Boredom, Catfight & Sick Joke

"Boringsss," Medusa murmured.

Originally she was strapped in a Time Loop of fighting Dialga while the original left. This should've been easy however, Past Dialga didn't follow the loop at all and did its best to keep her here forever. To make matters worst, Space has begun to expand infinitely, her Special Attacks never get to reach their target and even her speed had been lowered thanks to Dialga.

Despite all this, she wasn't losing. She can occasionally escape their rules by changing the dimension, however, it won't take long before those dimensions are filled with Space-Time. Together with the fact Space-Time compared to other laws are quite bad against her.

'Time passed?' Medusa questioned. She has been fighting for a month and has no idea that 6 years have passed. Even if she did know, it wouldn't change much.

If she can't leave here, she can't achieve anything. Things must have gotten pretty bad if Palkia is on the opposing side, but none of that would matter if she returns. She has a plan and it seems like Arceus won't allow her to test it.

As boring as it is fighting for a month straight, this would give her another chance to break her limits. Unfortunately for Arceus, she can tell it's close.

A little bit more and she did grow strong enough to destroy the fools blocking her part. However, would she have enough time to break her limits again, and would that be enough to compete with the top Pokemons?

'Surpass limitsss,' It was idiotic of her to think of anything else.

She has always been breaking through her limits and she'll do it again.

'Revenge's nearsss,' Medusa thought coldly, not one of her enemies will survive the stress they give her.

Thinking is not for her, fighting is not for her. All she should do and ever do is explore.


Location - Saffron City, Kanto

"This place..." Tatsuamki unconsciously began to rub her hands unceasingly.

She now suddenly felt happy having to use her green raincoat on this rainy day. That thing brings no comfort whatsoever, her Psychic can protect her from the rain much better as well as keep her warm.

Regardless, she's delaying the inevitable. This is a place she must go...

Saffron City's Gym.

From what she learned, the Gym Leader of this Gym has always been from the same family. A group of Psychic prodigies who specialize in Clairvoyance. The young prodigy of that family, Sabrina, has taken over the position as Gym Leader.

'Sweep the gym with Houndoom and leave,' She had no intention of finding out what makes her feel so uneasy here. So she'll get what she came for and leave.

Opening the door she didn't bother growing through this place didn't even put in the effort of making a gym ground. Just a place full of rooms for Psychic trainers to concentrate in peace.

Indeed there are a few isolation barriers and Space blocking items around, but none of them were strong enough to prevent her from arriving at the Gym Leader's room.

"I was expecting..." Sabrina stopped as she looked at Tatsumaki in shock.

"What? Did you think I would allow others to see my future?" Tatsumaki mocks. "I'm a super talent, born and made to be one," she brags finding her actions to be a bit unlike her.

"I see... let's battle," Sabrina said teleporting in front of Tatsumaki, her foot swinging upwards aiming at Tatsumaki's neck.


However, it is cut short, blocked by the invisible barrier around Tatsumaki. A gaze from Tatsumaki causes an instinctual use of Psychic to push Sabrina away, sadly Sabrina was a step faster.

Arriving behind her and shattering the barrier using Synchronize and finally blasting Tatsumaki with a Psyshock.

"This isn't the battle I expected," Tatsumaki said. "No worries though, I'll take that badge from you once I've won,"

At this point, one knew and one pretended to not know about each other's identity.

Right now, what they want to do is beat the other. One to prove their seniority while the other who wants to see how strong her bigger sister is.


[Location - Route 203, Sinnoh]

[Name: Leona D Ralts

Gender: Male

Innate Ability: Giga Chad, Knowledge Computer, etc

Evaluation: Unable to evolve]

"If this is a joke, it's not funny father," Leona said. "What does Giga Chad even do,"

[Giga Chad (Deep Iron)

The user is a Giga Chad and his 5 homies]

"So, useless..." The ability in short was a title.

Knowledge Computer is an ability made by System, allowing the user to use the knowledge they already have to answer a question.

For Leona who has quite a lot of knowledge, she can find the answer to most things through this.

'Now to Snowpoint Temple,'

She'll follow the plan arranged by her father and do it flawlessly. However, once everything's over she did have to make sure to persuade mother Medusa to smack her father a few times.

Her father made her a man in more ways than one. (SUS)

She still also needs to find out if Giga Chad, what that description meant.

Her father could also be trolling her while passing the troubles she'll give him for the joke for future him to worry about.

'Wonder if it's just me he did this too in Sinnoh,' There are still 3 others in Sinnoh after all. They did likely know his goal when they arrive.

Her father has been growing through one weird stage. Isn't he being too cautious about not telling her his goal despite expecting her to patch the flaws in it? Or does he not think of her as his daughter, especially now that they aren't genetically related?


Is Stockholm syndrome the right word to describe his children? All of them desire his affection, despite how crummy of a father he's... Na, that shouldn't be it, but they, just like their father, need some mental help.


Along with 90% of all characters I had written so far, lol.