
"Out of those we intended to kill, all the more important ones escaped," Omega said as he began to recite those who escaped and how as well as those who died.

"In the Ouroboros' Faction, Mike, his children, mates, and other cannon fodders died. MISSINGNO has been resealed, while Shub, Ho-oh, the Beast Trio, and Suicune youth have escaped. Ouroboros based on what Dialga said won't be able to arrive for at least 5 years and Palkia has already been captured and untamed by you,"

Though removing all the curses of obedience (Red Chains + Destruction God's Apostles) on Palkia was annoying, it was necessary to recover a reliable powerhouse.

"Now onto Daniel's Faction. Practically, everyone's dead there excluding a Froslass and a Marshadow. They managed to escape thanks to a secret message sent by the world before its death,"

"Finally we have our losses... Eve was forced to escape after being ERRORed, sadly which means she should be dead by now. Giratina's dead but it shouldn't take longer than a month before a new one takes his place which also means Distorted Realm would return to its rightful owner thereby preventing remnants from considering using it as a base. Then there's me who's fatally poisoned by Destruction. With me lacking the means to get rid of it, I can only ask for you to do this All-Father,"

If the fight had lasted a bit longer, the Destruction energy-based poison would've given Mike an opening to win.

With such thoughts in his head, he didn't even notice the tear shape crystal appearing beside Arceus before floating into his chest. Creation energy within it crushed the Destruction energy and repaired his soul from the damage it had suffered.

"You have great Omega, now go back and rest," Arceus consoles.

"Yes," Replying, Omega teleports away leaving only Arceus and the chained Daniel and Risa in this place.

"The spirit's gone but the world is still here. So why are you still hesitating?" Arceus asks. "Is it that you love that spirit more than the world despite being aware of how imperfect it was?"

"Don't be absurd, the minute it gained a personality I had no intention of keeping it around forever," Daniel explains.

"So how long would it have stayed assuming you somehow managed to win, close to but not quite infinite?"

"Immediately after getting rid of you and Necrozma. Necrozma's power thirsty and you're just plain incompetent," Daniel declared. "What fool locks away their strongest ability just to keep your 'favorite' happy?"

"Seriously wonder if you love this world or its inhabitants? You seem like you've made up your mind but lacking in conviction," Daniel said.

"Will you lend a hand in protecting the world we love before dying a noble death or will you stay here and become a sacrificial pawn,"

"Death is still death but neither of those deaths is death, but the end. Regardless, assuming you're doing everything for the world, I'll..."


In a certain forest in Kanto, a group of Pokemons and a human were gathered together preparing to start a play. The Alakazam standing in front of the human and was taking in deep breaths preparing to start.

"Remember, all you need to say is, sorry," The human, Andrew said.

"You can do it!" 'Pink' the Pokemon cheers in the background.

"Alright, let's start..."



"I'm sorry... you couldn't understand I was correct!" Pink shouts causing the group to facepalm.

Yes, even up to this day, Pink still hopes to get along with her son. However, the group of had already decided they can't go until she can apologize properly.

"Correct? If a group of humans suddenly attack everyone you love wouldn't you kill them?" Andrew asks angrily trying his best to mimic someone he never properly met.

"Of course not, I will beat them up and escape. Killing is unnecessary,"

"So eating is unnecessary too?"

"Yes, but the meat we eat is needed for survival," she reasoned.

"Then isn't killing your enemies necessary too?" he countered.

"Even if that's the case, the humans who died were innocent,"

"So what? Pink is far more important than a group of humans!" he shouts.

"Okay stop, both of you have gotten too emotional," 'Pink' said appearing in between them. "And besides, I'm not that important," 'Pink' explains bashfully.

"We're not getting anywhere like this," Kong sighs.

"They're both in the wrong yet neither would man up to apologize," Chan Chan said. "It doesn't help much when only one cares about this,"

"Peace has always been difficult to obtain," Toge added. "But that's what makes peace great!"

As they were discussing this, the raging Bull runs over in a hurry.

"I've gotten some mixed news," Bull said.

"Mixed?" Toge asks curiously.

"Don't know how I feel about it. Regardless, I'll say it," Bull said.

"No, please. Allow me," a shadow materialized onto Bull's back, revealing Marshadow.

"Pokemon, Pink, I need your help,"


"Time is slowly moving forward and I can't find that bastard yet!" Necrozma complains.

It's not surprising that Adam knew she wanted him dead. However, she realized today just how much hell it was going to be to find him. The only bright side to this is that he won't leave the Pokemon Universe, thanks to his interest in humanity...



V6 Tyrants Art Of Conquering results...


Mike: Stop right there, you don't know what my Art means.


Mike: Tyrants never win the first battle, it's a given I lost the first round.

*roll eyes*

The fool had no idea what this Author had planned for him.

V7 Clash of Gods

He might not be able to participate if everything goes as Arceus planned.