Armageddon's Antecedent Part 1

Forgotten to auto-upload it. My bad.


Location - ???'s house, Saffron City

The 2 teenage girls sat opposite each other at a table enjoying some evening tea. Sabrina rests down her cup and lets out a seldom sigh.

"In that case, I did prefer if you stay away from mom," Sabrina said. "This possibility is the biggest reason I nor great grandpa ever unlock the memory lock on her,"

"I understand," Tatsumaki whispers in defeat.

"This doesn't mean you can't meet her. You can even announce that you're her child," Sabrina explains.

"Really? I mean. Is it okay for me to see her?" Tatsumaki asks trying her best to hide her excitement.

"I had nothing against you meeting our mother. The problem is your father and that's why those memories will stay locked," Sabrina explained. "Psychic's thoughts can't be blinded with negative thoughts and I also don't want to see her like that, because of that thin- *cough* your father,"

"Papa isn't as bad as you..."


'Can Nurse Joy cure her?' Sabrina wondered. This unexpected little sister she has now is going to be troublesome to watch over and most importantly.

'She should stay far away from that thing,' Her father from what she had explained to her, is nothing but trash.

Use a child not even '1' of age to enter a Forbidden Territory to rescue his 'Mate' and left her to fend for herself until he eventually returns.

Once he did, he left her to explore the world once more and rarely ever check on her and this has been going on for 10 years now.

(AN: Tatsumaki had always referred to her father as 'Papa', due to this Sabrina has no clue that Tatsumaki's father is a Pokemon)

Her little sister had even said proudly, she was born and made to be super talented, which isn't wrong seeing as she did beat her fairly.

Sabrina even suspects her birth was an experiment of some sort seeing as she can manipulate Negative Energy despite being a Psychic. Although not impossible if one considers Negative Energy is one of the ingredients that make up Dark-type energy and there are Psychic, Dark-types around.

Regardless, the information she learned from Tatsumaki about that thing made her sweat.

'He was involved in Viridian City Tide and it was said Guardian Pokemons were involved in it,' That was in the era when Guardians were practically hidden from humans' sight. How strong is he now when they are now the ace of Champion trainer?

"How sweet," Tatsumaki exclaims, taking another cookie from off the plate on the table and munching on it.

"Indeed, how sweet," Sabrina said. One was unsure if she was talking about the cookie or something else.

"I have searched enough Adam, reveal yourself or die!" Hearing a mystical voice both Tatsumaki and Sabrina frown.

Immediately the 2 teleported outside and look into the sky.

"Why is there a band of light in the sky?"

"What's going on out here?"

"Seems like I have drunk too much,"

"It's the end of the world! We're all going to die!"

These were some of the random thoughts of a mass of people outdoors staring at the sky.

"Now come forth Progenitor Mew,"


Location - Somewhere high up by the ocean.

Necrozma flew silently as she stares down at the world before her.

'Looks like I'll clear this off my pet's to-do list,'

"And witness the end of your journey and the demise of humanity that soiled this land," She announces. Her voices spread across the world.


And it looks like the first to be annoyed at her appearance showed up.

Quetzalcoatl in her Mega form had already rushed forward with an Origin Extreme Speed ready to bulldoze Necrozma. However...


Her body slammed into the light barrier protecting Necrozma, and that same barrier began to radiation that burned Quetzalcoatl's body before she could retreat.

"The moment my great undertaking is completed! Plan Bait Adam, deploy,"

Pressure spreads forth from Necrozma's body intending to hold Quetzalcoatl back. However, Pressure blocked the powerful turbulence spread across the battlefield from Quetzalcoatl's roar.

Necrozma's wings spread open as Prismatic Lasers shot out moving towards Quetzalcoatl like a heat-seeking missile. For once, the speed Quetzalcoatl was thought to be unmatched with was crushed and she was forced to use turbulences to defend herself.

"The Time of Birth has Come, He is the One who Masters All," Seeing as the energy she has gathered in the sky is far more than enough to wipe out humanity, it doesn't hurt to play around with some of it.

"Now, burn up like trash!" Having flashed towards Quetzalcoatl before she could react, her hand grabs Quetzalcoatl's arm and tosses her towards the center of the band of light.

"Ars Almadel Salomonis!"

Ars Almadel Salomonis has a few uses. As an energy tank, the energy in it can help much if she's fighting Arceus. Wide range incineration through radiation is done through a flash of light. One can also gather the energy for a high-concentration energy attack. Which is about as good as her Origin Photon Geyser without holding back.

Currently, one can see the light slowly spread out followed by the beam of energy a distance behind it ready to incinerate Quetzalcoatl. Unfortunately, the world has different plans in store for it.

"Mew," Adam had arrived and the world, including Ars Almadel Salomonis and Quetzalcoatl, has frozen in time with his arrival.

"Only the strong can decide where there this fight will continue, Adam," Necrozma thought.

She'll fight here and wipe out everything he loves with their battle.


"YOU!" Thankful? THANKFUL!?

She's and always will hate this bastard and today she'll kill him while mocking Arceus as he thought her current actions are a weakness he could exploit.


Try as they may, none who oppose her will survive.


Has been a while since I slapped in a reference.

Now let's see if I can do this upcoming fight correctly.

The First Clash has already started.