocused Reality, unless one sees the target personally they wouldn't find a trace of its user.

This Pokemon here had been the only Pokemon who had ever thought him self-control... through violence.

Thanks to her, he doesn't outright kill people. For example, Mike had intended on killing the Ancient Sceptile before leaving, believing humans won't have any information worth noting.

With her around, it's unlikely for him to get many opportunities for destruction.

What had worried Leona most was the possibility of losing. The day he meets her there either 2 things that'll happen. He'll find her and get charmed giving her quite a useful subordinate, or he get enraged and kills her.


Staring at the screen, watching as Mike flies off she'll need to find out if her bodyguard can beat him. Better safe than sorry.


"I suppose we didn't learn anything today," Professor Bradford chuckles helplessly.

Bluebluebulba: You learned nothing from that? NOTHING!!!

Nunster: Thank Arceus for giving the Professor a short lifespan.

HardenItUp: It makes one wonder how you became a Professor...

SuperNerd: Professor you should really mind your business next time trouble passes through your neighborhood.

"No, helping out your friends is something all Pokemon Trainers should do," Professor Bradford explains staring at the Ancient Sceptile that stopped in front of him.

"Sceptile," Sceptile cried out.

"Garde," Gardevoir translates.

"You're going to tell me about whose tomb this is!" Professor Bradford said excitedly.

"Sceptile!" Sceptile shouts as he points at the sky.

High up one could see a Mew staring at the tree silently, a bouquet of flowers falling from the sky.
