Preparations For War Part 1

Location - Kanto

"It won't work," Rataya shakes her head. "My current control isn't strong enough to keep Ouroboros there,"

"I see," Daniel muttered. If Ouroboros couldn't be kept there then the destruction of that timeline is now impossible.

"Though, I'm curious about what made you choose to initiate this plan, love. You had previously calculated these results, was it because you couldn't find a method to execute, 'him'?" Rataya asks trying her best not to show her sadness for being against her own child.

Surprisingly, Daniel didn't ignore this as usual.

"I understand your desire to see our children again, but technically Risa's the only child you have left," Daniel said. "One, I promise you'll get to see when all this is over,"


"Yeah, we're going to war. We need you to return to your rightful state,"


"You'll understand eventually, for now, gather everyone together and let Giratina transport you all together. As for me, I have things to do. I'll be back later," Daniel said before teleporting away.

"Strange," Rataya whispered. Daniel would've commanded them himself, he never once let her interact with anyone but Marshadow and Lazuli.

"DANIEL!" Lazuli shouts now arriving.

"We've missed him," Marshadow sighed.

Though his behavior of escaping for Lazuli is still the same, so maybe it's just stress that hit him.


Previously on... my life.





And back to the present.

Medusa had said she did keep that timeline standing and arrive here quickly. However, would she arrive before what's to come?



"Seriously, what's the hell going on?" I muttered. Excluding this warning, I'm receiving many different from Instinct. I guess, leaving this timeline may have just f*cked me up royal.

"Master, bad news," Palkia said appearing beside me.

"Nope, don't say anything," I quickly denied Palkia's intentions of giving me bad news. "First bring a pack of cigarettes, I can already guess where this is going,"

With a pack appearing beside me, color me surprised as I didn't expect humans to actually use them here. No longer caring any further, I lit the whole pack and took in a deep breath before staring at Palkia calmly.

"Hit me with your best shot," I said, mentally prepared for the worst.

"Risa's missing,"

"Any clues?"

"Leona took charged of the investigation with Glitch safeguarding her, eventually they concluded Daniel did it,"

"Yeah, right," I rolled my eyes. "Daniel doesn't have time for that. I doubt Arceus nor Necrozma is going to sit back knowing he can win, even if minuscule now that they are aware... well one of them is possibly aware?"

Were they watching is beyond me. I don't think Necrozma had sent anyone other than me and I hadn't seen anyone sent by Arceus either. Daniel likely did send someone since he could try to kill me there. I'm at least certain, Daniel knew but if he knew he shouldn't be tempting me right now.


Why can't I just live my life for Risa?

"Gather everyone strong, as we decide our next move,"

Glitch, Gaia, and Palkia are our current Origin powerhouses. Medusa's currently absent and who knows when she did show up.

"There's one last thing worth noting," Palkia states. "Daniel now has possession of the Universe Core,"

"Oh, no problem, we can just... heh?"

"Although he has the Universe Spirit, it should be impossible to reconnect it with the Universe so he would only gain Order, but Order alone is going to make fighting him more difficult,"

"He can, but seeing as he hadn't it likely means he can't or will not do it for now, once done he did have all the world on his side. For now, just go and gather everyone. I have a lot to think about,"


With Palkia going, Glitch eagerly wanted to go forth and console Mike. Although he had shown a strong font, nobody is blind enough to see that he was not far from breaking. However, a wing blocked her part and she glared at the bird angrily.

"Can't you see honey's hurting?" Glitch growled.

"Desperate times bring forth the best of Hugh (Mike)," Artic (Articuno) shrugs.

"He doesn't need to be desperate with me here," Glitch barked.

"Then go and save Risa now. Go and kill Arceus, Necrozma, and most importantly Daniel. These are the only ones who can put Hugh in this situation," Artic states, these are the enemies she knows at least.

"You think I'm afraid!" Glitch mocked.

"And once you get sealed away again you bring forth another headache for Hugh," Artic scowled.

"Then what should I do?" Glitch break down as she began silently weep.


"Why did I even become that bastard's friend," Artic muttered. She had changed more than she did ever like to, yet he had barely made changes in the slightest.

Hugh's biggest weakness is himself and if he doesn't overcome this learning Origin is impossible much less rescuing Risa. Worst of all, she is too weak to even play a major role in this.

The pride she once had in her strength is long gone. Origin isn't impossible but it did take centuries before she can surpass the limits her race provides. Although it could be shorter, but no one can guide her to this.

Currently, the fastest method to do this is to achieve a new form. A recommendation from Colress, pity he lacks the time to complete this asap but there's hope at least.

Hope that she did grow strong enough to help her friend before it's too late.

Hope that they could defeat Daniel without casualties.

Hope that Risa gets rescued in time, her friend's heart is far too fragile to accept her death.


Of course, it's not just Artic who had similar thoughts of growing stronger but similar to her they are limited by their race. They have reached their peak and are unable to grow further.

Most notably being Medusa, who's quite pissed at the moment.

When can she ever get to explore peacefully with all the tomfoolery going on?


Understanding one's self is quite easy for most Pokemons, except for those that got affected by humans too much.