Encounter Of Enemies Part 1

War Commences.

So, how did Necrozma's forces managed to withstand the full might of Earth would seem baffling if one looks at their numbers.

Indeed they have a whole lot of Guardian and Master Pokemons but so does Earth, having far more than them as they're still within their peak.

Then there are still the conceptual gods that are unmatched by those below Kyurem. Then there's the question of how many are stronger than Kyurem.

#1 Arceus, Necrozma, and Eternatus

#2 Progenitor Mew and Regigigas

#3 Giratina

#4 Kyurem and Calyrex (A/N: Don't shoot yet! You'll get your explanation at the end of this topic)

#5 Dialga and Palkia

#6 Zacian and Zazamenta

#7 Progenitor Celebi

#8 Progenitor Rayquaza

#9 Groudon and Kyogre (Progenitors)

#10 Zygarde (100%)

Not many. The Pokemons on this list alone are enough to destroy Necrozma's forces.

So what gave her the confidence of challenging Arceus in a war on his home ground? Ultra Space.

Using the fact Ultra Space is interconnected to all timelines she can bring her forces from other timelines to help. Even then the main role of the war was for her forces to delay others from interfering.

If Regigigas and Giratina had helped Arceus get a good opening she might lose on the spot. One wrong move can easily lead to one's defeat.

The conceptual gods were unable to interfere with the red chains she created to counter them. Although not as good as the ones made by my Azelf, Mespirit, and Uxie, it can still restrain them perfectly.

You could say the ones made by the Lake Guardians were made for enslaving conceptual gods while the red chains made by Necrozma were made to restrain them.

As for the rest? Spam army of Origin users against them. Not like Necrozma lack numbers with all timelines practically in her hands. She just needs to keep Progenitor Celebi and Dialga away from them and she's good to go.

She believes this should be able to hold them back for at least a decade, half if Progenitor Mew decides to intefere. That's one Pokemon she has no idea how to counter.


Now then, let's talk about Kyurem. How did he die to Palkia so easily? Is he even dead?

All I would say is that this chessboard is pretty big, with the reminder that it's pretty hard to kill Pokemon at their level.

Pretty easy for the top 3, but those freaks of nature are playing a different game both literally and metaphorically.


"Now where the hell are we?" I muttered, as blew this freakishly nostalgic room up.


"Destroyed the funsss," Medusa complained.

"Serious?" I asked.

"Seriousss," Medusa nods her head, her tail swinging back and forth as she flew behind me. I can clearly see the negative energy flowing out of her causing her tail to swing even faster as if urging her to smack her frustration out of me.

"Sorry about that," I apologized. "Maybe we could search for a Celebi or Dialga to fix this place,"


"Time's gonesss," Medusa glared at me.

Maybe I did, on instinct, destroy the space-time of this place. Space indeed can be fixed, but the time that is gone can't be replaced.

"We will get whoever made this place to remake it," I'm trying to make amends. Next time she teleports somewhere, I shouldn't on instinct destroy everything around.

Don't want this situation to happen again.

"No! I was so f*cking close!" Turning around to see... Raven and Deoxys staring at us from behind the destroyed wall. Okay.

"Apologizes Medusa, not only will I not get this bastard to remake it, but I bet this situation will happen again in the future,"

"MISSINGNO can you repair the damage?" Raven asks... sh*t!

Firing a Destructive Beam at Raven, the Destructive Beam began to glitch apart before destroying.

"MISSINGNO's minesss," Medusa hisses as she shot towards Raven like a bullet, her mouth wide open as her body expanded rapidly.

If it was someone else, I did be worried. However, Medusa's kryptonite to ERROR especially MISSINGNO's glitch ability. The only issue would be her Origin attacks, but Medusa should be fully aware of this.

MISSINGNO who was attached to Raven's hand shoot towards MISSINGNO and the two were instantly pulled into Medusa's Pocket Dimension.

"Haha, I get another chance to kill you. Raven!"


Meanwhile, inside the Pocket Dimension.

"GET OUT MY WAY!" MISSINGNO screams and multiple parts of Medusa's body began to glitch.

However, with Perfect Body: Spatial. All foreign effects were washed out of her body before it could glitch further and together with Spatial Physique, her body returned to its original appearance.

With a glare that froze MISSINGNO for a second, Medusa's planetary size's body stretch forth and swallowed MISSINGNO's hold.


"DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!" MISSINGNO chants. Origin energy had mixed within MISSINGNO's glitch ability. Glitching Medusa's body beyond anything she could fix.

Medusa has glitched to the point where she wasn't far away from looking like MISSINGNO and that's exactly MISSINGNO's aim. To create an ally for her dearest.

"Frustratingsss," Medusa mutters. Ouroboros is a Mid-DIvine and not a High-Divine making her unqualified to utilize Origin. What's frustrating is that this is the only thing limiting her from utilizing Origin.

As for limit breaking? She had over accomplished that, wasn't she an Ekans?

It's not impossible to continue, but it requires time she didn't have.

So, Medusa decided to take advantage of this moment given to her. She'll take advantage of MISSINGNO to glitch her limits away, completely shatter her limits and become limitless.

Most importantly, once she can utilize Origin she can take this chance to vent away her anger on MISSINGNO. Beri will still get a few smacks after, but for now, she must focus.

Perfect Body: Spatial although unable to stop the glitches done with the addition of Origin. However, it's not impossible for her to use Origin without actually using Origin.

Hidden Power: Origin can be used, and the energy expenditure is the least of her worries.

And with precise precision, took advantage of glitch and Perfect Body: Spatial to glitch her limits away before removing the glitch entirely out of her body with her now awakened Origin.

A very unfair match for MISSINGNO, anybody else it wouldn't fear but Ouroboros is the Red Chains of its life. The only bright side to this is that she won't die.

Escaping will be MISSINGNO priority, and she needs to do it quickly for Raven's sake.