The Beginning

'Adam's now dead and so is the unexpected Eve. My Herdier is now in Alola looking for the Tapus to evolve, only then he can level up quickly, Tatsumaki should also be working hard to help out on this,' Necrozma thought. 'Despite being a Cosmog, Mike's aura alone would make them not want to associate with him, so hopefully, Tatsumaki can fix that problem before they encounter one,'

'For now, let's pull Arceus over here,' Instead of giving Arceus more time to scheme against her, Necrozma has decided she'll make starting bang.

Her gaze focuses on the last Mew here, Daniel. There wasn't a hint of remorse at seeing his parents' death. Outrageously, Necrozma thought she saw him gloat.

And that's exactly what he had done. He never really liked his father, the guy who loved humanity more than the world while he didn't have much feeling for his mother. Not like they were the ones who took care of him, that was Xerneas, the Pokemon with the least cares in the world.

Her responsibility isolates her from stupid things that entered Pokemon lives, politics.

His only reason for being in here despite the danger was to confirm their deaths himself. With that confirmed, he has got to leave.

He's not stupid enough to believe Necrozma would leave him alive, a piece of a card Arceus intends to use to defeat her, nonsense. With Adam dead, it's more likely that Necrozma will use his existence to bring Arceus over.

Speak of the devil, he'll appear, and then you'll die.

That was Daniel's thoughts when he saw the Dragon Claw coming down at him. There was nothing he could do about this, a pretty lame death if you asked him.

#Order: Border#


Order: Border spread like a wall in front of Daniel blocking the attack, but...

#Shattered Psyche#

The border broke apart simply and the claw comes down at Daniel.

#Ally Switch#

Daniel couldn't even tell when he had been teleported away followed by a message from Arceus.

'Bring it back,' Quite the dangerous mission he has coming his way.

Returning to Necrozma...

Arceus had now taken Daniel's position through Ally Switch, the Iron Plate separated from the plates revolving Arceus, runes shone on it as the plate moves in front of Necrozma Dragon Claw.

"Iron Maiden," Arceus said, the Iron Plate length elongated, and its width quickly adjusted to its new height.

With the Iron Maiden open and ready to swallow Necrozma who was as small as a kid to an adult before it, Necrozma's mouth got ready to fire a Photon Geyser.

However, just as the attack was about to be released, the Dread Plate fused into Arceus' body.

#Black Hole Eclipse#

With the Dread Plate Arceus was able to create this within the Iron Maiden easily, Necrozma along with the now fired Photon Geyser was pulled into Black Hole Eclipse followed by Iron Maiden's door closing.

#Law Restrict#

The Legend Plate began to shine, covering the plane in a law-banned space.

Even with all this, it did take only take a breath for Necrozma to break free. However, a breath is a lot of time.

Can you imagine the number of things Arceus can do within a breath?

Sadly, not enough to kill Necrozma. However, this short breath would be one of the many reasons he'll win.

Small things will eventually make a big enough shift into victory.

"System Call, Continuous Execution Delete External Energy (Light) Location (Pocket Dimension #...)" This command would prevent uncontrolled Special Attacks using Light energy.

He could've possibly used this breath for many worthwhile things, for example dealing damage. However, this is 'them' not a timeline version but the real deal them.

He nor Necrozma would be hiding any more cards. For example, the starting scene here is a bit different. Yes, Arceus would manage to trap Necrozma in Iron Maiden, each time using a different method but instead of following up with a bombardment of attacks, Arceus chose to set up.

With the short time left before Necrozma breaks free, the Draco Plate shone as a Chinese dragon made of energy came forth with the plate as its only eye.

Draco Plate Dragon dives down using Dragon Rush gaining numerous boosts from Arceus from behind.

Another new method of Arceus, displaying his strongest fighting style, support.

Air Slash attempts to cut into the Dragon but was blocked by a Light Screen barrier followed by the Dragon's mouth opening inches away from swallowing Necrozma.

Necrozma's leg kicks forward at beyond-light speeds, kicking the Dragon into the sky but that left Necrozma wide open for the Hyper Beam coming her way.


Most attacks Necrozma can release takes a little too long, Hyper Beam would hit before he can counter it.

Dragon Claw, Dual Chop, and Fury Swipes work together in harmony digging through Hyper Beam remarkably followed by Necrozma using Twister to counter Arceus' next move.

Sadly, Arceus was one step ahead. The Space-Time Plate locked Arceus in position allowing him to start the next attack without failure.

Arceus will do his best to keep momentum and Necrozma will continue to try to start his own.

One can never say for certain whether momentum would play a role in the victory.

Nor would anyone be able to say for certain if the momentum Arceus is currently in is not actually Necrozma's.

Unknown to most, the war had already started. Assuming one considers this a war.

Besides for Daniel and a certain few Pokemons, nobody will know this war ever occurred.

Necrozma doesn't need someone to delay reinforcements anymore which can be seen in many other timelines in which Arceus started it. Necrozma is much stronger than he was back then, while many haven't changed in the slightest.

Another reason would possibly be to prevent unknown variables from interfering.

Mostly Mike who Arceus hasn't searched for yet and also to use their forces to prepare methods for their victory. Examples would be Daniel and Tatsumaki, however, both sides still have plenty more options, whether they are as important is a different story.


Snowpoint Temple.

Regigigas had finally awakened, standing behind him were his 5 creations, and standing in front of him were Ralts (Leona), Marshadow (Fiona), Melmetal (Sparkacus), and Diancie (Winter).

Mike hadn't just sent his children here to awaken Regigigas, as from what he understands that's not enough to get him to help you. In fact, right now he would be.

"Why did you awaken me!?" He asked angrily, you could say it's because they were weak and the fact there were 2 living resources before him, he didn't kill them immediately.

As for why he was angry? He chooses to get sealed so that Arceus would give a part of himself as a resource to create his finest creation yet. And now that's gone thanks to these fools!

"What do you think of unlimited high-quality resources?" Leona asks getting ready to propose the deal her father surprisingly made to lure Regigigas in.

Something only he can do.