Countdown Part 5

Time left - 4 days

Damn, it takes a full day for those 2 battles to end and it still ends with Blue's defeat.

"Trash," I spat.

"Say that after getting demolished by him, weakling," Blue mocks.

Indeed the fact that humans could say f*ck you to the physical limits to awaken Origin is pretty unfair. On the other hand, they do need to master a type of energy manipulation. However, that's nothing special, after all, Tatsumaki had mastered hers years ago.

"Battle?" Red asks curiously. He must be thinking I'm ancient enough that even in this state I could fight him.

Please, my only chance of fighting him is after Gaia's curse or the day I awaken Origin.


"I'll pass for now, but if you're interested in a battle, following me will certainly provide you with challenging battles," I persuaded.

Whether he's a battle maniac or just the personification of the game/novel Red, this would be enticing.

[Assuming he can ignore the Negative Energy around you]

[For an Origin Aura user, sensing the Negative Energy residues you have before they are automatically destroyed due to your passive destruction of residues is child's play]


"Huh? Why?" Which part of his personality did I misunderstand?

"Money," He explains pointing at Tatsumaki who timidly lowers her head apologetically.

Did Arceus code Red's brain this faulty?

"What are you even going to do with the money?" I ask curiously.

"Buy coins, buy Pokemons," Red explains.

"Pfft, Red, besides for a few Legendaries and Mythicals the Pokedex is already complete, why would you need so many Pokemons?" Blue mocks.

"Need for..." Red enters a deep trance before finally concluding... "Need," he shrugs.

"You shouldn't waste your time further on this, that's just how he's," Blue shrugs.

Simplistic, he doesn't actually care about where the money goes. He just knows that Tatsumaki owes him and he won't think of anything further until the debt has been repaid.

"I'm her father, so you could throw the debt at me," I said.

"No," Red shakes his head in refusal.

"It doesn't work like that," Blue laughs.

"Oh? So what happens when someone lacks money then?" I asked.

"This isn't war times, literally nobody lacks money. Nowadays even a toddler could afford a Rare Candy," Blue answers. "Assuming people like me don't buy it out before the public even see it,"

"In that case, why haven't you given me any!" I shouted.

"I might only get 2 a year and they've been used. However, if you're desperate gramps (dad) should've more," Blue said. "Of course, he'll never take it for free,"

"That's the next step then, the sooner I evolve the sooner you get to grow stronger and beat Red and the sooner I get to kill Arceus. If we managed to win, I'll be your Pokemon for the rest of this lifetime," I said. "Before that, how do you think I should pull Red over,"

"Red's going to follow Tatsumaki regardless of whatever you tempt him with, so just take her with you. As long as Tatsumaki is nearby, he would even battle," Blue said.

"Yeah, but..." I did rather not have her come.

Sent a less than-a-year-old girl into a territory to rescue my mate, left her to venture into the world for most of her life then the day I saw her again, I cared more about the delivery of my mate than her existence, finally seeing her once more, excluding today, for the celebration.

More than ever, despite my Instincts telling me it's better to have her around, I did rather not have to go through any more of the cruelty of my life.

Her purpose has been completed there's nothing more that she needs to do.


"Don't you have a better option?" Papa asks unwillingly.

Eh? Why can't I come with you?

"If you're worried about her, I'm pretty confident that even if I don't watch over her Red will *cough* seeing as she owes him money *cough*," Blue reminds papa.

Indeed, if papa's worried about my safety, then with that annoying stalker, he should be relieved, right?

"So? We'll stay in Victory Road and have her grind trainers until she can pay off her debt. Afterward, she'll stay by your father until everything's over,"

What is this everything, when will it be over, and why can't I help?


"No," he said sternly. "You'll not follow. However, you can forget about being something as pointless as Regional Champion. Go and see your mother. Once everything is over, I'll even meet her with you and take whatever blame you want me to take for my past actions,"

No papa, this isn't how I wanted to see mama. This opportunity should've been given to me as a reward, not out of sympathy.

'It's because you're weak, you're trash, garbage, an utter waste. You couldn't be strong as a human, so how will you help your papa against Pokemons?' An unrecognizable voice echoed in my thoughts.

'Pokemons that can destroy everything you know and love with a thought?'

The sight of papa and Blue arguing changed to 3 Pokemons with unbearable pressures before me.

Giratina, Dialga, Palkia.

I had seen Palkia up close before, but I have never seen it release such terrifying pressure.

'And there's still much stronger Pokemons,'

The view changed to 3 different Pokemons.

Mew, Arceus and Regigigas.

There pressure alone felt like it could crush me like a Joltik to a foot.

'What can you do against your papa enemies? Someone as weak as you should obey your papa's command,'

I can...

'Being a sacrificial pawn is only going to give your papa emotional damage,'

Then, who are you and why do you seem to want to help me?

"Help you? Please, I'm indirectly helping you, I'm doing this for my little Litten,"



I got to say, you've surprised me, Litten.

Did someone indirectly help you by manipulating fate ever so slightly to pull you off that situation or was this just coincidental?

Doubt, if I wasn't specifically searching for you I wouldn't have even known there were 2 humans other humans that awaken Origin.

2 unknown cards for me.

I have already concealed the Litten's tracks, now Arceus wouldn't be able to find him easily.

Luckily, time is something we both lack as it starting to run out.

He's most likely thinking I had wasted time searching for Litten's location, but it looks like my desires had their benefits.

Excluding those 2 cards, Tatsumaki might just be what I need to slightly manipulate Mike into the part I need him to follow.

Though it did need her to awaken Origin to happen but that's far from being difficult. I just need to make her grow in the direction I need her to. If she doesn't understand herself, I did just morph her thoughts until she understands herself perfectly.

She'll become his sword, a sword that belongs to me.