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Guardian Of The Universe... Eternatus?

While the war was still ongoing, Arceus nor Necrozma had any time to notice the strange signs from Unowns. However, Adam is as free as ever together with his curiosity, there's no way he was missing out on this strange situation.

The sight of 40% of all Unowns gathering was unbelievable, meaning the world is currently in a dangerous state, especially when 60% makes up the Pokemon System. Without Arceus nor Unowns there, ERRORs and Space-Time-related issues won't be solved.

Immediately after gathering, they all teleported to the Pokemon System and that's when the beautiful sight occurred. Unowns started an unknown ritual dance, the light gathered in the center of their dance slowly faded revealing a humongous egg.

Staring at the egg in curiosity, Adam was certain another big change was going to occur across the world. Watching the Unowns leave, leaving the egg here, Adam had mixed feelings about the egg.

Regardless, since the Unowns made it, he might as well make sure it survives until it hatches.

Teleporting it into a Meteorite in space, Adam now wanted to try out that dance. If Unowns can do it, he, the limitless, can.


Maybe, I played around a bit too much. If those chains could've restrained me, Raven would've killed me on the spot.

"Pity, we still lack time," I muttered. "All I could've done before MISSINGNO's escape is torture, but why did you break down so easily? Seriously, what a letdown,"

Looking at the barely alive, disfigured Raven chained by the same Red Chains, a lovely smile plastered my face.

"At least, I got some good material," I muttered looking at the Red Chains. "Well then, it was never nice knowing your,"

[You lose the bet]

With a Destructive Beam through his forehead, I turned my gaze towards... Huh? What bet?

[Voice chat engaged]

Leona mocks.

"Now you listen here you piece of sh*t! I met and killed Raven, he doesn't count,"

"Sure, just tell me your location?" I asked.

"If you can tell me whether or not Arceus or Necrozma will win, I can leave on the spot,"

So, you don't know...

"Don't give me that bullsh*t! Even if that's a possibility I won't allow it. I will find out who wins, no third party," Saying that I instructed System to hang up.

In perfect time too, MISSINGNO has just arrived.

"I'LL KILL YOU!!!" She screams hysterically, my body began to glitch significantly.

"Behavesss," A tail smacks MISSINGNO onto the ground before a tail wrap around MISSINGNO's body.

As for this glitchy body? It's simply a clone, the real me is the unconscious Deoxys across the field. Pretty neat to slap my consciousness into a clone, right?

The other Deoxys is long dead by the way.

"LET GO!!!" MISSINGNO screams hysterically.

"B*tch, why scream so much when we're just trying to help?" I asked ignoring this clone's body's slow destruction.


"Don't you see? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be with him forever," I whispered. "In fact, you should be thanking me,"

"Thanking you?"

She's hooked.

"Indeed, didn't you always want him to be with you forever? However, he kept evading your answer over and over, but now you have a chance,"

"A chance to be with forever," I added.

"Yes, you're right. Thank you so much," She said joyfully. With her body now released from Medusa's embrace, she transformed into a human before walking towards Raven's dead body.

"Together, forever," She mutters, she intersects with Raven as his body began to glitch into her own.

This is why you don't stick your d*ck in crazy kids.

Having fully fused Raven's body into her own, her body began to disintegrate, leading to the death of this timeline's MISSINGNO.

"Exciting enough for you?" I ask curiously Medusa.

"Yesss," She nods her head. "Better without yousss,"


"I know, I know, I'll try my somewhat best not to destroy the things you fancy next time, okay?"



"Then why did you smack me?" I asked.

"Felt like itsss," Medusa answered. "Next upsss?"

"Humanity," I guess we could check and see if humanity knows anything about Leona.

"We're going to search for this timeline's me. After killing her how about we killed Dickniel, he did break the promise you made with him back then,"

"Indeedsss," Medusa hisses.

B*tches shouldn't get on our bad side. Medusa may not have had anything against Dickniel before, but during the war against Giratina, we were supposed to have an alliance, one he broke quite simply.

Ignoring the deaths brought by her decision. This should at least help her understand not to talk with enemies. The enemy of your enemy is still your enemy, especially when that enemy had been your best friend's enemy for a long time.


Well, let's stop it here.

Next Chapter: Team Culture Folks.

Perversion has no limits with these fellows.